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# OneNav主题 |
onenav导航的主题 |
## 天气插件 |
天气插件采用的是【和风天气】的标准版天气插件,可无限制免费试用,需要先注册和风天气账号, |
[和风天气账号注册](https://id.qweather.com/#/register); |
[和风天气创建插件页面](https://widget.qweather.com/create-standard) |
插件 选择【横版】、【款:240px】、【高:180px】;否则会出现样式偏移的问题。其他条件任选。 |
生成代码后 除第一行`<div id="he-plugin-standard"></div>`外,其他代码复制到主题文件夹下`index.php`底部对应位置即可。 |
## 一键添加 |
在浏览器标签栏添加新标签 |
标签名称栏随意填写 |
标签地址栏,填写一下地址代码 |
``` |
javascript: var url = location.href; |
var title = document.title; |
void(open('http://www.你的域名.com/index.php?c=admin&page=add_quick_tpl&url=' + encodeURIComponent(url) + '&title=' + encodeURIComponent(title), "_blank", "toolbar=yes, location=yes, directories=no, status=no, menubar=yes, scrollbars=yes, resizable=no, copyhistory=yes, left=200,top=200,width=400, height=460")); |
``` |
注意域名要替换成你的域名,然后保存即可。 |
## 相关链接 |
* [OneNav官网](https://nav.rss.ink/) |
* [onenav作者](https://www.xiaoz.me/) |
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/*百素(1099116749@qq.com)*/ |
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* 手机端 |
*/ |
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After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.6 KiB |
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<?php echo $link['title']; ?> |
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<?php if($link['property'] == 1 ) { ?> |
<span><i class="one iconfont icon-suo"></i></span> |
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title: '删除', |
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icon: 5, |
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function addUrl(data) { |
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url: data.url, |
title: data.title, |
fid: data.fid, |
weight: data.weight, |
property: data.property, |
description: data.description, |
}, function(data, status) { |
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icon: 6, |
time: 600, |
end: function() { |
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} else { |
layer.msg('添加失败,请重试!', { |
icon: 5, |
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function getUrlinfo(url) { |
console.log(url); |
$.post('/index.php?c=api&method=get_link_info', { |
url: url |
}, function(data, status) { |
layer.close(layer.index); |
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if(data.data.title == null) { |
layer.msg('标题获取失败,请手动输入!', { |
icon: 5, |
time: 1000, |
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$("input#title").val(data.data.title); |
$("textarea#description").val(data.data.description); |
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icon: 5, |
time: 1000, |
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function searchChange() { |
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console.log('1') |
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$(".search-btn").click(function() { |
var url = $(this).attr('data-url'); |
var kw = $('#search').val(); |
if(kw !== "") { |
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layer.msg('未输入搜索框关键词!', { |
time: 1000, |
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var kw = $('#search').val(); |
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layer.msg('未输入搜索框关键词!', { |
time: 1000, |
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input: '#search', |
find: '.urllist', |
placeholder: '<div class="empty">未搜索到匹配结果!</div>', |
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function getNow(Mytime) { |
return Mytime < 10 ? '0' + Mytime : Mytime; |
} |
function CurrentTime() { |
var myDate = new Date(); |
var h = myDate.getHours(); |
var m = myDate.getMinutes(); |
var s = myDate.getSeconds(); |
var nowTime = getNow(h) + ':' + getNow(m) + ":" + getNow(s); |
$('#nowTime').text(nowTime); |
setTimeout("CurrentTime()", 1000); //设定定时器,循环运行
} |
CurrentTime(); |
var myDate = new Date(); |
var year = myDate.getFullYear(); |
var month = myDate.getMonth() + 1; |
var date = myDate.getDate(); |
var nowDate = year + ' 年 ' + getNow(month) + " 月 " + getNow(date) + " 日"; |
$('#nowYmd').text(nowDate); |
$('.date-main').click(function() { |
window.open('https://wannianli.tianqi.com/'); |
}); |
var lunarD = Lunar.fromDate(myDate); |
console.log(lunarD); |
var lunarNowDate = lunarD.getYearInGanZhi() + '年' + lunarD.getMonthInChinese() + "月" + lunarD.getDayInChinese(); |
$('#nowLunar').text(lunarNowDate); |
var nowWeek = lunarD.getWeekInChinese(); |
$('#nowWeek').text('星期' + nowWeek); |
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$(".index-nav").toggleClass("show"); |
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.layui-layer-tips{background: none; box-shadow:none; border:none;} |
.layui-layer-tips .layui-layer-content{position: relative; line-height: 22px; min-width: 12px; padding: 8px 15px; font-size: 12px; _float:left; border-radius: 2px; box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.2); background-color: #000; color: #fff;} |
.layui-layer-tips .layui-layer-close{right:-2px; top:-1px;} |
.layui-layer-tips i.layui-layer-TipsG{ position:absolute; width:0; height:0; border-width:8px; border-color:transparent; border-style:dashed; *overflow:hidden;} |
.layui-layer-tips i.layui-layer-TipsT, .layui-layer-tips i.layui-layer-TipsB{left:5px; border-right-style:solid; border-right-color: #000;} |
.layui-layer-tips i.layui-layer-TipsT{bottom:-8px;} |
.layui-layer-tips i.layui-layer-TipsB{top:-8px;} |
.layui-layer-tips i.layui-layer-TipsR, .layui-layer-tips i.layui-layer-TipsL{top: 5px; border-bottom-style:solid; border-bottom-color: #000;} |
.layui-layer-tips i.layui-layer-TipsR{left:-8px;} |
.layui-layer-tips i.layui-layer-TipsL{right:-8px;} |
/* skin */ |
.layui-layer-lan[type="dialog"]{min-width:280px;} |
.layui-layer-lan .layui-layer-title{background:#4476A7; color:#fff; border: none;} |
.layui-layer-lan .layui-layer-btn{padding: 5px 10px 10px; text-align: right; border-top:1px solid #E9E7E7} |
.layui-layer-lan .layui-layer-btn a{background: #fff; border-color: #E9E7E7; color: #333;} |
.layui-layer-lan .layui-layer-btn .layui-layer-btn1{background:#C9C5C5;} |
.layui-layer-molv .layui-layer-title{background: #009f95; color:#fff; border: none;} |
.layui-layer-molv .layui-layer-btn a{background: #009f95; border-color: #009f95;} |
.layui-layer-molv .layui-layer-btn .layui-layer-btn1{background:#92B8B1;} |
/** |
@Name: layer拓展样式 |
*/ |
.layui-layer-iconext{background:url(icon-ext.png) no-repeat;} |
/* prompt模式 */ |
.layui-layer-prompt .layui-layer-input{display: block; width: 260px; height: 36px; margin: 0 auto; line-height: 30px; padding-left: 10px; border: 1px solid #e6e6e6; color: #333;} |
.layui-layer-prompt textarea.layui-layer-input{width: 300px; height: 100px; line-height: 20px; padding: 6px 10px;} |
.layui-layer-prompt .layui-layer-content{padding: 20px;} |
.layui-layer-prompt .layui-layer-btn{padding-top: 0;} |
/* tab模式 */ |
.layui-layer-tab{box-shadow:1px 1px 50px rgba(0,0,0,.4);} |
.layui-layer-tab .layui-layer-title{padding-left:0; overflow: visible;} |
.layui-layer-tab .layui-layer-title span{position:relative; float:left; min-width:80px; max-width: 300px; padding:0 20px; text-align:center; cursor:default; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; cursor: pointer;} |
.layui-layer-tab .layui-layer-title span.layui-this{height: 51px; border-left: 1px solid #eee; border-right: 1px solid #eee; background-color: #fff; z-index: 10;} |
.layui-layer-tab .layui-layer-title span:first-child{border-left:none;} |
.layui-layer-tabmain{line-height:24px; clear:both;} |
.layui-layer-tabmain .layui-layer-tabli{display:none;} |
.layui-layer-tabmain .layui-layer-tabli.layui-this{display: block;} |
/* photo模式 */ |
.layui-layer-photos{background: none; box-shadow: none;} |
.layui-layer-photos .layui-layer-content{overflow:hidden; text-align: center;} |
