mirror of https://github.com/helloxz/onenav.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
340 lines
9.2 KiB
340 lines
9.2 KiB
<?php |
/** |
* 后台入口文件 |
*/ |
// 载入辅助函数 |
require('functions/helper.php'); |
//检查认证 |
check_auth($site_setting['user'],$site_setting['password']); |
//获取版本号 |
// function get_version(){ |
// if( file_exists('version.txt') ) { |
// $version = @file_get_contents('version.txt'); |
// return $version; |
// } |
// else{ |
// $version = 'null'; |
// return $version; |
// } |
// } |
//获取版本号 |
$version = new_get_version(); |
$page = empty($_GET['page']) ? 'index' : $_GET['page']; |
// 正则判断page,只能允许字符+数字和下划线组合 |
$pattern = "/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\/]+$/"; |
if ( !preg_match($pattern,$page) ) { |
exit('非法请求!'); |
} |
//如果是后台首页,则判断是否是手机访问,并决定是否跳转到手机版页面 |
if( $page == 'index' ) { |
jump_mobile(); |
} |
//如果页面是修改edit_category |
if ( ($page == 'edit_category') || ($page == 'edit_category_new') ) { |
//获取id |
$id = intval($_GET['id']); |
//查询单条分类信息 |
$sql = "SELECT *,(SELECT name FROM on_categorys WHERE id = a.fid LIMIT 1) AS fname FROM on_categorys AS a WHERE id = $id"; |
$category_one = $db->query($sql)->fetchAll()[0]; |
//$category_one = $db->get('on_categorys','*',[ 'id' => $id ]); |
//查询父级分类 |
$categorys = $db->select('on_categorys','*',[ |
'fid' => 0, |
'ORDER' => ['weight' => 'DESC'] |
]); |
//checked按钮 |
if( $category_one['property'] == 1 ) { |
$category_one['checked'] = 'checked'; |
} |
else{ |
$category_one['checked'] = ''; |
} |
} |
//如果是主题设置页面 |
if ( $page == "setting/theme_config" ){ |
//获取主题名称 |
$name = trim($_GET['name']); |
//获取主题目录 |
if ( is_dir("templates/".$name) ) { |
$theme_dir = "templates/".$name; |
} |
else{ |
$theme_dir = "data/templates/".$name; |
} |
//读取主题配置 |
$config_content = @file_get_contents("templates/".$name."/info.json"); |
if( !$config_content ) { |
$config_content = @file_get_contents("data/templates/".$name."/info.json"); |
} |
$configs = json_decode($config_content); |
$configs = $configs->config; |
//获取当前的配置参数 |
$current_configs = file_get_contents($theme_dir."/config.json"); |
$current_configs = json_decode($current_configs); |
//var_dump($current_configs); |
} |
//添加分类页面 |
if ( $page == 'add_category' ) { |
//查询父级分类 |
$categorys = $db->select('on_categorys','*',[ |
'fid' => 0, |
'ORDER' => ['weight' => 'DESC'] |
]); |
} |
//API设置页面 |
if( $page == 'setting/api' ) { |
//查询SecretKey |
$SecretKey = $db->get('on_options','*',[ 'key' => 'SecretKey' ])['value']; |
} |
//备份页面 |
if( $page == 'setting/backup' ) { |
} |
//如果页面是修改link |
if ( ( $page == 'edit_link' ) || ( $page === 'edit_link_new' ) ) { |
//查询所有分类信息,用于分类框选择 |
$categorys = $db->select('on_categorys','*',[ 'ORDER' => ['weigth' => 'DESC'] ]); |
//获取id |
$id = intval($_GET['id']); |
//查询单条链接信息 |
$link = $db->get('on_links','*',[ 'id' => $id ]); |
//查询单个分类信息 |
$cat_name = $db->get('on_categorys',['name'],[ 'id' => $link['fid'] ]); |
$cat_name = $cat_name['name']; |
//checked按钮 |
if( $link['property'] == 1 ) { |
$link['checked'] = 'checked'; |
} |
else{ |
$link['checked'] = ''; |
} |
} |
//链接列表页面 |
if ( $page == "link_list" ) { |
//查询所有分类信息,用于分类框选择 |
$categorys = $db->select('on_categorys','*',[ 'ORDER' => ['weigth' => 'DESC'] ]); |
} |
//如果页面是添加链接页面 |
if ( ($page == 'add_link') || ($page == 'add_link_tpl') || ($page == 'add_quick_tpl') || ($page == 'setting/share') ) { |
//查询所有分类信息 |
$categorys = $db->select('on_categorys','*',[ 'ORDER' => ['weight' => 'DESC'] ]); |
//checked按钮 |
if( $category['property'] == 1 ) { |
$category['checked'] = 'checked'; |
} |
else{ |
$category['checked'] = ''; |
} |
} |
//导入书签页面 |
if ( $page == 'imp_link' ) { |
//查询所有分类信息 |
$categorys = $db->select('on_categorys','*',[ 'ORDER' => ['weight' => 'DESC'] ]); |
