Manage your torrents from your Android device
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package org.transdroid.connect.model
import java.util.*
data class Torrent(
val id: Long,
val hash: String?,
val name: String,
val statusCode: TorrentStatus,
val locationDir: String?,
val rateDownload: Int,
val rateUpload: Int,
val seedersConnected: Int,
val seedersKnown: Int,
val leechersConnected: Int,
val leechersKnown: Int,
val eta: Long?,
val downloadedEver: Long,
val uploadedEver: Long,
val totalSize: Long,
val partDone: Float,
val available: Float?,
val label: String?,
val dateAdded: Date,
val realDateDone: Date?,
val error: String?) {
val dateDone: Date
init {
if (realDateDone != null) {
this.dateDone = realDateDone
} else {
if (this.partDone == 1f) {
// Finished but no finished date: set so move to bottom of list
this.dateDone = Calendar.getInstance().apply {
set(1900, Calendar.DECEMBER, 31)
} else if (eta == null || eta == -1L || eta == -2L) {
// Unknown eta: move to the top of the list
this.dateDone = Date(java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE)
} else {
this.dateDone = Calendar.getInstance().apply {
add(Calendar.SECOND, eta.toInt())
* The unique torrent-specific id, which is the torrent's hash or (if not available) the local index number
val uniqueId = this.hash ?:
* The upload/download seed ratio in range [0,r]
val ratio = uploadedEver.toDouble() / downloadedEver.toDouble()
* Whether this torrents is actively downloading or not.
* @param dormantAsInactive If true, dormant (0KB/s, so no data transfer) torrents are not considered actively downloading
* @return True if this torrent is to be treated as being in a downloading state, that is, it is trying to finish a download
fun isDownloading(dormantAsInactive: Boolean) = statusCode === TorrentStatus.DOWNLOADING && (!dormantAsInactive || rateDownload > 0)
* Whether this torrents is actively seeding or not.
* @param dormantAsInactive If true, dormant (0KB/s, so no data transfer) torrents are not considered actively seeding
* @return True if this torrent is to be treated as being in a seeding state, that is, it is sending data to leechers
fun isSeeding(dormantAsInactive: Boolean) = statusCode === TorrentStatus.SEEDING && (!dormantAsInactive || rateUpload > 0)
* If the torrent can be paused at this moment
val canPause = statusCode === TorrentStatus.DOWNLOADING || statusCode === TorrentStatus.SEEDING
* If the torrent can be resumed at this moment
val canResume = statusCode === TorrentStatus.PAUSED
* If the torrent can be started at this moment
val canStart = statusCode === TorrentStatus.QUEUED
* If the torrent can be stopped at this moment
val canStop: Boolean = statusCode === TorrentStatus.DOWNLOADING || statusCode === TorrentStatus.SEEDING || statusCode === TorrentStatus.PAUSED
fun mimicResume(): Torrent = mimicStatus(if (partDone >= 1) TorrentStatus.SEEDING else TorrentStatus.DOWNLOADING)
fun mimicPause(): Torrent = mimicStatus(TorrentStatus.PAUSED)
fun mimicStart(): Torrent = mimicStatus(if (partDone >= 1) TorrentStatus.SEEDING else TorrentStatus.DOWNLOADING)
fun mimicStop(): Torrent = mimicStatus(TorrentStatus.QUEUED)
fun mimicNewLabel(newLabel: String): Torrent = Torrent(id, hash, name, statusCode, locationDir, rateDownload, rateUpload, seedersConnected,
seedersKnown, leechersConnected, leechersKnown, eta, downloadedEver, uploadedEver, totalSize, partDone, available, newLabel, dateAdded,
dateDone, error)
fun mimicChecking(): Torrent {
return mimicStatus(TorrentStatus.CHECKING)
fun mimicNewLocation(newLocation: String): Torrent {
return Torrent(id, hash, name, statusCode, newLocation, rateDownload, rateUpload, seedersConnected, seedersKnown, leechersConnected,
leechersKnown, eta, downloadedEver, uploadedEver, totalSize, partDone, available, label, dateAdded, dateDone, error)
private fun mimicStatus(newStatus: TorrentStatus): Torrent = Torrent(id, hash, name, newStatus, locationDir, rateDownload, rateUpload,
seedersConnected, seedersKnown, leechersConnected, leechersKnown, eta, downloadedEver, uploadedEver, totalSize, partDone, available,
label, dateAdded, dateDone, error)
override fun toString(): String = "($uniqueId) $name"