Manage your torrents from your Android device
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Copyright 2010-2018 Eric Kok et al.
* Transdroid is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Transdroid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Transdroid. If not, see <>.
package org.transdroid.core.gui.lists;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import org.transdroid.R;
import org.transdroid.daemon.DaemonException;
import org.transdroid.daemon.Torrent;
import org.transdroid.daemon.TorrentStatus;
import org.transdroid.daemon.util.FileSizeConverter;
import org.transdroid.daemon.util.TimespanConverter;
import java.util.Locale;
* Wrapper around Torrent to provide some addition getters that give translatable or otherwise formatted Strings of
* torrent statistics.
* @author Eric Kok
public class LocalTorrent {
* Creates the LocalTorrent object so that the translatable/formattable version of a Torrent can be used.
* @param torrent The Torrent object
* @return The torrent wrapped as LocalTorrent object
public static LocalTorrent fromTorrent(Torrent torrent) {
return new LocalTorrent(torrent);
private final Torrent t;
private LocalTorrent(Torrent torrent) {
this.t = torrent;
private static final String DECIMAL_FORMATTER = "%.1f";
private static final String DECIMAL_FORMATTER_2 = "%.2f";
* Builds a string showing the upload/download seed ratio. If not downloading, it will base the ratio on the total
* size; so if you created the torrent yourself you will have downloaded 0 bytes, but the ratio will pretend you
* have 100%.
* @return A nicely formatted string containing the upload/download seed ratio
public String getRatioString() {
long baseSize = t.getTotalSize();
if (t.getStatusCode() == TorrentStatus.Downloading) {
baseSize = t.getDownloadedEver();
if (baseSize <= 0) {
return String.format(Locale.getDefault(), DECIMAL_FORMATTER_2, 0d);
} else if (t.getRatio() == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
return "\u221E";
} else {
return String.format(Locale.getDefault(), DECIMAL_FORMATTER_2, t.getRatio());
* Returns a formatted string indicating the current progress in terms of transferred bytes
* @param r The context resources, to access translations
* @param withAvailability Whether to show file availability in-line
* @return A nicely formatted string indicating torrent status and, if applicable, progress in bytes
public String getProgressSizeText(Resources r, boolean withAvailability) {
switch (t.getStatusCode()) {
case Waiting:
case Error:
// Not downloading yet
return r.getString(R.string.status_waitingtodl, FileSizeConverter.getSize(t.getTotalSize()));
case Checking:
return r.getString(R.string.status_checking);
case Downloading:
// Downloading
return r.getString(
String.format(DECIMAL_FORMATTER, t.getDownloadedPercentage() * 100)
+ "%"
+ (!withAvailability ? "" : "/"
+ String.format(DECIMAL_FORMATTER, t.getAvailability() * 100) + "%"));
case Seeding:
case Paused:
case Queued:
// Seeding or paused
return r.getString(R.string.status_size2, FileSizeConverter.getSize(t.getTotalSize()),
return "";
* Returns a formatted string indicating either the expected time to download (ETA) or, when seeding, the ratio
* @param r The context resources, to access translations
* @return A string like '~ 34 seconds', or 'RATIO 8.2' or an empty string
public String getProgressEtaRatioText(Resources r) {
switch (t.getStatusCode()) {
case Downloading:
// Downloading
return getRemainingTimeString(r, true, false);
case Seeding:
case Paused:
case Queued:
// Seeding or paused
return r.getString(R.string.status_ratio, getRatioString());
case Waiting:
case Checking:
case Error:
return "";
* Returns a formatted string indicating the torrent status and connected peers
* @param r The context resources, to access translations
* @return A string like 'Queued' or, when seeding or leeching, '2 OF 28 PEERS'
public String getProgressConnectionText(Resources r) {
switch (t.getStatusCode()) {
case Waiting:
return r.getString(R.string.status_waiting);
case Checking:
return r.getString(R.string.status_checking);
case Downloading:
return r.getString(R.string.status_seeders, t.getSeedersConnected(), t.getSeedersKnown());
case Seeding:
return r.getString(R.string.status_leechers, t.getLeechersConnected(), t.getLeechersKnown());
case Paused:
return r.getString(R.string.status_paused);
case Queued:
return r.getString(R.string.status_stopped);
case Error:
return r.getString(R.string.status_error);
return r.getString(R.string.status_unknown);
* Returns a formatted string indicating current transfer speeds for the torrent
* @param r The context resources, to access translations
* @return A string like ' 28KB/s 1.8MB/s', or an empty string when not transferrring
public String getProgressSpeedText(Resources r) {
switch (t.getStatusCode()) {
case Waiting:
case Checking:
case Paused:
case Queued:
return "";
case Downloading:
return r.getString(R.string.status_speed_down, FileSizeConverter.getSize(t.getRateDownload()) + "/s") + " "
+ r.getString(R.string.status_speed_up, FileSizeConverter.getSize(t.getRateUpload()) + "/s");
case Seeding:
return r.getString(R.string.status_speed_up, FileSizeConverter.getSize(t.getRateUpload()) + "/s");
return "";
public String getProgressStatusEta(Resources r) {
switch (t.getStatusCode()) {
case Waiting:
return r.getString(R.string.status_waiting).toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault());
case Checking:
return r.getString(R.string.status_checking).toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault());
case Error:
return r.getString(R.string.status_error).toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault());
case Downloading:
// Downloading
return r.getString(R.string.status_downloading).toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()) + " ("
+ String.format(DECIMAL_FORMATTER, t.getDownloadedPercentage() * 100) + "%), "
+ getRemainingTimeString(r, false, true);
case Seeding:
return r.getString(R.string.status_seeding).toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault());
case Paused:
return r.getString(R.string.status_paused).toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault());
case Queued:
return r.getString(R.string.status_queued).toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault());
return r.getString(R.string.status_unknown).toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault());
* Returns a formatted string indicating the remaining download time
* @param r The context resources, to access translations
* @param inDays Whether to show days or use hours for > 24 hours left instead
* @return A string like '4d 8h 34m 5s' or '2m 3s'
public String getRemainingTimeString(Resources r, boolean abbreviate, boolean inDays) {
if (t.getEta() == -1 || t.getEta() == -2) {
return r.getString(R.string.status_unknowneta);
return r.getString(abbreviate ? R.string.status_eta : R.string.status_etalong,
TimespanConverter.getTime(t.getEta(), inDays));
* Convert a DaemonException to a translatable human-readable error message
* @param e The exception that was thrown by the server
* @return A string resource ID to show to the user
public static int getResourceForDaemonException(DaemonException e) {
switch (e.getType()) {
case MethodUnsupported:
return R.string.error_unsupported;
case ConnectionError:
return R.string.error_httperror;
case UnexpectedResponse:
return R.string.error_jsonresponseerror;
case ParsingFailed:
return R.string.error_jsonrequesterror;
case NotConnected:
return R.string.error_daemonnotconnected;
case AuthenticationFailure:
return R.string.error_401;
case FileAccessError:
return R.string.error_torrentfile;
return R.string.error_httperror;