/* Language: Haskell Author: Jeremy Hull Contributors: Zena Treep Website: https://www.haskell.org Category: functional */ function haskell(hljs) { const COMMENT = { variants: [ hljs.COMMENT('--', '$'), hljs.COMMENT( /\{-/, /-\}/, { contains: ['self'] } ) ] }; const PRAGMA = { className: 'meta', begin: /\{-#/, end: /#-\}/ }; const PREPROCESSOR = { className: 'meta', begin: '^#', end: '$' }; const CONSTRUCTOR = { className: 'type', begin: '\\b[A-Z][\\w\']*', // TODO: other constructors (build-in, infix). relevance: 0 }; const LIST = { begin: '\\(', end: '\\)', illegal: '"', contains: [ PRAGMA, PREPROCESSOR, { className: 'type', begin: '\\b[A-Z][\\w]*(\\((\\.\\.|,|\\w+)\\))?' }, hljs.inherit(hljs.TITLE_MODE, { begin: '[_a-z][\\w\']*' }), COMMENT ] }; const RECORD = { begin: /\{/, end: /\}/, contains: LIST.contains }; return { name: 'Haskell', aliases: ['hs'], keywords: 'let in if then else case of where do module import hiding ' + 'qualified type data newtype deriving class instance as default ' + 'infix infixl infixr foreign export ccall stdcall cplusplus ' + 'jvm dotnet safe unsafe family forall mdo proc rec', contains: [ // Top-level constructions. { beginKeywords: 'module', end: 'where', keywords: 'module where', contains: [ LIST, COMMENT ], illegal: '\\W\\.|;' }, { begin: '\\bimport\\b', end: '$', keywords: 'import qualified as hiding', contains: [ LIST, COMMENT ], illegal: '\\W\\.|;' }, { className: 'class', begin: '^(\\s*)?(class|instance)\\b', end: 'where', keywords: 'class family instance where', contains: [ CONSTRUCTOR, LIST, COMMENT ] }, { className: 'class', begin: '\\b(data|(new)?type)\\b', end: '$', keywords: 'data family type newtype deriving', contains: [ PRAGMA, CONSTRUCTOR, LIST, RECORD, COMMENT ] }, { beginKeywords: 'default', end: '$', contains: [ CONSTRUCTOR, LIST, COMMENT ] }, { beginKeywords: 'infix infixl infixr', end: '$', contains: [ hljs.C_NUMBER_MODE, COMMENT ] }, { begin: '\\bforeign\\b', end: '$', keywords: 'foreign import export ccall stdcall cplusplus jvm ' + 'dotnet safe unsafe', contains: [ CONSTRUCTOR, hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, COMMENT ] }, { className: 'meta', begin: '#!\\/usr\\/bin\\/env\ runhaskell', end: '$' }, // "Whitespaces". PRAGMA, PREPROCESSOR, // Literals and names. // TODO: characters. hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, hljs.C_NUMBER_MODE, CONSTRUCTOR, hljs.inherit(hljs.TITLE_MODE, { begin: '^[_a-z][\\w\']*' }), COMMENT, { // No markup, relevance booster begin: '->|<-' } ] }; } module.exports = haskell;