# babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node Babel plugin to transpile `import()` to a deferred `require()`, for node. Matches the [proposed spec](https://github.com/domenic/proposal-import-function). **NOTE:** Babylon >= v6.12.0 is required to correctly parse dynamic imports. ## Installation ```sh npm install babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node --save-dev ``` ## Usage ### Via `.babelrc` (Recommended) **.babelrc** ```json { "plugins": ["dynamic-import-node"] } ``` #### Options - *`noInterop`* - A boolean value, that if true will not interop the require calls. Useful to avoid using `require('module').default` on commonjs modules. ```json { "plugins": [ ["dynamic-import-node", { "noInterop": true }] ] } ``` ### Via CLI ```sh $ babel --plugins dynamic-import-node script.js ``` ### Via Node API ```javascript require('babel-core').transform('code', { plugins: ['dynamic-import-node'] }); ``` ### Code Example ```javascript Promise.all([ import('./lib/import1'), import('./lib/import2') ]).then(([ Import1, Import2 ]) => { console.log(Import1); /* CODE HERE*/ }); ```