'use strict' /* eslint-disable no-var */ var test = require('tape') var buildQueue = require('../') test('concurrency', function (t) { t.plan(2) t.throws(buildQueue.bind(null, worker, 0)) t.doesNotThrow(buildQueue.bind(null, worker, 1)) function worker (arg, cb) { cb(null, true) } }) test('worker execution', function (t) { t.plan(3) var queue = buildQueue(worker, 1) queue.push(42, function (err, result) { t.error(err, 'no error') t.equal(result, true, 'result matches') }) function worker (arg, cb) { t.equal(arg, 42) cb(null, true) } }) test('limit', function (t) { t.plan(4) var expected = [10, 0] var queue = buildQueue(worker, 1) queue.push(10, result) queue.push(0, result) function result (err, arg) { t.error(err, 'no error') t.equal(arg, expected.shift(), 'the result matches') } function worker (arg, cb) { setTimeout(cb, arg, null, arg) } }) test('multiple executions', function (t) { t.plan(15) var queue = buildQueue(worker, 1) var toExec = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] var count = 0 toExec.forEach(function (task) { queue.push(task, done) }) function done (err, result) { t.error(err, 'no error') t.equal(result, toExec[count - 1], 'the result matches') } function worker (arg, cb) { t.equal(arg, toExec[count], 'arg matches') count++ setImmediate(cb, null, arg) } }) test('multiple executions, one after another', function (t) { t.plan(15) var queue = buildQueue(worker, 1) var toExec = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] var count = 0 queue.push(toExec[0], done) function done (err, result) { t.error(err, 'no error') t.equal(result, toExec[count - 1], 'the result matches') if (count < toExec.length) { queue.push(toExec[count], done) } } function worker (arg, cb) { t.equal(arg, toExec[count], 'arg matches') count++ setImmediate(cb, null, arg) } }) test('set this', function (t) { t.plan(3) var that = {} var queue = buildQueue(that, worker, 1) queue.push(42, function (err, result) { t.error(err, 'no error') t.equal(this, that, 'this matches') }) function worker (arg, cb) { t.equal(this, that, 'this matches') cb(null, true) } }) test('drain', function (t) { t.plan(4) var queue = buildQueue(worker, 1) var worked = false queue.push(42, function (err, result) { t.error(err, 'no error') t.equal(result, true, 'result matches') }) queue.drain = function () { t.equal(true, worked, 'drained') } function worker (arg, cb) { t.equal(arg, 42) worked = true setImmediate(cb, null, true) } }) test('pause && resume', function (t) { t.plan(7) var queue = buildQueue(worker, 1) var worked = false t.notOk(queue.paused, 'it should not be paused') queue.pause() queue.push(42, function (err, result) { t.error(err, 'no error') t.equal(result, true, 'result matches') }) t.notOk(worked, 'it should be paused') t.ok(queue.paused, 'it should be paused') queue.resume() queue.resume() // second resume is a no-op t.notOk(queue.paused, 'it should not be paused') function worker (arg, cb) { t.equal(arg, 42) worked = true cb(null, true) } }) test('pause in flight && resume', function (t) { t.plan(9) var queue = buildQueue(worker, 1) var expected = [42, 24] t.notOk(queue.paused, 'it should not be paused') queue.push(42, function (err, result) { t.error(err, 'no error') t.equal(result, true, 'result matches') t.ok(queue.paused, 'it should be paused') process.nextTick(function () { queue.resume() }) }) queue.push(24, function (err, result) { t.error(err, 'no error') t.equal(result, true, 'result matches') t.notOk(queue.paused, 'it should not be paused') }) queue.pause() function worker (arg, cb) { t.equal(arg, expected.shift()) process.nextTick(function () { cb(null, true) }) } }) test('altering concurrency', function (t) { t.plan(7) var queue = buildQueue(worker, 1) var count = 0 queue.pause() queue.push(24, workDone) queue.push(24, workDone) queue.concurrency = 2 queue.resume() t.equal(queue.running(), 2, '2 jobs running') function workDone (err, result) { t.error(err, 'no error') t.equal(result, true, 'result matches') } function worker (arg, cb) { t.equal(0, count, 'works in parallel') setImmediate(function () { count++ cb(null, true) }) } }) test('idle()', function (t) { t.plan(12) var queue = buildQueue(worker, 1) t.ok(queue.idle(), 'queue is idle') queue.push(42, function (err, result) { t.error(err, 'no error') t.equal(result, true, 'result matches') t.notOk(queue.idle(), 'queue is not idle') }) queue.push(42, function (err, result) { t.error(err, 'no error') t.equal(result, true, 'result matches') // it will go idle after executing this function setImmediate(function () { t.ok(queue.idle(), 'queue is now idle') }) }) t.notOk(queue.idle(), 'queue is not idle') function worker (arg, cb) { t.notOk(queue.idle(), 'queue is not idle') t.equal(arg, 42) setImmediate(cb, null, true) } }) test('saturated', function (t) { t.plan(9) var queue = buildQueue(worker, 1) var preworked = 0 var worked = 0 queue.saturated = function () { t.pass('saturated') t.equal(preworked, 1, 'started 1 task') t.equal(worked, 0, 'worked zero task') } queue.push(42, done) queue.push(42, done) function done (err, result) { t.error(err, 'no error') t.equal(result, true, 'result matches') } function worker (arg, cb) { t.equal(arg, 42) preworked++ setImmediate(function () { worked++ cb(null, true) }) } }) test('length', function (t) { t.plan(7) var queue = buildQueue(worker, 1) t.equal(queue.length(), 0, 'nothing waiting') queue.push(42, done) t.equal(queue.length(), 0, 'nothing waiting') queue.push(42, done) t.equal(queue.length(), 1, 'one task waiting') queue.push(42, done) t.equal(queue.length(), 2, 'two tasks waiting') function done (err, result) { t.error(err, 'no error') } function worker (arg, cb) { setImmediate(function () { cb(null, true) }) } }) test('getQueue', function (t) { t.plan(10) var queue = buildQueue(worker, 1) t.equal(queue.getQueue().length, 0, 'nothing waiting') queue.push(42, done) t.equal(queue.getQueue().length, 0, 'nothing waiting') queue.push(42, done) t.equal(queue.getQueue().length, 1, 'one task waiting') t.equal(queue.getQueue()[0], 42, 'should be equal') queue.push(43, done) t.equal(queue.getQueue().length, 2, 'two tasks waiting') t.equal(queue.getQueue()[0], 42, 'should be equal') t.equal(queue.getQueue()[1], 43, 'should be equal') function done (err, result) { t.error(err, 'no error') } function worker (arg, cb) { setImmediate(function () { cb(null, true) }) } }) test('unshift', function (t) { t.plan(8) var queue = buildQueue(worker, 1) var expected = [1, 2, 3, 4] queue.push(1, done) queue.push(4, done) queue.unshift(3, done) queue.unshift(2, done) function done (err, result) { t.error(err, 'no error') } function worker (arg, cb) { t.equal(expected.shift(), arg, 'tasks come in order') setImmediate(function () { cb(null, true) }) } }) test('unshift && empty', function (t) { t.plan(2) var queue = buildQueue(worker, 1) var completed = false queue.pause() queue.empty = function () { t.notOk(completed, 'the task has not completed yet') } queue.unshift(1, done) queue.resume() function done (err, result) { completed = true t.error(err, 'no error') } function worker (arg, cb) { setImmediate(function () { cb(null, true) }) } }) test('push && empty', function (t) { t.plan(2) var queue = buildQueue(worker, 1) var completed = false queue.pause() queue.empty = function () { t.notOk(completed, 'the task has not completed yet') } queue.push(1, done) queue.resume() function done (err, result) { completed = true t.error(err, 'no error') } function worker (arg, cb) { setImmediate(function () { cb(null, true) }) } }) test('kill', function (t) { t.plan(5) var queue = buildQueue(worker, 1) var expected = [1] var predrain = queue.drain queue.drain = function drain () { t.fail('drain should never be called') } queue.push(1, done) queue.push(4, done) queue.unshift(3, done) queue.unshift(2, done) queue.kill() function done (err, result) { t.error(err, 'no error') setImmediate(function () { t.equal(queue.length(), 0, 'no queued tasks') t.equal(queue.running(), 0, 'no running tasks') t.equal(queue.drain, predrain, 'drain is back to default') }) } function worker (arg, cb) { t.equal(expected.shift(), arg, 'tasks come in order') setImmediate(function () { cb(null, true) }) } }) test('killAndDrain', function (t) { t.plan(6) var queue = buildQueue(worker, 1) var expected = [1] var predrain = queue.drain queue.drain = function drain () { t.pass('drain has been called') } queue.push(1, done) queue.push(4, done) queue.unshift(3, done) queue.unshift(2, done) queue.killAndDrain() function done (err, result) { t.error(err, 'no error') setImmediate(function () { t.equal(queue.length(), 0, 'no queued tasks') t.equal(queue.running(), 0, 'no running tasks') t.equal(queue.drain, predrain, 'drain is back to default') }) } function worker (arg, cb) { t.equal(expected.shift(), arg, 'tasks come in order') setImmediate(function () { cb(null, true) }) } }) test('pause && idle', function (t) { t.plan(11) var queue = buildQueue(worker, 1) var worked = false t.notOk(queue.paused, 'it should not be paused') t.ok(queue.idle(), 'should be idle') queue.pause() queue.push(42, function (err, result) { t.error(err, 'no error') t.equal(result, true, 'result matches') }) t.notOk(worked, 'it should be paused') t.ok(queue.paused, 'it should be paused') t.notOk(queue.idle(), 'should not be idle') queue.resume() t.notOk(queue.paused, 'it should not be paused') t.notOk(queue.idle(), 'it should not be idle') function worker (arg, cb) { t.equal(arg, 42) worked = true process.nextTick(cb.bind(null, null, true)) process.nextTick(function () { t.ok(queue.idle(), 'is should be idle') }) } }) test('push without cb', function (t) { t.plan(1) var queue = buildQueue(worker, 1) queue.push(42) function worker (arg, cb) { t.equal(arg, 42) cb() } }) test('unshift without cb', function (t) { t.plan(1) var queue = buildQueue(worker, 1) queue.unshift(42) function worker (arg, cb) { t.equal(arg, 42) cb() } }) test('push with worker throwing error', function (t) { t.plan(5) var q = buildQueue(function (task, cb) { cb(new Error('test error'), null) }, 1) q.error(function (err, task) { t.ok(err instanceof Error, 'global error handler should catch the error') t.match(err.message, /test error/, 'error message should be "test error"') t.equal(task, 42, 'The task executed should be passed') }) q.push(42, function (err) { t.ok(err instanceof Error, 'push callback should catch the error') t.match(err.message, /test error/, 'error message should be "test error"') }) })