/** * Xenon Main * * Theme by: www.laborator.co **/ var public_vars = public_vars || {}; ;(function($, window, undefined){ "use strict"; $(document).ready(function() { // Main Vars public_vars.$body = $("body"); public_vars.$pageContainer = public_vars.$body.find(".page-container"); public_vars.$chat = public_vars.$pageContainer.find("#chat"); public_vars.$sidebarMenu = public_vars.$pageContainer.find('.sidebar-menu'); public_vars.$sidebarProfile = public_vars.$sidebarMenu.find('.sidebar-user-info'); public_vars.$mainMenu = public_vars.$sidebarMenu.find('.main-menu'); public_vars.$horizontalNavbar = public_vars.$body.find('.navbar.horizontal-menu'); public_vars.$horizontalMenu = public_vars.$horizontalNavbar.find('.navbar-nav'); public_vars.$mainContent = public_vars.$pageContainer.find('.main-content'); public_vars.$mainFooter = public_vars.$body.find('footer.main-footer'); public_vars.$userInfoMenuHor = public_vars.$body.find('.navbar.horizontal-menu'); public_vars.$userInfoMenu = public_vars.$body.find('nav.navbar.user-info-navbar'); 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var $this = $(el), opts = { format: attrDefault($this, 'format', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), timePicker: attrDefault($this, 'timePicker', false), timePickerIncrement: attrDefault($this, 'timePickerIncrement', false), separator: attrDefault($this, 'separator', ' - '), }, min_date = attrDefault($this, 'minDate', ''), max_date = attrDefault($this, 'maxDate', ''), start_date = attrDefault($this, 'startDate', ''), end_date = attrDefault($this, 'endDate', ''); if($this.hasClass('add-ranges')) { opts['ranges'] = ranges; } if(min_date.length) { opts['minDate'] = min_date; } if(max_date.length) { opts['maxDate'] = max_date; } if(start_date.length) { opts['startDate'] = start_date; } if(end_date.length) { opts['endDate'] = end_date; } $this.daterangepicker(opts, function(start, end) { var drp = $this.data('daterangepicker'); if($this.is('[data-callback]')) { //daterange_callback(start, end); callback_test(start, end); } if($this.hasClass('daterange-inline')) { $this.find('span').html(start.format(drp.format) + drp.separator + end.format(drp.format)); } }); if(typeof opts['ranges'] == 'object') { $this.data('daterangepicker').container.removeClass('show-calendar'); } }); } // Timepicker if($.isFunction($.fn.timepicker)) { $(".timepicker").each(function(i, el) { var $this = $(el), opts = { template: attrDefault($this, 'template', false), showSeconds: attrDefault($this, 'showSeconds', false), defaultTime: attrDefault($this, 'defaultTime', 'current'), showMeridian: attrDefault($this, 'showMeridian', true), minuteStep: attrDefault($this, 'minuteStep', 15), secondStep: attrDefault($this, 'secondStep', 15) }, $n = $this.next(), $p = $this.prev(); $this.timepicker(opts); if($n.is('.input-group-addon') && $n.has('a')) { $n.on('click', function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); $this.timepicker('showWidget'); }); } if($p.is('.input-group-addon') && $p.has('a')) { $p.on('click', function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); $this.timepicker('showWidget'); }); } }); } // Colorpicker if($.isFunction($.fn.colorpicker)) { $(".colorpicker").each(function(i, el) { var $this = $(el), opts = { }, $n = $this.next(), $p = $this.prev(), $preview = $this.siblings('.input-group-addon').find('.color-preview'); 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message = $field.data('message-' + params[1]); if(message) { opts['messages'][name][params[1]] = message; } } } } }); $this.validate(opts); }); } // Input Mask if($.isFunction($.fn.inputmask)) { $("[data-mask]").each(function(i, el) { var $this = $(el), mask = $this.data('mask').toString(), opts = { numericInput: attrDefault($this, 'numeric', false), radixPoint: attrDefault($this, 'radixPoint', ''), rightAlign: attrDefault($this, 'numericAlign', 'left') == 'right' }, placeholder = attrDefault($this, 'placeholder', ''), is_regex = attrDefault($this, 'isRegex', ''); if(placeholder.length) { opts[placeholder] = placeholder; } switch(mask.toLowerCase()) { case "phone": mask = "(999) 999-9999"; break; case "currency": case "rcurrency": var sign = attrDefault($this, 'sign', '$');; mask = "999,999,999.99"; if($this.data('mask').toLowerCase() == 'rcurrency') { mask += ' ' + sign; } else { mask = sign + ' ' + mask; } opts.numericInput = true; opts.rightAlignNumerics = false; opts.radixPoint = '.'; break; case "email": mask = 'Regex'; opts.regex = "[a-zA-Z0-9._%-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}"; break; case "fdecimal": mask = 'decimal'; $.extend(opts, { autoGroup : true, groupSize : 3, radixPoint : attrDefault($this, 'rad', '.'), groupSeparator : attrDefault($this, 'dec', ',') }); } if(is_regex) { opts.regex = mask; mask = 'Regex'; } $this.inputmask(mask, opts); }); } // Form Wizard if($.isFunction($.fn.bootstrapWizard)) { $(".form-wizard").each(function(i, el) { var $this = $(el), $tabs = $this.find('> .tabs > li'), $progress = $this.find(".progress-indicator"), _index = $this.find('> ul > li.active').index(); // Validation var checkFormWizardValidaion = function(tab, navigation, index) { if($this.hasClass('validate')) { var $valid = $this.valid(); if( ! $valid) { $this.data('validator').focusInvalid(); return false; } } return true; }; // Setup Progress if(_index > 0) { $progress.css({width: _index/$tabs.length * 100 + '%'}); $tabs.removeClass('completed').slice(0, _index).addClass('completed'); 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'rtl' : 'ltr' }); } // Dropzone is prezent if(typeof Dropzone != 'undefined') { Dropzone.autoDiscover = false; $(".dropzone[action]").each(function(i, el) { $(el).dropzone(); }); } // Tocify Table if($.isFunction($.fn.tocify) && $("#toc").length) { $("#toc").tocify({ context: '.tocify-content', selectors: "h2,h3,h4,h5" }); var $this = $(".tocify"), watcher = scrollMonitor.create($this.get(0)); $this.width( $this.parent().width() ); watcher.lock(); watcher.stateChange(function() { $($this.get(0)).toggleClass('fixed', this.isAboveViewport) }); } // Login Form Label Focusing $(".login-form .form-group:has(label)").each(function(i, el) { var $this = $(el), $label = $this.find('label'), $input = $this.find('.form-control'); $input.on('focus', function() { $this.addClass('is-focused'); }); $input.on('keydown', function() { $this.addClass('is-focused'); }); $input.on('blur', function() { $this.removeClass('is-focused'); if($input.val().trim().length > 0) { $this.addClass('is-focused'); } }); 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}}); var interval_1 = $li.data('sub_i_1'), interval_2 = $li.data('sub_i_2'); window.clearTimeout(interval_1); interval_1 = setTimeout(function() { $sub_items.each(function(i, el) { var $sub_item = jQuery(el); $sub_item.addClass('is-shown'); }); var finish_on = sm_transition_delay * $sub_items.length, t_duration = parseFloat($sub_items.eq(0).css('transition-duration')), t_delay = parseFloat($sub_items.last().css('transition-delay')); if(t_duration && t_delay) { finish_on = (t_duration + t_delay) * 1000; } // In the end window.clearTimeout(interval_2); interval_2 = setTimeout(function() { $sub_items.removeClass('is-hidden is-shown'); }, finish_on); $li.data('is-busy', false); }, 0); $li.data('sub_i_1', interval_1), $li.data('sub_i_2', interval_2); } function sidebar_menu_item_collapse($li, $sub) { if($li.data('is-busy')) return; var $sub_items = $sub.children(); $li.removeClass('expanded').data('is-busy', true); $sub_items.addClass('hidden-item'); TweenMax.to($sub, sm_duration, {css: {height: 0}, onUpdate: ps_update, onComplete: function() { $li.data('is-busy', false).removeClass('opened'); $sub.attr('style', '').hide(); $sub_items.removeClass('hidden-item'); $li.find('li.expanded ul').attr('style', '').hide().parent().removeClass('expanded'); ps_update(true); }}); } function sidebar_menu_close_items_siblings($li) { $li.siblings().not($li).filter('.expanded, .opened').each(function(i, el) { var $_li = jQuery(el), $_sub = $_li.children('ul'); sidebar_menu_item_collapse($_li, $_sub); }); } // Horizontal Menu function setup_horizontal_menu() { if(public_vars.$horizontalMenu.length) { var $items_with_subs = public_vars.$horizontalMenu.find('li:has(> ul)'), click_to_expand = public_vars.$horizontalMenu.hasClass('click-to-expand'); if(click_to_expand) { public_vars.$mainContent.add( public_vars.