vue hello world项目
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

263 lines
5.7 KiB

'use strict';
const Assert = require('@hapi/hoek/lib/assert');
const DeepEqual = require('@hapi/hoek/lib/deepEqual');
const Common = require('./common');
const internals = {};
module.exports = internals.Values = class {
constructor(values, refs) {
this._values = new Set(values);
this._refs = new Set(refs);
this._lowercase = internals.lowercases(values);
this._override = false;
get length() {
return this._values.size + this._refs.size;
add(value, refs) {
// Reference
if (Common.isResolvable(value)) {
if (!this._refs.has(value)) {
if (refs) { // Skipped in a merge
// Value
if (!this.has(value, null, null, false)) {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
this._lowercase.set(value.toLowerCase(), value);
static merge(target, source, remove) {
target = target || new internals.Values();
if (source) {
if (source._override) {
return source.clone();
for (const item of [...source._values, ...source._refs]) {
if (remove) {
for (const item of [...remove._values, ...remove._refs]) {
return target.length ? target : null;
remove(value) {
// Reference
if (Common.isResolvable(value)) {
// Value
if (typeof value === 'string') {
has(value, state, prefs, insensitive) {
return !!this.get(value, state, prefs, insensitive);
get(value, state, prefs, insensitive) {
if (!this.length) {
return false;
// Simple match
if (this._values.has(value)) {
return { value };
// Case insensitive string match
if (typeof value === 'string' &&
value &&
insensitive) {
const found = this._lowercase.get(value.toLowerCase());
if (found) {
return { value: found };
if (!this._refs.size &&
typeof value !== 'object') {
return false;
// Objects
if (typeof value === 'object') {
for (const item of this._values) {
if (DeepEqual(item, value)) {
return { value: item };
// References
if (state) {
for (const ref of this._refs) {
const resolved = ref.resolve(value, state, prefs, null, { in: true });
if (resolved === undefined) {
const items = ! || typeof resolved !== 'object'
? [resolved]
: Array.isArray(resolved) ? resolved : Object.keys(resolved);
for (const item of items) {
if (typeof item !== typeof value) {
if (insensitive &&
value &&
typeof value === 'string') {
if (item.toLowerCase() === value.toLowerCase()) {
return { value: item, ref };
else {
if (DeepEqual(item, value)) {
return { value: item, ref };
return false;
override() {
this._override = true;
values(options) {
if (options &&
options.display) {
const values = [];
for (const item of [...this._values, ...this._refs]) {
if (item !== undefined) {
return values;
return Array.from([...this._values, ...this._refs]);
clone() {
const set = new internals.Values(this._values, this._refs);
set._override = this._override;
return set;
concat(source) {
Assert(!source._override, 'Cannot concat override set of values');
const set = new internals.Values([...this._values, ...source._values], [...this._refs, ...source._refs]);
set._override = this._override;
return set;
describe() {
const normalized = [];
if (this._override) {
normalized.push({ override: true });
for (const value of this._values.values()) {
normalized.push(value && typeof value === 'object' ? { value } : value);
for (const value of this._refs.values()) {
return normalized;
internals.Values.prototype[Common.symbols.values] = true;
// Aliases
internals.Values.prototype.slice = internals.Values.prototype.clone;
// Helpers
internals.lowercases = function (from) {
const map = new Map();
if (from) {
for (const value of from) {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
map.set(value.toLowerCase(), value);
return map;