vue hello world项目
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

67 lines
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const createImports = (imports, postcss, mode = "rule") => {
return Object.keys(imports).map((path) => {
const aliases = imports[path];
const declarations = Object.keys(aliases).map((key) =>
prop: key,
value: aliases[key],
raws: { before: "\n " },
const hasDeclarations = declarations.length > 0;
const rule =
mode === "rule"
? postcss.rule({
selector: `:import('${path}')`,
raws: { after: hasDeclarations ? "\n" : "" },
: postcss.atRule({
name: "icss-import",
params: `'${path}'`,
raws: { after: hasDeclarations ? "\n" : "" },
if (hasDeclarations) {
return rule;
const createExports = (exports, postcss, mode = "rule") => {
const declarations = Object.keys(exports).map((key) =>
prop: key,
value: exports[key],
raws: { before: "\n " },
if (declarations.length === 0) {
return [];
const rule =
mode === "rule"
? postcss.rule({
selector: `:export`,
raws: { after: "\n" },
: postcss.atRule({
name: "icss-export",
raws: { after: "\n" },
return [rule];
const createICSSRules = (imports, exports, postcss, mode) => [
...createImports(imports, postcss, mode),
...createExports(exports, postcss, mode),
module.exports = createICSSRules;