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package de.timroes.axmlrpc;
import de.timroes.axmlrpc.serializer.SerializerHandler;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
* The ResponseParser parses the response of an XMLRPC server to an object.
* @author Tim Roes
class ResponseParser {
private static final String FAULT_CODE = "faultCode";
private static final String FAULT_STRING = "faultString";
* The given InputStream must contain the xml response from an xmlrpc server.
* This method extract the content of it as an object.
* @param response The InputStream of the server response.
* @return The returned object.
* @throws XMLRPCException Will be thrown whenever something fails.
* @throws XMLRPCServerException Will be thrown, if the server returns an error.
public Object parse(InputStream response) throws XMLRPCException {
try {
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document dom = builder.parse(response);
Element e = dom.getDocumentElement();
// Check for root tag
if(!e.getNodeName().equals(XMLRPCClient.METHOD_RESPONSE)) {
throw new XMLRPCException("MethodResponse root tag is missing.");
e = XMLUtil.getOnlyChildElement(e.getChildNodes());
if(e.getNodeName().equals(XMLRPCClient.PARAMS)) {
e = XMLUtil.getOnlyChildElement(e.getChildNodes());
if(!e.getNodeName().equals(XMLRPCClient.PARAM)) {
throw new XMLRPCException("The params tag must contain a param tag.");
return getReturnValueFromElement(e);
} else if(e.getNodeName().equals(XMLRPCClient.FAULT)) {
Map<String,Object> o = (Map<String,Object>)getReturnValueFromElement(e);
throw new XMLRPCServerException((String)o.get(FAULT_STRING), (Integer)o.get(FAULT_CODE));
throw new XMLRPCException("The methodResponse tag must contain a fault or params tag.");
} catch (Exception ex) {
if(ex instanceof XMLRPCServerException)
throw (XMLRPCServerException)ex;
throw new XMLRPCException("Error getting result from server.", ex);
* This method takes an element (must be a param or fault element) and
* returns the deserialized object of this param tag.
* @param element An param element.
* @return The deserialized object within the given param element.
* @throws XMLRPCException Will be thrown when the structure of the document
* doesn't match the XML-RPC specification.
private Object getReturnValueFromElement(Element element) throws XMLRPCException {
element = XMLUtil.getOnlyChildElement(element.getChildNodes());
return SerializerHandler.getDefault().deserialize(element);