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JavaScript Stringify

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Stringify is to eval as JSON.stringify is to JSON.parse.


npm install javascript-stringify --save


import { stringify } from "javascript-stringify";

The API is similar JSON.stringify:

  • value The value to convert to a string
  • replacer A function that alters the behavior of the stringification process
  • space A string or number that's used to insert white space into the output for readability purposes
  • options
    • maxDepth (number, default: 100) The maximum depth of values to stringify
    • maxValues (number, default: 100000) The maximum number of values to stringify
    • references (boolean, default: false) Restore circular/repeated references in the object (uses IIFE)
    • skipUndefinedProperties (boolean, default: false) Omits undefined properties instead of restoring as undefined


stringify({}); // "{}"
stringify(true); // "true"
stringify("foo"); // "'foo'"

stringify({ x: 5, y: 6 }); // "{x:5,y:6}"
stringify([1, 2, 3, "string"]); // "[1,2,3,'string']"

stringify({ a: { b: { c: 1 } } }, null, null, { maxDepth: 2 }); // "{a:{b:{}}}"

 * Invalid key names are automatically stringified.
stringify({ "some-key": 10 }); // "{'some-key':10}"

 * Some object types and values can remain identical.
stringify([/.+/gi, new Number(10), new Date()]); // "[/.+/gi,new Number(10),new Date(1406623295732)]"

 * Unknown or circular references are removed.
var obj = { x: 10 };
obj.circular = obj;

stringify(obj); // "{x:10}"
stringify(obj, null, null, { references: true }); // "(function(){var x={x:10};x.circular=x;return x;}())"

 * Specify indentation - just like `JSON.stringify`.
stringify({ a: 2 }, null, " "); // "{\n a: 2\n}"
stringify({ uno: 1, dos: 2 }, null, "\t"); // "{\n\tuno: 1,\n\tdos: 2\n}"

 * Add custom replacer behaviour - like double quoted strings.
stringify(["test", "string"], function (value, indent, stringify) {
  if (typeof value === "string") {
    return '"' + value.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"';

  return stringify(value);
//=> '["test","string"]'


You can use your own code formatter on the result of javascript-stringify. Here is an example using eslint:

const { CLIEngine } = require("eslint");
const { stringify } = require("javascript-stringify");

const { APP_ROOT_PATH, ESLINTRC_FILE_PATH } = require("./constants");

const ESLINT_CLI = new CLIEngine({
  fix: true,

module.exports = (objectToStringify) => {
  return ESLINT_CLI.executeOnText(stringify(objectToStringify)).results[0]
