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//遍历分类目录并显示 |
foreach ($category_parent as $category) { |
//var_dump($category); |
$font_icon = empty($category['font_icon']) ? '' : "<i class='{$category['font_icon']}'></i> "; |
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<?php foreach ( $categorys as $category ) { |
$fid = $category['id']; |
$links = $get_links($fid); |
$font_icon = empty($category['font_icon']) ? '' : "<i class='{$category['font_icon']}'></i> "; |
//如果分类是私有的 |
if( $category['property'] == 1 ) { |
$property = '<i class="fa fa-expeditedssl" style = "color:#5FB878"></i>'; |
} |
else { |
$property = ''; |
} |
?> |
<div id = "category-<?php echo $category['id']; ?>" class = "mdui-col-xs-12 mdui-typo-title cat-title"> |
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<?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode($category['name']); ?> <?php echo $property; ?> |
</div> |
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<?php |
foreach ($links as $link) { |
//默认描述 |
$link['description'] = empty($link['description']) ? '作者很懒,没有填写描述。' : $link['description']; |
$id = $link['id']; |
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if( $site['link_model'] === 'direct' ) { |
$url = $link['url']; |
} |
else{ |
$url = '/index.php?c=click&id='.$link['id']; |
} |
//var_dump($link); |
?> |
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<!-- 用来搜索匹配使用 --> |
<span style = "display:none;"><?php echo $link['url']; ?></span> |
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<div class="angle"> |
<span> </span> |
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<?php } ?> |
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<img src="/index.php?c=ico&text=<?php echo $link['title']; ?>" alt="" width="16" height="16" /> |
<?php } ?> |
<span class="link_title"><?php echo $link['title']; ?></span> |
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<div class="mdui-card-content mdui-text-color-black-disabled" style="padding-top:0px;"><span class="link-content"><?php echo $link['description']; ?></span></div> |
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</div> |
</a> |
<?php } ?> |
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<?php |
if( !isset($_GET['cid']) && get_links_number($fid) > $link_num ) { |
?> |
<a href="/index.php?cid=<?php echo $category['id']; ?>" title = "点此可查看该分类下的所有链接"> |
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<span class="link_title">查看更多>></span> |
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<div class="mdui-card-content mdui-text-color-black-disabled" style="padding-top:0px;"> |
<span class="link-content"> |
点此可查看该分类下的所有链接! |
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