// config that are specific to --target app const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') // ensure the filename passed to html-webpack-plugin is a relative path // because it cannot correctly handle absolute paths function ensureRelative (outputDir, _path) { if (path.isAbsolute(_path)) { return path.relative(outputDir, _path) } else { return _path } } module.exports = (api, options) => { api.chainWebpack(webpackConfig => { // only apply when there's no alternative target if (process.env.VUE_CLI_BUILD_TARGET && process.env.VUE_CLI_BUILD_TARGET !== 'app') { return } const isProd = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' const isLegacyBundle = process.env.VUE_CLI_MODERN_MODE && !process.env.VUE_CLI_MODERN_BUILD const outputDir = api.resolve(options.outputDir) const getAssetPath = require('../util/getAssetPath') const outputFilename = getAssetPath( options, `js/[name]${isLegacyBundle ? `-legacy` : ``}${isProd && options.filenameHashing ? '.[contenthash:8]' : ''}.js` ) webpackConfig .output .filename(outputFilename) .chunkFilename(outputFilename) // FIXME: a temporary workaround to get accurate contenthash in `applyLegacy` // Should use a better fix per discussions at webpackConfig.optimization .set('realContentHash', false) // code splitting if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test') { webpackConfig.optimization.splitChunks({ cacheGroups: { defaultVendors: { name: `chunk-vendors`, test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/, priority: -10, chunks: 'initial' }, common: { name: `chunk-common`, minChunks: 2, priority: -20, chunks: 'initial', reuseExistingChunk: true } } }) } // HTML plugin const resolveClientEnv = require('../util/resolveClientEnv') const htmlOptions = { title: api.service.pkg.name, scriptLoading: 'defer', templateParameters: (compilation, assets, assetTags, pluginOptions) => { // enhance html-webpack-plugin's built in template params return Object.assign({ compilation: compilation, webpackConfig: compilation.options, htmlWebpackPlugin: { tags: assetTags, files: assets, options: pluginOptions } }, resolveClientEnv(options, true /* raw */)) } } // handle indexPath if (options.indexPath !== 'index.html') { // why not set filename for html-webpack-plugin? // 1. It cannot handle absolute paths // 2. Relative paths causes incorrect SW manifest to be generated (#2007) webpackConfig .plugin('move-index') .use(require('../webpack/MovePlugin'), [ path.resolve(outputDir, 'index.html'), path.resolve(outputDir, options.indexPath) ]) } // resolve HTML file(s) const HTMLPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin') // const PreloadPlugin = require('@vue/preload-webpack-plugin') const multiPageConfig = options.pages const htmlPath = api.resolve('public/index.html') const defaultHtmlPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'index-default.html') const publicCopyIgnore = ['**/.DS_Store'] if (!multiPageConfig) { // default, single page setup. htmlOptions.template = fs.existsSync(htmlPath) ? htmlPath : defaultHtmlPath publicCopyIgnore.push(api.resolve(htmlOptions.template).replace(/\\/g, '/')) webpackConfig .plugin('html') .use(HTMLPlugin, [htmlOptions]) // FIXME: need to test out preload plugin's compatibility with html-webpack-plugin 4/5 // if (!isLegacyBundle) { // // inject preload/prefetch to HTML // webpackConfig // .plugin('preload') // .use(PreloadPlugin, [{ // rel: 'preload', // include: 'initial', // fileBlacklist: [/\.map$/, /hot-update\.js$/] // }]) // webpackConfig // .plugin('prefetch') // .use(PreloadPlugin, [{ // rel: 'prefetch', // include: 'asyncChunks' // }]) // } } else { // multi-page setup webpackConfig.entryPoints.clear() const pages = Object.keys(multiPageConfig) const normalizePageConfig = c => typeof c === 'string' ? { entry: c } : c pages.forEach(name => { const pageConfig = normalizePageConfig(multiPageConfig[name]) const { entry, template = `public/${name}.html`, filename = `${name}.html`, chunks = ['chunk-vendors', 'chunk-common', name] } = pageConfig // Currently Cypress v3.1.0 comes with a very old version of Node, // which does not support object rest syntax. // (https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/2253) // So here we have to extract the customHtmlOptions manually. const customHtmlOptions = {} for (const key in pageConfig) { if ( !['entry', 'template', 'filename', 'chunks'].includes(key) ) { customHtmlOptions[key] = pageConfig[key] } } // inject entry const entries = Array.isArray(entry) ? entry : [entry] webpackConfig.entry(name).merge(entries.map(e => api.resolve(e))) // trim inline loader // * See https://github.com/jantimon/html-webpack-plugin/blob/master/docs/template-option.md#2-setting-a-loader-directly-for-the-template const templateWithoutLoader = template.replace(/^.+!/, '').replace(/\?.+$/, '') // resolve page index template const hasDedicatedTemplate = fs.existsSync(api.resolve(templateWithoutLoader)) const templatePath = hasDedicatedTemplate ? template : fs.existsSync(htmlPath) ? htmlPath : defaultHtmlPath publicCopyIgnore.push(api.resolve(templateWithoutLoader).replace(/\\/g, '/')) // inject html plugin for the page const pageHtmlOptions = Object.assign( {}, htmlOptions, { chunks, template: templatePath, filename: ensureRelative(outputDir, filename) }, customHtmlOptions ) webpackConfig .plugin(`html-${name}`) .use(HTMLPlugin, [pageHtmlOptions]) }) // FIXME: preload plugin is not compatible with webpack 5 / html-webpack-plugin 4 yet // if (!isLegacyBundle) { // pages.forEach(name => { // const filename = ensureRelative( // outputDir, // normalizePageConfig(multiPageConfig[name]).filename || `${name}.html` // ) // webpackConfig // .plugin(`preload-${name}`) // .use(PreloadPlugin, [{ // rel: 'preload', // includeHtmlNames: [filename], // include: { // type: 'initial', // entries: [name] // }, // fileBlacklist: [/\.map$/, /hot-update\.js$/] // }]) // webpackConfig // .plugin(`prefetch-${name}`) // .use(PreloadPlugin, [{ // rel: 'prefetch', // includeHtmlNames: [filename], // include: { // type: 'asyncChunks', // entries: [name] // } // }]) // }) // } } // CORS and Subresource Integrity if (options.crossorigin != null || options.integrity) { webpackConfig .plugin('cors') .use(require('../webpack/CorsPlugin'), [{ crossorigin: options.crossorigin, integrity: options.integrity, publicPath: options.publicPath }]) } // copy static assets in public/ const publicDir = api.resolve('public') const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin') const PlaceholderPlugin = class PlaceholderPlugin { apply () {} } const copyOptions = { patterns: [{ from: publicDir, to: outputDir, toType: 'dir', noErrorOnMissing: true, globOptions: { ignore: publicCopyIgnore }, info: { minimized: true } }] } if (fs.existsSync(publicDir)) { if (isLegacyBundle) { webpackConfig.plugin('copy').use(PlaceholderPlugin, [copyOptions]) } else { webpackConfig.plugin('copy').use(CopyWebpackPlugin, [copyOptions]) } } }) }