.layui-layer-photos .layui-layer-phimg img{position: relative; width:100%; display: inline-block; *display:inline; *zoom:1; vertical-align:top;} |
.layui-layer-imgprev, .layui-layer-imgnext{position: fixed; top: 50%; width: 27px; _width: 44px; height: 44px; margin-top:-22px; outline:none;blr:expression(this.onFocus=this.blur());} |
.layui-layer-imgprev{left: 30px; background-position:-5px -5px; _background-position:-70px -5px;} |
.layui-layer-imgprev:hover{background-position:-33px -5px; _background-position:-120px -5px;} |
.layui-layer-imgnext{right: 30px; _right:8px; background-position:-5px -50px; _background-position:-70px -50px;} |
.layui-layer-imgnext:hover{background-position: -33px -50px; _background-position: -120px -50px;} |
.layui-layer-imgbar{position: fixed; left:0; right: 0; bottom:0; width:100%; height: 40px; line-height: 40px; background-color:#000\9; filter:Alpha(opacity=60); background-color: rgba(2,0,0,.35); color: #fff; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; font-size:0;} |
.layui-layer-imgtit{/*position:absolute; left:20px;*/} |
.layui-layer-imgtit *{display:inline-block; *display:inline; *zoom:1; vertical-align:top; font-size:12px;} |
.layui-layer-imgtit a{max-width:65%; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; color:#fff;} |
.layui-layer-imgtit a:hover{color:#fff; text-decoration:underline;} |
.layui-layer-imgtit em{padding-left:10px; font-style: normal;} |
/* 关闭动画 */ |
@-webkit-keyframes layer-bounceOut { |
100% {opacity: 0; -webkit-transform: scale(.7); transform: scale(.7)} |
30% {-webkit-transform: scale(1.05); transform: scale(1.05)} |
0% {-webkit-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1);} |
} |
@keyframes layer-bounceOut { |
100% {opacity: 0; -webkit-transform: scale(.7); -ms-transform: scale(.7); transform: scale(.7);} |
30% {-webkit-transform: scale(1.05); -ms-transform: scale(1.05); transform: scale(1.05);} |
0% {-webkit-transform: scale(1); -ms-transform: scale(1);transform: scale(1);} |
} |
.layer-anim-close{-webkit-animation-name: layer-bounceOut; animation-name: layer-bounceOut; -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both; animation-fill-mode: both; -webkit-animation-duration:.2s; animation-duration:.2s;} |
@media screen and (max-width: 1100px) { |
.layui-layer-iframe{overflow-y: auto; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;} |
} |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.7 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 701 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.7 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 299 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
/*! |
* Layui |
* Classic modular Front-End UI library |
* MIT Licensed |
*/ |
;!function(win){ |
"use strict"; |
var doc = win.document, config = { |
modules: {} //记录模块物理路径
,status: {} //记录模块加载状态
,timeout: 10 //符合规范的模块请求最长等待秒数
,event: {} //记录模块自定义事件
} |
,Layui = function(){ |
this.v = '2.6.8'; // layui 版本号
} |
,GLOBAL = win.LAYUI_GLOBAL || {} |
//获取 layui 所在目录
,getPath = function(){ |
var jsPath = doc.currentScript ? doc.currentScript.src : function(){ |
var js = doc.scripts |
,last = js.length - 1 |
,src; |
for(var i = last; i > 0; i--){ |
if(js[i].readyState === 'interactive'){ |
src = js[i].src; |
break; |
} |
} |
return src || js[last].src; |
}(); |
return config.dir = GLOBAL.dir || jsPath.substring(0, jsPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); |
}() |
,error = function(msg, type){ |
type = type || 'log'; |
win.console && console[type] && console[type]('layui error hint: ' + msg); |
} |
,isOpera = typeof opera !== 'undefined' && opera.toString() === '[object Opera]' |
,modules = config.builtin = { |
lay: 'lay' //基础 DOM 操作
,layer: 'layer' //弹层
,laydate: 'laydate' //日期
,laypage: 'laypage' //分页
,laytpl: 'laytpl' //模板引擎
,layedit: 'layedit' //富文本编辑器
,form: 'form' //表单集
,upload: 'upload' //上传
,dropdown: 'dropdown' //下拉菜单
,transfer: 'transfer' //穿梭框
,tree: 'tree' //树结构
,table: 'table' //表格
,element: 'element' //常用元素操作
,rate: 'rate' //评分组件
,colorpicker: 'colorpicker' //颜色选择器
,slider: 'slider' //滑块
,carousel: 'carousel' //轮播
,flow: 'flow' //流加载
,util: 'util' //工具块
,code: 'code' //代码修饰器
,jquery: 'jquery' //DOM 库(第三方)
,all: 'all' |
,'layui.all': 'layui.all' //聚合标识(功能性的,非真实模块)
}; |
Layui.prototype.cache = config; |
Layui.prototype.define = function(deps, factory){ |
var that = this |
,type = typeof deps === 'function' |
,callback = function(){ |
var setApp = function(app, exports){ |
layui[app] = exports; |
config.status[app] = true; |
}; |
typeof factory === 'function' && factory(function(app, exports){ |
setApp(app, exports); |
config.callback[app] = function(){ |
factory(setApp); |
} |
}); |
return this; |
}; |
type && ( |
factory = deps, |
deps = [] |
); |
that.use(deps, callback, null, 'define'); |
return that; |
}; |
Layui.prototype.use = function(apps, callback, exports, from){ |
var that = this |
,dir = config.dir = config.dir ? config.dir : getPath |
,head = doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; |
apps = function(){ |
if(typeof apps === 'string'){ |
return [apps]; |
} |
//当第一个参数为 function 时,则自动加载所有内置模块,且执行的回调即为该 function 参数;
else if(typeof apps === 'function'){ |
callback = apps; |
return ['all']; |
} |
return apps; |
}(); |
//如果页面已经存在 jQuery 1.7+ 库且所定义的模块依赖 jQuery,则不加载内部 jquery 模块
if(win.jQuery && jQuery.fn.on){ |
that.each(apps, function(index, item){ |
if(item === 'jquery'){ |
apps.splice(index, 1); |
} |
}); |
layui.jquery = layui.$ = jQuery; |
} |
var item = apps[0] |
,timeout = 0; |
exports = exports || []; |
config.host = config.host || (dir.match(/\/\/([\s\S]+?)\//)||['//'+ location.host +'/'])[0]; |
function onScriptLoad(e, url){ |
var readyRegExp = navigator.platform === 'PLaySTATION 3' ? /^complete$/ : /^(complete|loaded)$/ |
if (e.type === 'load' || (readyRegExp.test((e.currentTarget || e.srcElement).readyState))) { |
config.modules[item] = url; |
head.removeChild(node); |
(function poll() { |
if(++timeout > config.timeout * 1000 / 4){ |
return error(item + ' is not a valid module', 'error'); |
}; |
config.status[item] ? onCallback() : setTimeout(poll, 4); |
}()); |
} |
} |
function onCallback(){ |
exports.push(layui[item]); |
apps.length > 1 ? |
that.use(apps.slice(1), callback, exports, from) |
: ( typeof callback === 'function' && function(){ |
if(layui.jquery && typeof layui.jquery === 'function' && from !== 'define'){ |
return layui.jquery(function(){ |
callback.apply(layui, exports); |
}); |
} |
callback.apply(layui, exports); |
}() ); |
} |
if( apps.length === 0 || (layui['layui.all'] && modules[item]) ){ |
return onCallback(), that; |
} |
//获取加载的模块 URL
//如果是内置模块,则按照 dir 参数拼接模块路径
//如果是扩展模块,则判断模块路径值是否为 {/} 开头,
//如果路径值是 {/} 开头,则模块路径即为后面紧跟的字符。
//否则,则按照 base 参数拼接模块路径
var url = ( modules[item] ? (dir + 'modules/') |
: (/^\{\/\}/.test(that.modules[item]) ? '' : (config.base || '')) |
) + (that.modules[item] || item) + '.js'; |
url = url.replace(/^\{\/\}/, ''); |
if(!config.modules[item] && layui[item]){ |
config.modules[item] = url; //并记录起该扩展模块的 url
} |
if(!config.modules[item]){ |
var node = doc.createElement('script'); |
node.async = true; |
node.charset = 'utf-8'; |
node.src = url + function(){ |
var version = config.version === true |
? (config.v || (new Date()).getTime()) |
: (config.version||''); |
return version ? ('?v=' + version) : ''; |
}(); |
head.appendChild(node); |
if(node.attachEvent && !(node.attachEvent.toString && node.attachEvent.toString().indexOf('[native code') < 0) && !isOpera){ |
node.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', function(e){ |
onScriptLoad(e, url); |
}); |
} else { |
node.addEventListener('load', function(e){ |
onScriptLoad(e, url); |
}, false); |
} |
config.modules[item] = url; |
} else { //缓存
(function poll() { |
if(++timeout > config.timeout * 1000 / 4){ |
