/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const { ConcatSource } = require("webpack-sources"); const AbstractLibraryPlugin = require("./AbstractLibraryPlugin"); /** @typedef {import("webpack-sources").Source} Source */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").LibraryOptions} LibraryOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").LibraryType} LibraryType */ /** @typedef {import("../Chunk")} Chunk */ /** @typedef {import("../Compilation").ChunkHashContext} ChunkHashContext */ /** @typedef {import("../Compiler")} Compiler */ /** @typedef {import("../javascript/JavascriptModulesPlugin").RenderContext} RenderContext */ /** @typedef {import("../util/Hash")} Hash */ /** @template T @typedef {import("./AbstractLibraryPlugin").LibraryContext} LibraryContext */ /** * @typedef {Object} JsonpLibraryPluginOptions * @property {LibraryType} type */ /** * @typedef {Object} JsonpLibraryPluginParsed * @property {string} name */ /** * @typedef {JsonpLibraryPluginParsed} T * @extends {AbstractLibraryPlugin} */ class JsonpLibraryPlugin extends AbstractLibraryPlugin { /** * @param {JsonpLibraryPluginOptions} options the plugin options */ constructor(options) { super({ pluginName: "JsonpLibraryPlugin", type: options.type }); } /** * @param {LibraryOptions} library normalized library option * @returns {T | false} preprocess as needed by overriding */ parseOptions(library) { const { name } = library; if (typeof name !== "string") { throw new Error( `Jsonp library name must be a simple string. ${AbstractLibraryPlugin.COMMON_LIBRARY_NAME_MESSAGE}` ); } return { name: /** @type {string} */ (name) }; } /** * @param {Source} source source * @param {RenderContext} renderContext render context * @param {LibraryContext} libraryContext context * @returns {Source} source with library export */ render(source, { chunk }, { options, compilation }) { const name = compilation.getPath(options.name, { chunk }); return new ConcatSource(`${name}(`, source, ")"); } /** * @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk * @param {Hash} hash hash * @param {ChunkHashContext} chunkHashContext chunk hash context * @param {LibraryContext} libraryContext context * @returns {void} */ chunkHash(chunk, hash, chunkHashContext, { options, compilation }) { hash.update("JsonpLibraryPlugin"); hash.update(compilation.getPath(options.name, { chunk })); } } module.exports = JsonpLibraryPlugin;