vue hello world项目
xiaoz db49ff5e85 add 3 years ago
test add 3 years ago
.travis.yml add 3 years ago
LICENSE add 3 years ago
index.js add 3 years ago
package.json add 3 years ago add 3 years ago


Determines whether a Node file is a Module (import) or a Script (require)


Determining the module system of a file comes from three inputs, the type field of the closest package.json to that file, the file extension (.js, .mjs or .cjs) and the lesser know --input-type command-line flag. The latter only applies to dyamic input (via STDIN, --eval or --print flags) so is not considered with this library.

So to determine whether a file is an esm file (e.g. native EcmaScript modules) or not, we use the following procedure:

read package.json for "type" field,
  if type is "module"
    if answer.mjs -> module 
    if answer.js -> module
    if answer.cjs -> script
  if type is "commonjs"
    if answer.mjs -> module   
    if answer.js -> script
    if answer.cjs -> script
  if type is not set
    if answer.mjs -> module
    if answer.js -> script
    if answer.cjs -> script


The is-file-esm module provides synchronous, awaitable (promise-based) and callback based APIs.

In each case the Result object has the following shape:

  esm: Boolean, // true if file is a Module, false if it is a Script
  type: String,  // the determined package.json type, may be undefined, 'module', or 'commonjs'
  extType: String, // the file extension type, may be 'c', 'm' or 'j'
  path: String,  // the input path
  pkgPath: String // the path to the package.json from which the type was determined

Awaitable (promise-based)

await isFileEsm(path) => Result

  import isFileEsm from 'is-file-esm'
  const { esm, path } = await isFileEsm('/path/to/file.js')
  if (esm) console.log(`File ${path} is a Module`)
  else console.log(`File ${path} is a Script`)


isFileEsm(path, cb(err, Result))

  const isFileEsm = require('is-file-esm')
  isFileEsm('/path/to/file.js', (err,  result) => {
    if (err) {
    if (result.esm) console.log(`File ${result.path} is a Module`)
    else console.log(`File ${result.path} is a Script`)


isFileEsm.sync(path) => Result

  import isFileEsm from 'is-file-esm'
  const { esm, path } = isFileEsm.sync('/path/to/file.js')
  if (esm) console.log(`File ${path} is a Module`)
  else console.log(`File ${path} is a Script`)


npm test
test/index.js ..................................... 213/213
total ............................................. 213/213

  213 passing (927.584ms)

File      |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines | Uncovered Line #s |
All files |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
 index.js |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
