/** * @param {string} value * @returns {RegExp} * */ /** * @param {RegExp | string } re * @returns {string} */ function source(re) { if (!re) return null; if (typeof re === "string") return re; return re.source; } /** * @param {...(RegExp | string) } args * @returns {string} */ function concat(...args) { const joined = args.map((x) => source(x)).join(""); return joined; } /** * Any of the passed expresssions may match * * Creates a huge this | this | that | that match * @param {(RegExp | string)[] } args * @returns {string} */ function either(...args) { const joined = '(' + args.map((x) => source(x)).join("|") + ")"; return joined; } /* Language: SQL Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL Category: common, database */ function sql(hljs) { const COMMENT_MODE = hljs.COMMENT('--', '$'); const STRING = { className: 'string', variants: [ { begin: /'/, end: /'/, contains: [ {begin: /''/ } ] } ] }; const QUOTED_IDENTIFIER = { begin: /"/, end: /"/, contains: [ { begin: /""/ } ] }; const LITERALS = [ "true", "false", // Not sure it's correct to call NULL literal, and clauses like IS [NOT] NULL look strange that way. // "null", "unknown" ]; const MULTI_WORD_TYPES = [ "double precision", "large object", "with timezone", "without timezone" ]; const TYPES = [ 'bigint', 'binary', 'blob', 'boolean', 'char', 'character', 'clob', 'date', 'dec', 'decfloat', 'decimal', 'float', 'int', 'integer', 'interval', 'nchar', 'nclob', 'national', 'numeric', 'real', 'row', 'smallint', 'time', 'timestamp', 'varchar', 'varying', // modifier (character varying) 'varbinary' ]; const NON_RESERVED_WORDS = [ "add", "asc", "collation", "desc", "final", "first", "last", "view" ]; // https://jakewheat.github.io/sql-overview/sql-2016-foundation-grammar.html#reserved-word const RESERVED_WORDS = [ "abs", "acos", "all", "allocate", "alter", "and", "any", "are", "array", "array_agg", "array_max_cardinality", "as", "asensitive", "asin", "asymmetric", "at", "atan", "atomic", "authorization", "avg", "begin", "begin_frame", "begin_partition", "between", "bigint", "binary", "blob", "boolean", "both", "by", "call", "called", "cardinality", "cascaded", "case", "cast", "ceil", "ceiling", "char", "char_length", "character", "character_length", "check", "classifier", "clob", "close", "coalesce", "collate", "collect", "column", "commit", "condition", "connect", "constraint", "contains", "convert", "copy", "corr", "corresponding", "cos", "cosh", "count", "covar_pop", "covar_samp", "create", "cross", "cube", "cume_dist", "current", "current_catalog", "current_date", "current_default_transform_group", "current_path", "current_role", "current_row", "current_schema", "current_time", "current_timestamp", "current_path", "current_role", "current_transform_group_for_type", "current_user", "cursor", "cycle", "date", "day", "deallocate", "dec", "decimal", "decfloat", "declare", "default", "define", "delete", "dense_rank", "deref", "describe", "deterministic", "disconnect", "distinct", "double", "drop", "dynamic", "each", "element", "else", "empty", "end", "end_frame", "end_partition", "end-exec", "equals", "escape", "every", "except", "exec", "execute", "exists", "exp", "external", "extract", "false", "fetch", "filter", "first_value", "float", "floor", "for", "foreign", "frame_row", "free", "from", "full", "function", "fusion", "get", "global", "grant", "group", "grouping", "groups", "having", "hold", "hour", "identity", "in", "indicator", "initial", "inner", "inout", "insensitive", "insert", "int", "integer", "intersect", "intersection", "interval", "into", "is", "join", "json_array", "json_arrayagg", "json_exists", "json_object", "json_objectagg", "json_query", "json_table", "json_table_primitive", "json_value", "lag", "language", "large", "last_value", "lateral", "lead", "leading", "left", "like", "like_regex", "listagg", "ln", "local", "localtime", "localtimestamp", "log", "log10", "lower", "match", "match_number", "match_recognize", "matches", "max", "member", "merge", "method", "min", "minute", "mod", "modifies", "module", "month", "multiset", "national", "natural", "nchar", "nclob", "new", "no", "none", "normalize", "not", "nth_value", "ntile", "null", "nullif", "numeric", "octet_length", "occurrences_regex", "of", "offset", "old", "omit", "on", "one", "only", "open", "or", "order", "out", "outer", "over", "overlaps", "overlay", "parameter", "partition", "pattern", "per", "percent", "percent_rank", "percentile_cont", "percentile_disc", "period", "portion", "position", "position_regex", "power", "precedes", "precision", "prepare", "primary", "procedure", "ptf", "range", "rank", "reads", "real", "recursive", "ref", "references", "referencing", "regr_avgx", "regr_avgy", "regr_count", "regr_intercept", "regr_r2", "regr_slope", "regr_sxx", "regr_sxy", "regr_syy", "release", "result", "return", "returns", "revoke", "right", "rollback", "rollup", "row", "row_number", "rows", "running", "savepoint", "scope", "scroll", "search", "second", "seek", "select", "sensitive", "session_user", "set", "show", "similar", "sin", "sinh", "skip", "smallint", "some", "specific", "specifictype", "sql", "sqlexception", "sqlstate", "sqlwarning", "sqrt", "start", "static", "stddev_pop", "stddev_samp", "submultiset", "subset", "substring", "substring_regex", "succeeds", "sum", "symmetric", "system", "system_time", "system_user", "table", "tablesample", "tan", "tanh", "then", "time", "timestamp", "timezone_hour", "timezone_minute", "to", "trailing", "translate", "translate_regex", "translation", "treat", "trigger", "trim", "trim_array", "true", "truncate", "uescape", "union", "unique", "unknown", "unnest", "update ", "upper", "user", "using", "value", "values", "value_of", "var_pop", "var_samp", "varbinary", "varchar", "varying", "versioning", "when", "whenever", "where", "width_bucket", "window", "with", "within", "without", "year", ]; // these are reserved words we have identified to be functions // and should only be highlighted in a dispatch-like context // ie, array_agg(...), etc. const RESERVED_FUNCTIONS = [ "abs", "acos", "array_agg", "asin", "atan", "avg", "cast", "ceil", "ceiling", "coalesce", "corr", "cos", "cosh", "count", "covar_pop", "covar_samp", "cume_dist", "dense_rank", "deref", "element", "exp", "extract", "first_value", "floor", "json_array", "json_arrayagg", "json_exists", "json_object", "json_objectagg", "json_query", "json_table", "json_table_primitive", "json_value", "lag", "last_value", "lead", "listagg", "ln", "log", "log10", "lower", "max", "min", "mod", "nth_value", "ntile", "nullif", "percent_rank", "percentile_cont", "percentile_disc", "position", "position_regex", "power", "rank", "regr_avgx", "regr_avgy", "regr_count", "regr_intercept", "regr_r2", "regr_slope", "regr_sxx", "regr_sxy", "regr_syy", "row_number", "sin", "sinh", "sqrt", "stddev_pop", "stddev_samp", "substring", "substring_regex", "sum", "tan", "tanh", "translate", "translate_regex", "treat", "trim", "trim_array", "unnest", "upper", "value_of", "var_pop", "var_samp", "width_bucket", ]; // these functions can const POSSIBLE_WITHOUT_PARENS = [ "current_catalog", "current_date", "current_default_transform_group", "current_path", "current_role", "current_schema", "current_transform_group_for_type", "current_user", "session_user", "system_time", "system_user", "current_time", "localtime", "current_timestamp", "localtimestamp" ]; // those exist to boost relevance making these very // "SQL like" keyword combos worth +1 extra relevance const COMBOS = [ "create table", "insert into", "primary key", "foreign key", "not null", "alter table", "add constraint", "grouping sets", "on overflow", "character set", "respect nulls", "ignore nulls", "nulls first", "nulls last", "depth first", "breadth first" ]; const FUNCTIONS = RESERVED_FUNCTIONS; const KEYWORDS = [...RESERVED_WORDS, ...NON_RESERVED_WORDS].filter((keyword) => { return !RESERVED_FUNCTIONS.includes(keyword); }); const VARIABLE = { className: "variable", begin: /@[a-z0-9]+/, }; const OPERATOR = { className: "operator", begin: /[-+*/=%^~]|&&?|\|\|?|!=?|<(?:=>?|<|>)?|>[>=]?/, relevance: 0, }; const FUNCTION_CALL = { begin: concat(/\b/, either(...FUNCTIONS), /\s*\(/), keywords: { built_in: FUNCTIONS } }; // keywords with less than 3 letters are reduced in relevancy function reduceRelevancy(list, {exceptions, when} = {}) { const qualifyFn = when; exceptions = exceptions || []; return list.map((item) => { if (item.match(/\|\d+$/) || exceptions.includes(item)) { return item; } else if (qualifyFn(item)) { return `${item}|0`; } else { return item; } }); } return { name: 'SQL', case_insensitive: true, // does not include {} or HTML tags ` x.length < 3 }), literal: LITERALS, type: TYPES, built_in: POSSIBLE_WITHOUT_PARENS }, contains: [ { begin: either(...COMBOS), keywords: { $pattern: /[\w\.]+/, keyword: KEYWORDS.concat(COMBOS), literal: LITERALS, type: TYPES }, }, { className: "type", begin: either(...MULTI_WORD_TYPES) }, FUNCTION_CALL, VARIABLE, STRING, QUOTED_IDENTIFIER, hljs.C_NUMBER_MODE, hljs.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, COMMENT_MODE, OPERATOR ] }; } module.exports = sql;