vue hello world项目
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

163 lines
4.3 KiB

MIT License
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
"use strict";
const LogType = Object.freeze({
error: /** @type {"error"} */ ("error"), // message, c style arguments
warn: /** @type {"warn"} */ ("warn"), // message, c style arguments
info: /** @type {"info"} */ ("info"), // message, c style arguments
log: /** @type {"log"} */ ("log"), // message, c style arguments
debug: /** @type {"debug"} */ ("debug"), // message, c style arguments
trace: /** @type {"trace"} */ ("trace"), // no arguments
group: /** @type {"group"} */ ("group"), // [label]
groupCollapsed: /** @type {"groupCollapsed"} */ ("groupCollapsed"), // [label]
groupEnd: /** @type {"groupEnd"} */ ("groupEnd"), // [label]
profile: /** @type {"profile"} */ ("profile"), // [profileName]
profileEnd: /** @type {"profileEnd"} */ ("profileEnd"), // [profileName]
time: /** @type {"time"} */ ("time"), // name, time as [seconds, nanoseconds]
clear: /** @type {"clear"} */ ("clear"), // no arguments
status: /** @type {"status"} */ ("status") // message, arguments
exports.LogType = LogType;
/** @typedef {typeof LogType[keyof typeof LogType]} LogTypeEnum */
const LOG_SYMBOL = Symbol("webpack logger raw log method");
const TIMERS_SYMBOL = Symbol("webpack logger times");
const TIMERS_AGGREGATES_SYMBOL = Symbol("webpack logger aggregated times");
class WebpackLogger {
* @param {function(LogTypeEnum, any[]=): void} log log function
* @param {function(string | function(): string): WebpackLogger} getChildLogger function to create child logger
constructor(log, getChildLogger) {
this[LOG_SYMBOL] = log;
this.getChildLogger = getChildLogger;
error(...args) {
this[LOG_SYMBOL](LogType.error, args);
warn(...args) {
this[LOG_SYMBOL](LogType.warn, args);
info(...args) {
this[LOG_SYMBOL](, args);
log(...args) {
this[LOG_SYMBOL](LogType.log, args);
debug(...args) {
this[LOG_SYMBOL](LogType.debug, args);
assert(assertion, ...args) {
if (!assertion) {
this[LOG_SYMBOL](LogType.error, args);
trace() {
this[LOG_SYMBOL](LogType.trace, ["Trace"]);
clear() {
status(...args) {
this[LOG_SYMBOL](LogType.status, args);
group(...args) {
this[LOG_SYMBOL](, args);
groupCollapsed(...args) {
this[LOG_SYMBOL](LogType.groupCollapsed, args);
groupEnd(...args) {
this[LOG_SYMBOL](LogType.groupEnd, args);
profile(label) {
this[LOG_SYMBOL](LogType.profile, [label]);
profileEnd(label) {
this[LOG_SYMBOL](LogType.profileEnd, [label]);
time(label) {
this[TIMERS_SYMBOL] = this[TIMERS_SYMBOL] || new Map();
this[TIMERS_SYMBOL].set(label, process.hrtime());
timeLog(label) {
const prev = this[TIMERS_SYMBOL] && this[TIMERS_SYMBOL].get(label);
if (!prev) {
throw new Error(`No such label '${label}' for WebpackLogger.timeLog()`);
const time = process.hrtime(prev);
this[LOG_SYMBOL](LogType.time, [label, ...time]);
timeEnd(label) {
const prev = this[TIMERS_SYMBOL] && this[TIMERS_SYMBOL].get(label);
if (!prev) {
throw new Error(`No such label '${label}' for WebpackLogger.timeEnd()`);
const time = process.hrtime(prev);
this[LOG_SYMBOL](LogType.time, [label, ...time]);
timeAggregate(label) {
const prev = this[TIMERS_SYMBOL] && this[TIMERS_SYMBOL].get(label);
if (!prev) {
throw new Error(
`No such label '${label}' for WebpackLogger.timeAggregate()`
const time = process.hrtime(prev);
const current = this[TIMERS_AGGREGATES_SYMBOL].get(label);
if (current !== undefined) {
if (time[1] + current[1] > 1e9) {
time[0] += current[0] + 1;
time[1] = time[1] - 1e9 + current[1];
} else {
time[0] += current[0];
time[1] += current[1];
this[TIMERS_AGGREGATES_SYMBOL].set(label, time);
timeAggregateEnd(label) {
if (this[TIMERS_AGGREGATES_SYMBOL] === undefined) return;
const time = this[TIMERS_AGGREGATES_SYMBOL].get(label);
if (time === undefined) return;
this[LOG_SYMBOL](LogType.time, [label, ...time]);
exports.Logger = WebpackLogger;