return error(item + ' is not a valid module', 'error'); |
}; |
(typeof config.modules[item] === 'string' && config.status[item]) |
? onCallback() |
: setTimeout(poll, 4); |
}()); |
} |
return that; |
}; |
//获取节点的 style 属性值
Layui.prototype.getStyle = function(node, name){ |
var style = node.currentStyle ? node.currentStyle : win.getComputedStyle(node, null); |
return style[style.getPropertyValue ? 'getPropertyValue' : 'getAttribute'](name); |
}; |
Layui.prototype.link = function(href, fn, cssname){ |
var that = this |
,head = doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] |
,link = doc.createElement('link'); |
if(typeof fn === 'string') cssname = fn; |
var app = (cssname || href).replace(/\.|\//g, '') |
,id = link.id = 'layuicss-'+ app |
,STAUTS_NAME = 'creating' |
,timeout = 0; |
link.rel = 'stylesheet'; |
link.href = href + (config.debug ? '?v='+new Date().getTime() : ''); |
link.media = 'all'; |
if(!doc.getElementById(id)){ |
head.appendChild(link); |
} |
if(typeof fn !== 'function') return that; |
//轮询 css 是否加载完毕
(function poll(status) { |
var delay = 100 |
,getLinkElem = doc.getElementById(id); //获取动态插入的 link 元素
//如果轮询超过指定秒数,则视为请求文件失败或 css 文件不符合规范
if(++timeout > config.timeout * 1000 / delay){ |
return error(href + ' timeout'); |
}; |
//css 加载就绪
if(parseInt(that.getStyle(getLinkElem, 'width')) === 1989){ |
//如果参数来自于初始轮询(即未加载就绪时的),则移除 link 标签状态
if(status === STAUTS_NAME) getLinkElem.removeAttribute('lay-status'); |
//如果 link 标签的状态仍为「创建中」,则继续进入轮询,直到状态改变,则执行回调
getLinkElem.getAttribute('lay-status') === STAUTS_NAME ? setTimeout(poll, delay) : fn(); |
} else { |
getLinkElem.setAttribute('lay-status', STAUTS_NAME); |
setTimeout(function(){ |
poll(STAUTS_NAME); |
}, delay); |
} |
}()); |
/* |
(function poll() { |
if(++timeout > config.timeout * 1000 / 100){ |
return error(href + ' timeout'); |
}; |
parseInt(that.getStyle(doc.getElementById(id), 'width')) === 1989 ? function(){ |
fn(); |
}() : setTimeout(poll, 100); |
}()); |
*/ |
return that; |
}; |
//css 内部加载器
Layui.prototype.addcss = function(firename, fn, cssname){ |
return layui.link(config.dir + 'css/' + firename, fn, cssname); |
}; |
config.callback = {}; |
Layui.prototype.factory = function(modName){ |
if(layui[modName]){ |
return typeof config.callback[modName] === 'function' |
? config.callback[modName] |
: null; |
} |
}; |
Layui.prototype.img = function(url, callback, error) { |
var img = new Image(); |
img.src = url; |
if(img.complete){ |
return callback(img); |
} |
img.onload = function(){ |
img.onload = null; |
typeof callback === 'function' && callback(img); |
}; |
img.onerror = function(e){ |
img.onerror = null; |
typeof error === 'function' && error(e); |
}; |
}; |
Layui.prototype.config = function(options){ |
options = options || {}; |
for(var key in options){ |
config[key] = options[key]; |
} |
return this; |
}; |
Layui.prototype.modules = function(){ |
var clone = {}; |
for(var o in modules){ |
clone[o] = modules[o]; |
} |
return clone; |
}(); |
Layui.prototype.extend = function(options){ |
var that = this; |
options = options || {}; |
for(var o in options){ |
if(that[o] || that.modules[o]){ |
error(o+ ' Module already exists', 'error'); |
} else { |
that.modules[o] = options[o]; |
} |
} |
return that; |
}; |
// location.hash 路由解析
Layui.prototype.router = function(hash){ |
var that = this |
,hash = hash || location.hash |
,data = { |
path: [] |
,search: {} |
,hash: (hash.match(/[^#](#.*$)/) || [])[1] || '' |
}; |
if(!/^#\//.test(hash)) return data; //禁止非路由规范
hash = hash.replace(/^#\//, ''); |
data.href = '/' + hash; |
hash = hash.replace(/([^#])(#.*$)/, '$1').split('/') || []; |
//提取 Hash 结构
that.each(hash, function(index, item){ |
/^\w+=/.test(item) ? function(){ |
item = item.split('='); |
data.search[item[0]] = item[1]; |
}() : data.path.push(item); |
}); |
return data; |
}; |
//URL 解析
Layui.prototype.url = function(href){ |
var that = this |
,data = { |
//提取 url 路径
pathname: function(){ |
var pathname = href |
? function(){ |
var str = (href.match(/\.[^.]+?\/.+/) || [])[0] || ''; |
return str.replace(/^[^\/]+/, '').replace(/\?.+/, ''); |
}() |
: location.pathname; |
return pathname.replace(/^\//, '').split('/'); |
}() |
//提取 url 参数
,search: function(){ |
var obj = {} |
,search = (href |
? function(){ |
var str = (href.match(/\?.+/) || [])[0] || ''; |
return str.replace(/\#.+/, ''); |
}() |
: location.search |
).replace(/^\?+/, '').split('&'); //去除 ?,按 & 分割参数
that.each(search, function(index, item){ |
var _index = item.indexOf('=') |
,key = function(){ //提取 key
if(_index < 0){ |
return item.substr(0, item.length); |
} else if(_index === 0){ |
return false; |
} else { |
return item.substr(0, _index); |
} |
}(); |
//提取 value
if(key){ |
obj[key] = _index > 0 ? item.substr(_index + 1) : null; |
} |
}); |
return obj; |
}() |
//提取 Hash
,hash: that.router(function(){ |
return href |
? ((href.match(/#.+/) || [])[0] || '/') |
: location.hash; |
}()) |
}; |
return data; |
}; |
Layui.prototype.data = function(table, settings, storage){ |
table = table || 'layui'; |
storage = storage || localStorage; |
if(!win.JSON || !win.JSON.parse) return; |
if(settings === null){ |
return delete storage[table]; |
} |
settings = typeof settings === 'object' |
? settings |
: {key: settings}; |
try{ |
var data = JSON.parse(storage[table]); |
} catch(e){ |
var data = {}; |
} |
if('value' in settings) data[settings.key] = settings.value; |
if(settings.remove) delete data[settings.key]; |
storage[table] = JSON.stringify(data); |
return settings.key ? data[settings.key] : data; |
}; |
Layui.prototype.sessionData = function(table, settings){ |
return this.data(table, settings, sessionStorage); |
} |
Layui.prototype.device = function(key){ |
var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() |
,getVersion = function(label){ |
var exp = new RegExp(label + '/([^\\s\\_\\-]+)'); |
label = (agent.match(exp)||[])[1]; |
return label || false; |
} |
,result = { |
os: function(){ //底层操作系统
if(/windows/.test(agent)){ |
return 'windows'; |
} else if(/linux/.test(agent)){ |
return 'linux'; |
} else if(/iphone|ipod|ipad|ios/.test(agent)){ |
return 'ios'; |
} else if(/mac/.test(agent)){ |
return 'mac'; |
} |
}() |
,ie: function(){ //ie版本
return (!!win.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in win) ? ( |
(agent.match(/msie\s(\d+)/) || [])[1] || '11' //由于ie11并没有msie的标识
) : false; |
}() |
,weixin: getVersion('micromessenger') //是否微信
}; |
if(key && !result[key]){ |
result[key] = getVersion(key); |
} |
result.android = /android/.test(agent); |
result.ios = result.os === 'ios'; |
result.mobile = (result.android || result.ios) ? true : false; |
return result; |
}; |
Layui.prototype.hint = function(){ |
return { |
error: error |
}; |
}; |
//typeof 类型细分 -> string/number/boolean/undefined/null、object/array/function/…
Layui.prototype._typeof = function(operand){ |
if(operand === null) return String(operand); |
return (typeof operand === 'object' || typeof operand === 'function') ? function(){ |
var type = Object.prototype.toString.call(operand).match(/\s(.+)\]$/) || [] //匹配类型字符
,classType = 'Function|Array|Date|RegExp|Object|Error|Symbol'; //常见类型字符
type = type[1] || 'Object'; |
//除匹配到的类型外,其他对象均返回 object
return new RegExp('\\b('+ classType + ')\\b').test(type) |
? type.toLowerCase() |
: 'object'; |
}() : typeof operand; |
}; |
//对象是否具备数组结构(此处为兼容 jQuery 对象)
Layui.prototype._isArray = function(obj){ |
var that = this |
,len |
,type = that._typeof(obj); |
if(!obj || (typeof obj !== 'object') || obj === win) return false; |
len = 'length' in obj && obj.length; //兼容 ie
return type === 'array' || len === 0 || ( |
typeof len === 'number' && len > 0 && (len - 1) in obj //兼容 jQuery 对象
); |
}; |
Layui.prototype.each = function(obj, fn){ |
var key |
,that = this |
,callFn = function(key, obj){ //回调
