/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const Dependency = require("../Dependency"); const makeSerializable = require("../util/makeSerializable"); const ModuleDependency = require("./ModuleDependency"); /** @typedef {import("../Dependency").ReferencedExport} ReferencedExport */ /** @typedef {import("../ModuleGraph")} ModuleGraph */ /** @typedef {import("../util/runtime").RuntimeSpec} RuntimeSpec */ class ContextElementDependency extends ModuleDependency { constructor(request, userRequest, typePrefix, category, referencedExports) { super(request); this.referencedExports = referencedExports; this._typePrefix = typePrefix; this._category = category; if (userRequest) { this.userRequest = userRequest; } } get type() { if (this._typePrefix) { return `${this._typePrefix} context element`; } return "context element"; } get category() { return this._category; } /** * Returns list of exports referenced by this dependency * @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph module graph * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtime for which the module is analysed * @returns {(string[] | ReferencedExport)[]} referenced exports */ getReferencedExports(moduleGraph, runtime) { return this.referencedExports ? this.referencedExports.map(e => ({ name: e, canMangle: false })) : Dependency.EXPORTS_OBJECT_REFERENCED; } serialize(context) { const { write } = context; write(this._typePrefix); write(this._category); write(this.referencedExports); super.serialize(context); } deserialize(context) { const { read } = context; this._typePrefix = read(); this._category = read(); this.referencedExports = read(); super.deserialize(context); } } makeSerializable( ContextElementDependency, "webpack/lib/dependencies/ContextElementDependency" ); module.exports = ContextElementDependency;