//checked按钮 |
if( $category['property'] == 1 ) { |
$category['checked'] = 'checked'; |
} |
else{ |
$category['checked'] = ''; |
} |
} |
//主题详情页面 |
if ( $page == 'setting/theme_detail' ) { |
//获取主题名称 |
$name = @$_GET['name']; |
//主题目录 |
$tpl_dir1 = dirname(__DIR__).'/templates/'.$name; |
//备用主题目录 |
$tpl_dir2 = dirname(__DIR__).'/data/templates/'.$name; |
if( is_dir($tpl_dir1) ) { |
$info = file_get_contents($tpl_dir1.'/info.json'); |
} |
else{ |
$info = file_get_contents($tpl_dir2.'/info.json'); |
} |
$theme = json_decode($info); |
//var_dump($theme); |
} |
//主题设置页面 |
if( $page == 'setting/theme' ) { |
//主题目录 |
$tpl_dir1 = dirname(__DIR__).'/templates/'; |
//备用主题目录 |
$tpl_dir2 = dirname(__DIR__).'/data/templates/'; |
//声明两个空数组用来存放模板目录列表 |
$tpl_one = []; |
$tpl_two = []; |
//遍历第一个目录 |
foreach ( scandir($tpl_dir1) as $value) { |
//完整的路径 |
$path = $tpl_dir1.$value; |
//如果是目录,则push到目录列表1 |
if( is_dir($path) ) { |
switch ($value) { |
case '.': |
case '..': |
case 'admin': |
case 'mobile': |
case 'universal': |
continue; |
break; |
default: |
array_push($tpl_one,$value); |
break; |
} |
} |
else{ |
continue; |
} |
} |
//如果第二个目录存在,则遍历 |
if( is_dir($tpl_dir2) ) { |
foreach ( scandir($tpl_dir2) as $value) { |
//完整的路径 |
$path = $tpl_dir2.$value; |
//如果是目录,则push到目录列表1 |
if( is_dir($path) ) { |
switch ($value) { |
case '.': |
case '..': |
case 'admin': |
continue; |
break; |
default: |
array_push($tpl_two,$value); |
break; |
} |
} |
else{ |
continue; |
} |
} |
} |
//合并目录 |
//现在$tpl_one是合并后的完整主题列表 |
$tpls = array_merge($tpl_one,$tpl_two); |
//读取主题里面的信息 |
//设置一个空数组 |
$data = []; |
foreach ($tpls as $value) { |
//如果文件存在 |
if( is_file($tpl_dir1.$value.'/info.json') ) { |
$data[$value]['info'] = json_decode(@file_get_contents( $tpl_dir1.$value.'/info.json' )); |
} |
else{ |
$data[$value]['info'] = json_decode(@file_get_contents( $tpl_dir2.$value.'/info.json' )); |
} |
} |
$themes = $data; |
//获取当前主题 |
$current_them = $db->get('on_options','value',[ 'key' => "theme" ]); |
//获取在线主题列表 |
$theme_list = curl_get("https://onenav.xiaoz.top/v1/theme_list.php"); |
$theme_list = json_decode($theme_list)->data; |
//var_dump($theme_list); |
//去重一下 |
foreach ($themes as $key => $value) { |
unset($theme_list->$key); |
} |
} |
//站点设置页面 |
if( $page == 'setting/site' ) { |
//获取当前站点信息 |
$site = $db->get('on_options','value',[ 'key' => "s_site" ]); |
$site = unserialize($site); |
} |
//站点订阅页面 |
if( $page == 'setting/subscribe' ) { |
//获取当前站点信息 |
$subscribe = $db->get('on_options','value',[ 'key' => "s_subscribe" ]); |
$subscribe = unserialize($subscribe); |
//获取当前版本信息 |
$current_version = explode("-",file_get_contents("version.txt")); |
$current_version = str_replace("v","",$current_version[0]); |
} |
//过渡页设置页面 |
if( $page == 'setting/transition_page' ) { |
//获取当前站点信息 |
$transition_page = $db->get('on_options','value',[ 'key' => "s_transition_page" ]); |
$transition_page = unserialize($transition_page); |
} |
//如果是退出 |
//如果页面是添加链接页面 |
if ($page == 'logout') { |
//清除cookie |
setcookie("key", $key, -(time()+7 * 24 * 60 * 60),"/"); |
//跳转到首页 |
header('location:/'); |
exit; |
} |
//如果是自定义js页面 |
if ($page == 'ext_js') { |
//判断文件是否存在 |
if (is_file('data/extend.js')) { |
$content = file_get_contents('data/extend.js'); |
} |
else{ |
$content = ''; |
} |
} |
$page = $page.'.php'; |
/** |
* 检查授权 |
*/ |
function check_auth($user,$password){ |
if ( !is_login() ) { |
// exit("dsdfd"); |
$msg = "<h3>认证失败,请<a href = 'index.php?c=login'>重新登录</a>!</h3>"; |
require('templates/admin/403.php'); |
exit; |
} |
} |
// 判断$page文件是否存在,不存在,则终止执行 |
$full_page_path = 'templates/admin/'.$page; |
if( !file_exists($full_page_path) ) { |
exit("file does not exist!"); |
} |
// 载入前台首页模板 |
require('templates/admin/'.$page); |