return fn.call(obj[key], key, obj[key]) |
}; |
if(typeof fn !== 'function') return that; |
obj = obj || []; |
if(that._isArray(obj)){ |
for(key = 0; key < obj.length; key++){ |
if(callFn(key, obj)) break; |
} |
} else { |
for(key in obj){ |
if(callFn(key, obj)) break; |
} |
} |
return that; |
}; |
Layui.prototype.sort = function(obj, key, desc){ |
var clone = JSON.parse( |
JSON.stringify(obj || []) |
); |
if(!key) return clone; |
clone.sort(function(o1, o2){ |
var v1 = o1[key] |
,v2 = o2[key] |
,isNum = [ |
!isNaN(v1) |
,!isNaN(v2) |
]; |
if(isNum[0] && isNum[1]){ |
if(v1 && (!v2 && v2 !== 0)){ //数字 vs 空
return 1; |
} else if((!v1 && v1 !== 0) && v2){ //空 vs 数字
return -1; |
} else { //数字 vs 数字
return v1 - v2; |
} |
}; |
/** |
* 字典序排序 |
*/ |
if(!isNum[0] && !isNum[1]){ |
if(v1 > v2){ |
return 1; |
} else if (v1 < v2) { |
return -1; |
} else { |
return 0; |
} |
} |
if(isNum[0] || !isNum[1]){ //数字 vs 非数字
return -1; |
} else if(!isNum[0] || isNum[1]) { //非数字 vs 数字
return 1; |
} |
/* |
if(v1 && !v2){ |
return 1; |
} else if(!v1 && v2){ |
return -1; |
} |
if(v1 > v2){ |
return 1; |
} else if (v1 < v2) { |
return -1; |
} else { |
return 0; |
} |
*/ |
}); |
desc && clone.reverse(); //倒序
return clone; |
}; |
Layui.prototype.stope = function(thisEvent){ |
thisEvent = thisEvent || win.event; |
try { thisEvent.stopPropagation() } catch(e){ |
thisEvent.cancelBubble = true; |
} |
}; |
Layui.prototype.onevent = function(modName, events, callback){ |
if(typeof modName !== 'string' |
|| typeof callback !== 'function') return this; |
return Layui.event(modName, events, null, callback); |
}; |
Layui.prototype.event = Layui.event = function(modName, events, params, fn){ |
var that = this |
,result = null |
,filter = (events || '').match(/\((.*)\)$/)||[] //提取事件过滤器字符结构,如:select(xxx)
,eventName = (modName + '.'+ events).replace(filter[0], '') //获取事件名称,如:form.select
,filterName = filter[1] || '' //获取过滤器名称,,如:xxx
,callback = function(_, item){ |
var res = item && item.call(that, params); |
res === false && result === null && (result = false); |
}; |
if(params === EV_REMOVE){ |
delete (that.cache.event[eventName] || {})[filterName]; |
return that; |
} |
if(fn){ |
config.event[eventName] = config.event[eventName] || {}; |
//config.event[eventName][filterName] ? config.event[eventName][filterName].push(fn) :
config.event[eventName][filterName] = [fn]; |
return this; |
} |
layui.each(config.event[eventName], function(key, item){ |
if(filterName === '{*}'){ |
layui.each(item, callback); |
return; |
} |
key === '' && layui.each(item, callback); |
(filterName && key === filterName) && layui.each(item, callback); |
}); |
return result; |
}; |
Layui.prototype.on = function(events, modName, callback){ |
var that = this; |
return that.onevent.call(that, modName, events, callback); |
} |
Layui.prototype.off = function(events, modName){ |
var that = this; |
return that.event.call(that, modName, events, EV_REMOVE); |
}; |
//exports layui
win.layui = new Layui(); |
}(window); //gulp build: layui-footer
@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
/*! |
* carousel 轮播模块 |
* MIT Licensed |
*/ |
layui.define('jquery', function(exports){ |
"use strict"; |
var $ = layui.$ |
,hint = layui.hint() |
,device = layui.device() |
,carousel = { |
config: {} //全局配置项
,set: function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, options); |
return that; |
} |
,on: function(events, callback){ |
return layui.onevent.call(this, MOD_NAME, events, callback); |
} |
} |
,MOD_NAME = 'carousel', ELEM = '.layui-carousel', THIS = 'layui-this', SHOW = 'layui-show', HIDE = 'layui-hide', DISABLED = 'layui-disabled' |
,ELEM_ITEM = '>*[carousel-item]>*', ELEM_LEFT = 'layui-carousel-left', ELEM_RIGHT = 'layui-carousel-right', ELEM_PREV = 'layui-carousel-prev', ELEM_NEXT = 'layui-carousel-next', ELEM_ARROW = 'layui-carousel-arrow', ELEM_IND = 'layui-carousel-ind' |
,Class = function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, carousel.config, options); |
that.render(); |
}; |
Class.prototype.config = { |
width: '600px' |
,height: '280px' |
,full: false //是否全屏
,arrow: 'hover' //切换箭头默认显示状态:hover/always/none
,indicator: 'inside' //指示器位置:inside/outside/none
,autoplay: true //是否自动切换
,interval: 3000 //自动切换的时间间隔,不能低于800ms
,anim: '' //动画类型:default/updown/fade
,trigger: 'click' //指示器的触发方式:click/hover
,index: 0 //初始开始的索引
}; |
Class.prototype.render = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
options.elem = $(options.elem); |
if(!options.elem[0]) return; |
that.elemItem = options.elem.find(ELEM_ITEM); |
if(options.index < 0) options.index = 0; |
if(options.index >= that.elemItem.length) options.index = that.elemItem.length - 1; |
if(options.interval < 800) options.interval = 800; |
if(options.full){ |
options.elem.css({ |
position: 'fixed' |
,width: '100%' |
,height: '100%' |
,zIndex: 9999 |
}); |
} else { |
options.elem.css({ |
width: options.width |
,height: options.height |
}); |
} |
options.elem.attr('lay-anim', options.anim); |
that.elemItem.eq(options.index).addClass(THIS); |
if(that.elemItem.length <= 1) return; |
that.indicator(); |
that.arrow(); |
that.autoplay(); |
that.events(); |
}; |
Class.prototype.reload = function(options){ |
var that = this; |
clearInterval(that.timer); |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, options); |
that.render(); |
}; |
Class.prototype.prevIndex = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
var prevIndex = options.index - 1; |
if(prevIndex < 0){ |
prevIndex = that.elemItem.length - 1; |
} |
return prevIndex; |
}; |
Class.prototype.nextIndex = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
var nextIndex = options.index + 1; |
if(nextIndex >= that.elemItem.length){ |
nextIndex = 0; |
} |
return nextIndex; |
}; |
Class.prototype.addIndex = function(num){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
num = num || 1; |
options.index = options.index + num; |
if(options.index >= that.elemItem.length){ |
options.index = 0; |
} |
}; |
Class.prototype.subIndex = function(num){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
num = num || 1; |
options.index = options.index - num; |
if(options.index < 0){ |
options.index = that.elemItem.length - 1; |
} |
}; |
Class.prototype.autoplay = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
if(!options.autoplay) return; |
clearInterval(that.timer); |
that.timer = setInterval(function(){ |
that.slide(); |
}, options.interval); |
}; |
Class.prototype.arrow = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
var tplArrow = $([ |
'<button class="layui-icon '+ ELEM_ARROW +'" lay-type="sub">'+ (options.anim === 'updown' ? '' : '') +'</button>' |
,'<button class="layui-icon '+ ELEM_ARROW +'" lay-type="add">'+ (options.anim === 'updown' ? '' : '') +'</button>' |
].join('')); |
options.elem.attr('lay-arrow', options.arrow); |
if(options.elem.find('.'+ELEM_ARROW)[0]){ |
options.elem.find('.'+ELEM_ARROW).remove(); |
}; |
options.elem.append(tplArrow); |
tplArrow.on('click', function(){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,type = othis.attr('lay-type') |
that.slide(type); |
}); |
}; |
Class.prototype.indicator = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
var tplInd = that.elemInd = $(['<div class="'+ ELEM_IND +'"><ul>' |
,function(){ |
var li = []; |
layui.each(that.elemItem, function(index){ |
li.push('<li'+ (options.index === index ? ' class="layui-this"' : '') +'></li>'); |
}); |
return li.join(''); |
}() |
,'</ul></div>'].join('')); |
options.elem.attr('lay-indicator', options.indicator); |
if(options.elem.find('.'+ELEM_IND)[0]){ |
options.elem.find('.'+ELEM_IND).remove(); |
}; |
options.elem.append(tplInd); |
if(options.anim === 'updown'){ |
tplInd.css('margin-top', -(tplInd.height()/2)); |
} |
tplInd.find('li').on(options.trigger === 'hover' ? 'mouseover' : options.trigger, function(){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,index = othis.index(); |