$sidebarMenu ).on('click', function(ev) { $items_with_subs.removeClass('hover'); }); } $items_with_subs.each(function(i, el) { var $li = jQuery(el), $a = $li.children('a'), $sub = $li.children('ul'), is_root_element = $li.parent().is('.navbar-nav'); $li.addClass('has-sub'); // Mobile Only $a.on('click', function(ev) { if(isxs()) { ev.preventDefault(); // Automatically will toggle other menu items in mobile view if(true) { sidebar_menu_close_items_siblings($li); } if($li.hasClass('expanded') || $li.hasClass('opened')) sidebar_menu_item_collapse($li, $sub); else sidebar_menu_item_expand($li, $sub); } }); // Click To Expand if(click_to_expand) { $a.on('click', function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); if(isxs()) return; // For parents only if(is_root_element) { $items_with_subs.filter(function(i, el){ return jQuery(el).parent().is('.navbar-nav'); }).not($li).removeClass('hover'); $li.toggleClass('hover'); } // Sub menus else { var sub_height; // To Expand if($li.hasClass('expanded') == false) { $li.addClass('expanded'); $sub.addClass('is-visible'); sub_height = $sub.outerHeight(); $sub.height(0); TweenLite.to($sub, .15, {css: {height: sub_height}, ease: Sine.easeInOut, onComplete: function(){ $sub.attr('style', ''); }}); // Hide Existing in the list $li.siblings().find('> ul.is-visible').not($sub).each(function(i, el) { var $el = jQuery(el); sub_height = $el.outerHeight(); $el.removeClass('is-visible').height(sub_height); $el.parent().removeClass('expanded'); TweenLite.to($el, .15, {css: {height: 0}, onComplete: function(){ $el.attr('style', ''); }}); }); } // To Collapse else { sub_height = $sub.outerHeight(); $li.removeClass('expanded'); $sub.removeClass('is-visible').height(sub_height); TweenLite.to($sub, .15, {css: {height: 0}, onComplete: function(){ $sub.attr('style', ''); }}); } } }); } // Hover To Expand else { $li.hoverIntent({ over: function() { if(isxs()) return; if(is_root_element) { $li.addClass('hover'); } else { $sub.addClass('is-visible'); sub_height = $sub.outerHeight(); $sub.height(0); TweenLite.to($sub, .25, {css: {height: sub_height}, ease: Sine.easeInOut, onComplete: function(){ $sub.attr('style', ''); }}); } }, out: function() { if(isxs()) return; if(is_root_element) { $li.removeClass('hover'); } else { sub_height = $sub.outerHeight(); $li.removeClass('expanded'); $sub.removeClass('is-visible').height(sub_height); TweenLite.to($sub, .25, {css: {height: 0}, onComplete: function(){ $sub.attr('style', ''); }}); } }, timeout: 200, interval: is_root_element ? 10 : 100 }); } }); } } function stickFooterToBottom() { public_vars.$mainFooter.add( public_vars.$mainContent ).add( public_vars.$sidebarMenu ).attr('style', ''); if(isxs()) return false; if(public_vars.$mainFooter.hasClass('sticky')) { var win_height = jQuery(window).height(), footer_height = public_vars.$mainFooter.outerHeight(true), main_content_height = public_vars.$mainFooter.position().top + footer_height, main_content_height_only = main_content_height - footer_height, extra_height = public_vars.$horizontalNavbar.outerHeight(); if(win_height > main_content_height - parseInt(public_vars.$mainFooter.css('marginTop'), 10)) { public_vars.$mainFooter.css({ marginTop: win_height - main_content_height - extra_height }); } } } // Perfect scroll bar functions by Arlind Nushi function ps_update(destroy_init) { if(isxs()) return; if(jQuery.isFunction(jQuery.fn.perfectScrollbar)) { if(public_vars.$sidebarMenu.hasClass('collapsed')) { return; } public_vars.$sidebarMenu.find('.sidebar-menu-inner').perfectScrollbar('update'); if(destroy_init) { ps_destroy(); ps_init(); } } } function ps_init() { if(isxs()) return; if(jQuery.isFunction(jQuery.fn.perfectScrollbar)) { if(public_vars.$sidebarMenu.hasClass('collapsed') || ! public_vars.$sidebarMenu.hasClass('fixed')) { return; } public_vars.$sidebarMenu.find('.sidebar-menu-inner').perfectScrollbar({ wheelSpeed: 1, wheelPropagation: public_vars.wheelPropagation }); } } function ps_destroy() { if(jQuery.isFunction(jQuery.fn.perfectScrollbar)) { public_vars.$sidebarMenu.find('.sidebar-menu-inner').perfectScrollbar('destroy'); } } // Radio and Check box replacement by Arlind Nushi function cbr_replace() { var $inputs = jQuery('input[type="checkbox"].cbr, input[type="radio"].cbr').filter(':not(.cbr-done)'), $wrapper = '