if(index > options.index){ |
that.slide('add', index - options.index); |
} else if(index < options.index){ |
that.slide('sub', options.index - index); |
} |
}); |
}; |
Class.prototype.slide = function(type, num){ |
var that = this |
,elemItem = that.elemItem |
,options = that.config |
,thisIndex = options.index |
,filter = options.elem.attr('lay-filter'); |
if(that.haveSlide) return; |
if(type === 'sub'){ |
that.subIndex(num); |
elemItem.eq(options.index).addClass(ELEM_PREV); |
setTimeout(function(){ |
elemItem.eq(thisIndex).addClass(ELEM_RIGHT); |
elemItem.eq(options.index).addClass(ELEM_RIGHT); |
}, 50); |
} else { //默认递增滑
that.addIndex(num); |
elemItem.eq(options.index).addClass(ELEM_NEXT); |
setTimeout(function(){ |
elemItem.eq(thisIndex).addClass(ELEM_LEFT); |
elemItem.eq(options.index).addClass(ELEM_LEFT); |
}, 50); |
}; |
setTimeout(function(){ |
elemItem.removeClass(THIS + ' ' + ELEM_PREV + ' ' + ELEM_NEXT + ' ' + ELEM_LEFT + ' ' + ELEM_RIGHT); |
elemItem.eq(options.index).addClass(THIS); |
that.haveSlide = false; //解锁
}, 300); |
that.elemInd.find('li').eq(options.index).addClass(THIS) |
.siblings().removeClass(THIS); |
that.haveSlide = true; |
layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'change('+ filter +')', { |
index: options.index |
,prevIndex: thisIndex |
,item: elemItem.eq(options.index) |
}); |
}; |
Class.prototype.events = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
if(options.elem.data('haveEvents')) return; |
options.elem.on('mouseenter', function(){ |
clearInterval(that.timer); |
}).on('mouseleave', function(){ |
that.autoplay(); |
}); |
options.elem.data('haveEvents', true); |
}; |
carousel.render = function(options){ |
var inst = new Class(options); |
return inst; |
}; |
exports(MOD_NAME, carousel); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
/** |
* code 代码修饰器 |
* MIT Licensed |
*/ |
layui.define('jquery', function(exports){ |
"use strict"; |
var $ = layui.$; |
exports('code', function(options){ |
var elems = []; |
options = options || {}; |
options.elem = $(options.elem||'.layui-code'); |
options.lang = 'lang' in options ? options.lang : 'code'; |
options.elem.each(function(){ |
elems.push(this); |
}); |
layui.each(elems.reverse(), function(index, item){ |
var othis = $(item), html = othis.html(); |
if(othis.attr('lay-encode') || options.encode){ |
html = html.replace(/&(?!#?[a-zA-Z0-9]+;)/g, '&') |
.replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(/"/g, '"') |
} |
othis.html('<ol class="layui-code-ol"><li>' + html.replace(/[\r\t\n]+/g, '</li><li>') + '</li></ol>') |
if(!othis.find('>.layui-code-h3')[0]){ |
othis.prepend('<h3 class="layui-code-h3">'+ (othis.attr('lay-title')||options.title||'</>') + '<a href="javascript:;">'+ (othis.attr('lay-lang')||options.lang||'') +'</a>' + '</h3>'); |
} |
var ol = othis.find('>.layui-code-ol'); |
othis.addClass('layui-box layui-code-view'); |
if(othis.attr('lay-skin') || options.skin){ |
othis.addClass('layui-code-' +(othis.attr('lay-skin') || options.skin)); |
} |
if((ol.find('li').length/100|0) > 0){ |
ol.css('margin-left', (ol.find('li').length/100|0) + 'px'); |
} |
if(othis.attr('lay-height') || options.height){ |
ol.css('max-height', othis.attr('lay-height') || options.height); |
} |
}); |
}); |
}).addcss('modules/code.css?v=2', 'skincodecss'); |
@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
/*! |
* colorpicker |
* 颜色选择组件 |
*/ |
layui.define(['jquery', 'lay'], function(exports){ |
"use strict"; |
var $ = layui.jquery |
,lay = layui.lay |
,device = layui.device() |
,clickOrMousedown = (device.mobile ? 'click' : 'mousedown') |
,colorpicker = { |
config: {} |
,index: layui.colorpicker ? (layui.colorpicker.index + 10000) : 0 |
,set: function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, options); |
return that; |
} |
,on: function(events, callback){ |
return layui.onevent.call(this, 'colorpicker', events, callback); |
} |
} |
,thisColorPicker = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
return { |
config: options |
} |
} |
,MOD_NAME = 'colorpicker', SHOW = 'layui-show', THIS = 'layui-this', ELEM = 'layui-colorpicker' |
,ELEM_MAIN = '.layui-colorpicker-main', ICON_PICKER_DOWN = 'layui-icon-down', ICON_PICKER_CLOSE = 'layui-icon-close' |
,PICKER_TRIG_SPAN = 'layui-colorpicker-trigger-span', PICKER_TRIG_I = 'layui-colorpicker-trigger-i', PICKER_SIDE = 'layui-colorpicker-side', PICKER_SIDE_SLIDER = 'layui-colorpicker-side-slider' |
,PICKER_BASIS = 'layui-colorpicker-basis', PICKER_ALPHA_BG = 'layui-colorpicker-alpha-bgcolor', PICKER_ALPHA_SLIDER = 'layui-colorpicker-alpha-slider', PICKER_BASIS_CUR = 'layui-colorpicker-basis-cursor', PICKER_INPUT = 'layui-colorpicker-main-input' |
,RGBToHSB = function(rgb){ |
var hsb = {h:0, s:0, b:0}; |
var min = Math.min(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b); |
var max = Math.max(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b); |
var delta = max - min; |
hsb.b = max; |
hsb.s = max != 0 ? 255*delta/max : 0; |
if(hsb.s != 0){ |
if(rgb.r == max){ |
hsb.h = (rgb.g - rgb.b) / delta; |
}else if(rgb.g == max){ |
hsb.h = 2 + (rgb.b - rgb.r) / delta; |
}else{ |
hsb.h = 4 + (rgb.r - rgb.g) / delta; |
} |
}else{ |
hsb.h = -1; |
}; |
if(max == min){ |
hsb.h = 0; |
}; |
hsb.h *= 60; |
if(hsb.h < 0) { |
hsb.h += 360; |
}; |
hsb.s *= 100/255; |
hsb.b *= 100/255; |
return hsb; |
} |
,HEXToHSB = function(hex){ |
var hex = hex.indexOf('#') > -1 ? hex.substring(1) : hex; |
if(hex.length == 3){ |
var num = hex.split(""); |
hex = num[0]+num[0]+num[1]+num[1]+num[2]+num[2] |
}; |
hex = parseInt(hex, 16); |
var rgb = {r:hex >> 16, g:(hex & 0x00FF00) >> 8, b:(hex & 0x0000FF)}; |
return RGBToHSB(rgb); |
} |
,HSBToRGB = function(hsb){ |
var rgb = {}; |
var h = hsb.h; |
var s = hsb.s*255/100; |
var b = hsb.b*255/100; |
if(s == 0){ |
rgb.r = rgb.g = rgb.b = b; |
}else{ |
var t1 = b; |
var t2 = (255 - s) * b /255; |
var t3 = (t1 - t2) * (h % 60) /60; |
if(h == 360) h = 0; |
if(h < 60) {rgb.r=t1; rgb.b=t2; rgb.g=t2+t3} |
else if(h < 120) {rgb.g=t1; rgb.b=t2; rgb.r=t1-t3} |
else if(h < 180) {rgb.g=t1; rgb.r=t2; rgb.b=t2+t3} |
else if(h < 240) {rgb.b=t1; rgb.r=t2; rgb.g=t1-t3} |
else if(h < 300) {rgb.b=t1; rgb.g=t2; rgb.r=t2+t3} |
else if(h < 360) {rgb.r=t1; rgb.g=t2; rgb.b=t1-t3} |
else {rgb.r=0; rgb.g=0; rgb.b=0} |
} |
return {r:Math.round(rgb.r), g:Math.round(rgb.g), b:Math.round(rgb.b)}; |
} |
,HSBToHEX = function(hsb){ |
var rgb = HSBToRGB(hsb); |
var hex = [ |
rgb.r.toString(16) |
,rgb.g.toString(16) |
,rgb.b.toString(16) |
]; |
$.each(hex, function(nr, val){ |
if(val.length == 1){ |
hex[nr] = '0' + val; |
} |
}); |
return hex.join(''); |
} |
,RGBSTo = function(rgbs){ |
var regexp = /[0-9]{1,3}/g; |
var re = rgbs.match(regexp) || []; |
return {r:re[0], g:re[1], b:re[2]}; |
} |
,$win = $(window) |
,$doc = $(document) |
,Class = function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.index = ++colorpicker.index; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, colorpicker.config, options); |
that.render(); |
}; |
Class.prototype.config = { |
color: '' //默认颜色,默认没有
,size: null //选择器大小
,alpha: false //是否开启透明度
,format: 'hex' //颜色显示/输入格式,可选 rgb,hex
,predefine: false //预定义颜色是否开启
,colors: [ //默认预定义颜色列表
'#009688', '#5FB878', '#1E9FFF', '#FF5722', '#FFB800', '#01AAED', '#999', '#c00', '#ff8c00','#ffd700' |
,'#90ee90', '#00ced1', '#1e90ff', '#c71585', 'rgb(0, 186, 189)', 'rgb(255, 120, 0)', 'rgb(250, 212, 0)', '#393D49', 'rgba(0,0,0,.5)', 'rgba(255, 69, 0, 0.68)', 'rgba(144, 240, 144, 0.5)', 'rgba(31, 147, 255, 0.73)' |
] |
}; |
Class.prototype.render = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,elemColorBox = $(['<div class="layui-unselect layui-colorpicker">' |
,'<span '+ (options.format == 'rgb' && options.alpha |
? 'class="layui-colorpicker-trigger-bgcolor"' |
: '') +'>' |
,'<span class="layui-colorpicker-trigger-span" ' |
,'lay-type="'+ (options.format == 'rgb' ? (options.alpha ? 'rgba' : 'torgb') : '') +'" ' |
,'style="'+ function(){ |
var bgstr = ''; |
if(options.color){ |
bgstr = options.color; |
if((options.color.match(/[0-9]{1,3}/g) || []).length > 3){ //需要优化
if(!(options.alpha && options.format == 'rgb')){ |
bgstr = '#' + HSBToHEX(RGBToHSB(RGBSTo(options.color))) |
} |
} |
return 'background: '+ bgstr; |
} |
return bgstr; |
}() +'">' |
,'<i class="layui-icon layui-colorpicker-trigger-i '+ (options.color |
: ICON_PICKER_CLOSE) +'"></i>' |
,'</span>' |
,'</span>' |
,'</div>'].join('')) |
var othis = $(options.elem); |
options.size && elemColorBox.addClass('layui-colorpicker-'+ options.size); //初始化颜色选择框尺寸
othis.addClass('layui-inline').html( |
that.elemColorBox = elemColorBox |
); |
that.color = that.elemColorBox.find('.'+ PICKER_TRIG_SPAN)[0].style.background; |
that.events(); |
}; |
Class.prototype.renderPicker = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,elemColorBox = that.elemColorBox[0] |
,elemPicker = that.elemPicker = $(['<div id="layui-colorpicker'+ that.index +'" data-index="'+ that.index +'" class="layui-anim layui-anim-downbit layui-colorpicker-main">' |
,'<div class="layui-colorpicker-main-wrapper">' |
,'<div class="layui-colorpicker-basis">' |
,'<div class="layui-colorpicker-basis-white"></div>' |
,'<div class="layui-colorpicker-basis-black"></div>' |
,'<div class="layui-colorpicker-basis-cursor"></div>' |
,'</div>' |
,'<div class="layui-colorpicker-side">' |
,'<div class="layui-colorpicker-side-slider"></div>' |
,'</div>' |
,'</div>' |
,'<div class="layui-colorpicker-main-alpha '+ (options.alpha ? SHOW : '') +'">' |
,'<div class="layui-colorpicker-alpha-bgcolor">' |
,'<div class="layui-colorpicker-alpha-slider"></div>' |
,'</div>' |
,'</div>' |
,function(){ |
if(options.predefine){ |
var list = ['<div class="layui-colorpicker-main-pre">']; |
layui.each(options.colors, function(i, v){ |
list.push(['<div class="layui-colorpicker-pre'+ ((v.match(/[0-9]{1,3}/g) || []).length > 3 |
? ' layui-colorpicker-pre-isalpha' |
: '') +'">' |
,'<div style="background:'+ v +'"></div>' |
,'</div>'].join('')); |
}); |
list.push('</div>'); |
return list.join(''); |
} else { |
return ''; |
} |
}() |
,'<div class="layui-colorpicker-main-input">' |
,'<div class="layui-inline">' |
,'<input type="text" class="layui-input">' |
,'</div>' |
,'<div class="layui-btn-container">' |
,'<button class="layui-btn layui-btn-primary layui-btn-sm" colorpicker-events="clear">清空</button>' |
,'<button class="layui-btn layui-btn-sm" colorpicker-events="confirm">确定</button>' |
,'</div' |
,'</div>' |
,'</div>'].join('')) |
,elemColorBoxSpan = that.elemColorBox.find('.' + PICKER_TRIG_SPAN)[0]; |
if($(ELEM_MAIN)[0] && $(ELEM_MAIN).data('index') == that.index){ |
that.removePicker(Class.thisElemInd); |
} else { //插入颜色选择器
that.removePicker(Class.thisElemInd); |
$('body').append(elemPicker); |
} |
Class.thisElemInd = that.index; //记录最新打开的选择器索引
Class.thisColor = elemColorBox.style.background //记录最新打开的选择器颜色选中值
that.position(); |
that.pickerEvents(); |
}; |
Class.prototype.removePicker = function(index){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
$('#layui-colorpicker'+ (index || that.index)).remove(); |
return that; |
}; |
Class.prototype.position = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
lay.position(that.bindElem || that.elemColorBox[0], that.elemPicker[0], { |
position: options.position |
,align: 'center' |
}); |
return that; |
}; |
Class.prototype.val = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,elemColorBox = that.elemColorBox.find('.' + PICKER_TRIG_SPAN) |
,elemPickerInput = that.elemPicker.find('.' + PICKER_INPUT) |
,e = elemColorBox[0] |
,bgcolor = e.style.backgroundColor; |
if(bgcolor){ |
var hsb = RGBToHSB(RGBSTo(bgcolor)) |
,type = elemColorBox.attr('lay-type'); |
that.select(hsb.h, hsb.s, hsb.b); |
if(type === 'torgb'){ |
elemPickerInput.find('input').val(bgcolor); |
}; |
if(type === 'rgba'){ |
var rgb = RGBSTo(bgcolor); |
if((bgcolor.match(/[0-9]{1,3}/g) || []).length == 3){ |
elemPickerInput.find('input').val('rgba('+ rgb.r +', '+ rgb.g +', '+ rgb.b +', 1)'); |
that.elemPicker.find('.'+ PICKER_ALPHA_SLIDER).css("left", 280); |
} else { |
elemPickerInput.find('input').val(bgcolor); |
var left = bgcolor.slice(bgcolor.lastIndexOf(",") + 1, bgcolor.length - 1) * 280; |
that.elemPicker.find('.'+ PICKER_ALPHA_SLIDER).css("left", left); |
}; |
that.elemPicker.find('.'+ PICKER_ALPHA_BG)[0].style.background = 'linear-gradient(to right, rgba('+ rgb.r +', '+ rgb.g +', '+ rgb.b +', 0), rgb('+ rgb.r +', '+ rgb.g +', '+ rgb.b +'))'; |
}; |
}else{ |
that.select(0,100,100); |
elemPickerInput.find('input').val(""); |
that.elemPicker.find('.'+ PICKER_ALPHA_BG)[0].style.background = ''; |
that.elemPicker.find('.'+ PICKER_ALPHA_SLIDER).css("left", 280); |
} |
}; |
//颜色选择器滑动 / 点击
Class.prototype.side = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,span = that.elemColorBox.find('.' + PICKER_TRIG_SPAN) |
,type = span.attr('lay-type') |
,side = that.elemPicker.find('.' + PICKER_SIDE) |
,slider = that.elemPicker.find('.' + PICKER_SIDE_SLIDER) |
,basis = that.elemPicker.find('.' + PICKER_BASIS) |
,choose = that.elemPicker.find('.' + PICKER_BASIS_CUR) |
,alphacolor = that.elemPicker.find('.' + PICKER_ALPHA_BG) |
,alphaslider = that.elemPicker.find('.' + PICKER_ALPHA_SLIDER) |
,_h = slider[0].offsetTop/180*360 |
,_b = 100 - (choose[0].offsetTop + 3)/180*100 |
,_s = (choose[0].offsetLeft + 3)/260*100 |
,_a = Math.round(alphaslider[0].offsetLeft/280*100)/100 |
,i = that.elemColorBox.find('.' + PICKER_TRIG_I) |
,pre = that.elemPicker.find('.layui-colorpicker-pre').children('div') |
,change = function(x,y,z,a){ |
that.select(x, y, z); |
var rgb = HSBToRGB({h:x, s:y, b:z}); |
i.addClass(ICON_PICKER_DOWN).removeClass(ICON_PICKER_CLOSE); |
span[0].style.background = 'rgb('+ rgb.r +', '+ rgb.g +', '+ rgb.b +')'; |
if(type === 'torgb'){ |
that.elemPicker.find('.' + PICKER_INPUT).find('input').val('rgb('+ rgb.r +', '+ rgb.g +', '+ rgb.b +')'); |
}; |
if(type === 'rgba'){ |
var left = 0; |
left = a * 280; |
alphaslider.css("left", left); |
that.elemPicker.find('.' + PICKER_INPUT).find('input').val('rgba('+ rgb.r +', '+ rgb.g +', '+ rgb.b +', '+ a +')'); |
span[0].style.background = 'rgba('+ rgb.r +', '+ rgb.g +', '+ rgb.b +', '+ a +')'; |
alphacolor[0].style.background = 'linear-gradient(to right, rgba('+ rgb.r +', '+ rgb.g +', '+ rgb.b +', 0), rgb('+ rgb.r +', '+ rgb.g +', '+ rgb.b +'))' |
}; |
options.change && options.change(that.elemPicker.find('.' + PICKER_INPUT).find('input').val()); |
} |
,elemMove = $(['<div class="layui-auxiliar-moving" id="LAY-colorpicker-moving"></div>'].join('')) |
,createMoveElem = function(call){ |
$('#LAY-colorpicker-moving')[0] || $('body').append(elemMove); |
elemMove.on('mousemove', call); |
elemMove.on('mouseup', function(){ |
elemMove.remove(); |
}).on('mouseleave', function(){ |
elemMove.remove(); |
}); |
}; |
slider.on('mousedown', function(e){ |
var oldtop = this.offsetTop |
,oldy = e.clientY; |
var move = function(e){ |
var top = oldtop + (e.clientY - oldy) |
,maxh = side[0].offsetHeight; |
if(top < 0)top = 0; |
if(top > maxh)top = maxh; |
var h = top/180*360; |
_h = h; |
change(h, _s, _b, _a); |
e.preventDefault(); |
}; |
createMoveElem(move); |
e.preventDefault(); |
}); |
side.on('click', function(e){ |
var top = e.clientY - $(this).offset().top; |
if(top < 0)top = 0; |
if(top > this.offsetHeight)top = this.offsetHeight; |
var h = top/180*360; |
_h = h; |
change(h, _s, _b, _a); |
e.preventDefault(); |
}); |
choose.on('mousedown', function(e){ |
var oldtop = this.offsetTop |
,oldleft = this.offsetLeft |
,oldy = e.clientY |
,oldx = e.clientX; |
var move = function(e){ |
var top = oldtop + (e.clientY - oldy) |
,left = oldleft + (e.clientX - oldx) |
,maxh = basis[0].offsetHeight - 3 |
,maxw = basis[0].offsetWidth - 3; |
if(top < -3)top = -3; |
if(top > maxh)top = maxh; |
if(left < -3)left = -3; |
if(left > maxw)left = maxw; |
var s = (left + 3)/260*100 |
,b = 100 - (top + 3)/180*100; |
_b = b; |
_s = s; |
change(_h, s, b, _a); |
e.preventDefault(); |
}; |
layui.stope(e); |
createMoveElem(move); |
e.preventDefault(); |
}); |
basis.on('mousedown', function(e){ |
var top = e.clientY - $(this).offset().top - 3 + $win.scrollTop() |
,left = e.clientX - $(this).offset().left - 3 + $win.scrollLeft() |
if(top < -3)top = -3; |
if(top > this.offsetHeight - 3)top = this.offsetHeight - 3; |
if(left < -3)left = -3; |
if(left > this.offsetWidth - 3)left = this.offsetWidth - 3; |
var s = (left + 3)/260*100 |
,b = 100 - (top + 3)/180*100; |
_b = b; |
_s = s; |
change(_h, s, b, _a); |
layui.stope(e); |
e.preventDefault(); |
choose.trigger(e, 'mousedown'); |
}); |
alphaslider.on('mousedown', function(e){ |
var oldleft = this.offsetLeft |
,oldx = e.clientX; |
var move = function(e){ |
var left = oldleft + (e.clientX - oldx) |
,maxw = alphacolor[0].offsetWidth; |
if(left < 0)left = 0; |
if(left > maxw)left = maxw; |
var a = Math.round(left /280*100) /100; |
_a = a; |
change(_h, _s, _b, a); |
e.preventDefault(); |
}; |
createMoveElem(move); |
e.preventDefault(); |
}); |
alphacolor.on('click', function(e){ |
var left = e.clientX - $(this).offset().left |
if(left < 0)left = 0; |
if(left > this.offsetWidth)left = this.offsetWidth; |
var a = Math.round(left /280*100) /100; |
_a = a; |
change(_h, _s, _b, a); |
e.preventDefault(); |
}); |
pre.each(function(){ |
$(this).on('click', function(){ |
$(this).parent('.layui-colorpicker-pre').addClass('selected').siblings().removeClass('selected'); |
var color = this.style.backgroundColor |
,hsb = RGBToHSB(RGBSTo(color)) |
,a = color.slice(color.lastIndexOf(",") + 1, color.length - 1),left; |
_h = hsb.h; |
_s = hsb.s; |
_b = hsb.b; |
if((color.match(/[0-9]{1,3}/g) || []).length == 3) a = 1; |
_a = a; |
left = a * 280; |
change(hsb.h, hsb.s, hsb.b, a); |
}) |
}); |
}; |
Class.prototype.select = function(h, s, b, type){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,hex = HSBToHEX({h:h, s:100, b:100}) |
,color = HSBToHEX({h:h, s:s, b:b}) |
,sidetop = h/360*180 |
,top = 180 - b/100*180 - 3 |
,left = s/100*260 - 3; |
that.elemPicker.find('.' + PICKER_SIDE_SLIDER).css("top", sidetop); //滑块的top
that.elemPicker.find('.' + PICKER_BASIS)[0].style.background = '#' + hex; //颜色选择器的背景
//选择器的top left
that.elemPicker.find('.' + PICKER_BASIS_CUR).css({ |
"top": top |
,"left": left |
}); |
if(type === 'change') return; |
that.elemPicker.find('.' + PICKER_INPUT).find('input').val('#' + color); |
}; |
Class.prototype.pickerEvents = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,elemColorBoxSpan = that.elemColorBox.find('.' + PICKER_TRIG_SPAN) //颜色盒子
,elemPickerInput = that.elemPicker.find('.' + PICKER_INPUT + ' input') //颜色选择器表单
,pickerEvents = { |
clear: function(othis){ |
elemColorBoxSpan[0].style.background =''; |
that.elemColorBox.find('.' + PICKER_TRIG_I).removeClass(ICON_PICKER_DOWN).addClass(ICON_PICKER_CLOSE); |
that.color = ''; |
options.done && options.done(''); |
that.removePicker(); |
} |
,confirm: function(othis, change){ |
var value = elemPickerInput.val() |
,colorValue = value |
,hsb = {}; |
if(value.indexOf(',') > -1){ |
hsb = RGBToHSB(RGBSTo(value)); |
that.select(hsb.h, hsb.s, hsb.b); |
elemColorBoxSpan[0].style.background = (colorValue = '#' + HSBToHEX(hsb)); |
if((value.match(/[0-9]{1,3}/g) || []).length > 3 && elemColorBoxSpan.attr('lay-type') === 'rgba'){ |
var left = value.slice(value.lastIndexOf(",") + 1, value.length - 1) * 280; |
that.elemPicker.find('.' + PICKER_ALPHA_SLIDER).css("left", left); |
elemColorBoxSpan[0].style.background = value; |
colorValue = value; |
}; |
} else { |
hsb = HEXToHSB(value); |
elemColorBoxSpan[0].style.background = (colorValue = '#' + HSBToHEX(hsb)); |
that.elemColorBox.find('.' + PICKER_TRIG_I).removeClass(ICON_PICKER_CLOSE).addClass(ICON_PICKER_DOWN); |
}; |
if(change === 'change'){ |
that.select(hsb.h, hsb.s, hsb.b, change); |
options.change && options.change(colorValue); |
return; |
} |
that.color = value; |
options.done && options.done(value); |
that.removePicker(); |
} |
}; |
that.elemPicker.on('click', '*[colorpicker-events]', function(){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,attrEvent = othis.attr('colorpicker-events'); |
pickerEvents[attrEvent] && pickerEvents[attrEvent].call(this, othis); |
}); |
elemPickerInput.on('keyup', function(e){ |
var othis = $(this) |
pickerEvents.confirm.call(this, othis, e.keyCode === 13 ? null : 'change'); |
}); |
} |
Class.prototype.events = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,elemColorBoxSpan = that.elemColorBox.find('.' + PICKER_TRIG_SPAN) |
that.elemColorBox.on('click' , function(){ |
that.renderPicker(); |
if($(ELEM_MAIN)[0]){ |
that.val(); |
that.side(); |
}; |
}); |
if(!options.elem[0] || that.elemColorBox[0].eventHandler) return; |
$doc.on(clickOrMousedown, function(e){ |
if($(e.target).hasClass(ELEM) |
|| $(e.target).parents('.'+ELEM)[0] |
) return; |
if($(e.target).hasClass(ELEM_MAIN.replace(/\./g, '')) |
|| $(e.target).parents(ELEM_MAIN)[0] |
) return; |
if(!that.elemPicker) return; |
if(that.color){ |
var hsb = RGBToHSB(RGBSTo(that.color)); |
that.select(hsb.h, hsb.s, hsb.b); |
} else { |
that.elemColorBox.find('.' + PICKER_TRIG_I).removeClass(ICON_PICKER_DOWN).addClass(ICON_PICKER_CLOSE); |
} |
elemColorBoxSpan[0].style.background = that.color || ''; |
that.removePicker(); |
}); |
$win.on('resize', function(){ |
if(!that.elemPicker || !$(ELEM_MAIN)[0]){ |
return false; |
} |
that.position(); |
}); |
that.elemColorBox[0].eventHandler = true; |
}; |
colorpicker.render = function(options){ |
var inst = new Class(options); |
return thisColorPicker.call(inst); |
}; |
exports(MOD_NAME, colorpicker); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
/*! |
* MODULE_DEMO_NAME 模块组件通用结构 |
* MIT Licensed |
*/ |
layui.define([''], function(exports){ |
"use strict"; |
var $ = layui.$ |
,MOD_INDEX = 'layui_'+ MOD_NAME +'_index' //模块索引名
config: {} |
,index: layui[MOD_NAME] ? (layui[MOD_NAME].index + 10000) : 0 |
,set: function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, options); |
return that; |
} |
,on: function(events, callback){ |
return layui.onevent.call(this, MOD_NAME, events, callback); |
} |
} |
,thisModule = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,id = options.id || that.index; |
thisModule.that[id] = that; //记录当前实例对象
return { |
config: options |
,reload: function(options){ |
that.reload.call(that, options); |
} |
} |
} |
,STR_ELEM = 'layui-MODULE_DEMO_NAME', STR_HIDE = 'layui-hide', STR_DISABLED = 'layui-disabled', STR_NONE = 'layui-none' |
,TPL_MAIN = [''].join('') |
,Class = function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.index = ++MODULE_DEMO_NAME.index; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, MODULE_DEMO_NAME.config, options); |
that.render(); |
}; |
Class.prototype.config = { |
}; |
Class.prototype.reload = function(options){ |
var that = this; |
layui.each(options, function(key, item){ |
if(layui._typeof(item) === 'array') delete that.config[key]; |
}); |
that.config = $.extend(true, {}, that.config, options); |
that.render(); |
}; |
Class.prototype.render = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
var thisElem = that.elem = $(laytpl(TPL_MAIN).render({ |
data: options |
,index: that.index //索引
})); |
var othis = options.elem = $(options.elem); |
if(!othis[0]) return; |
that.events(); //事件
}; |
Class.prototype.events = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
}; |
thisModule.that = {}; //记录所有实例对象
thisModule.getThis = function(id){ |
var that = thisModule.that[id]; |
if(!that) hint.error(id ? (MOD_NAME +' instance with ID \''+ id +'\' not found') : 'ID argument required'); |
return that |
}; |
MODULE_DEMO_NAME.reload = function(id, options){ |
var that = thisModule.that[id]; |
that.reload(options); |
return thisModule.call(that); |
}; |
MODULE_DEMO_NAME.render = function(options){ |
var inst = new Class(options); |
return thisModule.call(inst); |
}; |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
/** |
@Name:dropdown 下拉菜单组件 |
@License:MIT |
*/ |
layui.define(['jquery', 'laytpl', 'lay'], function(exports){ |
"use strict"; |
var $ = layui.$ |
,laytpl = layui.laytpl |
,hint = layui.hint() |
,device = layui.device() |
,clickOrMousedown = (device.mobile ? 'click' : 'mousedown') |
,MOD_NAME = 'dropdown' |
,MOD_INDEX = 'layui_'+ MOD_NAME +'_index' //模块索引名
,dropdown = { |
config: {} |
,index: layui[MOD_NAME] ? (layui[MOD_NAME].index + 10000) : 0 |
,set: function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, options); |
return that; |
} |
,on: function(events, callback){ |
return layui.onevent.call(this, MOD_NAME, events, callback); |
} |
} |
,thisModule = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,id = options.id; |
thisModule.that[id] = that; //记录当前实例对象
return { |
config: options |
,reload: function(options){ |
that.reload.call(that, options); |
} |
} |
} |
,STR_ELEM = 'layui-dropdown', STR_HIDE = 'layui-hide', STR_DISABLED = 'layui-disabled', STR_NONE = 'layui-none' |
,STR_ITEM_UP = 'layui-menu-item-up', STR_ITEM_DOWN = 'layui-menu-item-down', STR_MENU_TITLE = 'layui-menu-body-title', STR_ITEM_GROUP = 'layui-menu-item-group', STR_ITEM_PARENT = 'layui-menu-item-parent', STR_ITEM_DIV = 'layui-menu-item-divider', STR_ITEM_CHECKED = 'layui-menu-item-checked', STR_ITEM_CHECKED2 = 'layui-menu-item-checked2', STR_MENU_PANEL = 'layui-menu-body-panel', STR_MENU_PANEL_L = 'layui-menu-body-panel-left' |
,Class = function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.index = ++dropdown.index; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, dropdown.config, options); |
that.init(); |
}; |
Class.prototype.config = { |
trigger: 'click' //事件类型
,content: '' //自定义菜单内容
,className: '' //自定义样式类名
,style: '' //设置面板 style 属性
,show: false //是否初始即显示菜单面板
,isAllowSpread: true //是否允许菜单组展开收缩
,isSpreadItem: true //是否初始展开子菜单
,data: [] //菜单数据结构
,delay: 300 //延迟关闭的毫秒数,若 trigger 为 hover 时才生效
}; |
Class.prototype.reload = function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, options); |
that.init(true); |
}; |
Class.prototype.init = function(rerender){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,elem = options.elem = $(options.elem); |
//若 elem 非唯一
if(elem.length > 1){ |
layui.each(elem, function(){ |
dropdown.render($.extend({}, options, { |
elem: this |
})); |
}); |
return that; |
} |
//若重复执行 render,则视为 reload 处理
if(!rerender && elem[0] && elem.data(MOD_INDEX)){; |
var newThat = thisModule.getThis(elem.data(MOD_INDEX)); |
if(!newThat) return; |
return newThat.reload(options); |
}; |
//初始化 id 参数
options.id = ('id' in options) ? options.id : that.index; |
if(options.show) that.render(rerender); //初始即显示
that.events(); //事件
}; |
Class.prototype.render = function(rerender){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,elemBody = $('body') |
,getDefaultView = function(){ |
var elemUl = $('<ul class="layui-menu layui-dropdown-menu"></ul>'); |
if(options.data.length > 0 ){ |
eachItemView(elemUl, options.data) |
} else { |
elemUl.html('<li class="layui-menu-item-none">no menu</li>'); |
} |
return elemUl; |
} |
,eachItemView = function(views, data){ |
//var views = [];
layui.each(data, function(index, item){ |
var isChild = item.child && item.child.length > 0 |
,isSpreadItem = ('isSpreadItem' in item) ? item.isSpreadItem : options.isSpreadItem |
,title = item.templet |
? laytpl(item.templet).render(item) |
: (options.templet ? laytpl(options.templet).render(item) : item.title) |
,type = function(){ |
if(isChild){ |
item.type = item.type || 'parent'; |
} |
if(item.type){ |
return ({ |
group: 'group' |
,parent: 'parent' |
,'-': '-' |
})[item.type] || 'parent'; |
} |
return ''; |
}(); |
if(type !== '-' && (!item.title && !item.id && !isChild)) return; |
var viewLi = $(['<li'+ function(){ |
var className = { |
group: 'layui-menu-item-group'+ ( |
options.isAllowSpread ? ( |
isSpreadItem ? ' layui-menu-item-down' : ' layui-menu-item-up' |
) : '' |
) |
,parent: STR_ITEM_PARENT |
,'-': 'layui-menu-item-divider' |
}; |
if(isChild || type){ |
return ' class="'+ className[type] +'"'; |
} |
return ''; |
}() +'>' |
,function(){ |
var viewText = ('href' in item) ? ( |
'<a href="'+ item.href +'" target="'+ (item.target || '_self') +'">'+ title +'</a>' |
) : title; |
if(isChild){ |
return '<div class="'+ STR_MENU_TITLE +'">'+ viewText + function(){ |
if(type === 'parent'){ |
return '<i class="layui-icon layui-icon-right"></i>'; |
} else if(type === 'group' && options.isAllowSpread){ |
return '<i class="layui-icon layui-icon-'+ (isSpreadItem ? 'up' : 'down') +'"></i>'; |
} else { |
return ''; |
} |
}() +'</div>' |
} |
return '<div class="'+ STR_MENU_TITLE +'">'+ viewText +'</div>'; |
}() |
,'</li>'].join('')); |
viewLi.data('item', item); |
if(isChild){ |
var elemPanel = $('<div class="layui-panel layui-menu-body-panel"></div>') |
,elemUl = $('<ul></ul>'); |
if(type === 'parent'){ |
elemPanel.append(eachItemView(elemUl, item.child)); |
viewLi.append(elemPanel); |
} else { |
viewLi.append(eachItemView(elemUl, item.child)); |
} |
} |
views.append(viewLi); |
}); |
return views; |
} |
,TPL_MAIN = ['<div class="layui-dropdown layui-border-box layui-panel layui-anim layui-anim-downbit">' |
,'</div>'].join(''); |
if(options.trigger === 'contextmenu' || lay.isTopElem(options.elem[0])) rerender = true; |
if(!rerender && options.elem.data(MOD_INDEX +'_opened')) return; |
that.elemView = $(TPL_MAIN); |
that.elemView.append(options.content || getDefaultView()); |
if(options.className) that.elemView.addClass(options.className); |
if(options.style) that.elemView.attr('style', options.style); |
dropdown.thisId = options.id; |
that.remove(); //移除非当前绑定元素的面板
elemBody.append(that.elemView); |
options.elem.data(MOD_INDEX +'_opened', true); |
that.position(); |
thisModule.prevElem = that.elemView; //记录当前打开的元素,以便在下次关闭
thisModule.prevElem.data('prevElem', options.elem); //将当前绑定的元素,记录在打开元素的 data 对象中
that.elemView.find('.layui-menu').on(clickOrMousedown, function(e){ |
layui.stope(e); |
}); |
that.elemView.find('.layui-menu li').on('click', function(e){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,data = othis.data('item') || {} |
,isChild = data.child && data.child.length > 0; |
if(!isChild && data.type !== '-'){ |
that.remove(); |
typeof options.click === 'function' && options.click(data, othis); |
} |
}); |
that.elemView.find(STR_GROUP_TITLE).on('click', function(e){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,elemGroup = othis.parent() |
,data = elemGroup.data('item') || {} |
if(data.type === 'group' && options.isAllowSpread){ |
thisModule.spread(elemGroup); |
} |
}); |
if(options.trigger === 'mouseenter'){ |
that.elemView.on('mouseenter', function(){ |
clearTimeout(thisModule.timer); |
}).on('mouseleave', function(){ |
that.delayRemove(); |
}); |
} |
}; |
Class.prototype.position = function(obj){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
lay.position(options.elem[0], that.elemView[0], { |
position: options.position |
,e: that.e |
,clickType: options.trigger === 'contextmenu' ? 'right' : null |
,align: options.align || null |
}); |
}; |
Class.prototype.remove = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,elemPrev = thisModule.prevElem; |
if(elemPrev){ |
elemPrev.data('prevElem') && ( |
elemPrev.data('prevElem').data(MOD_INDEX +'_opened', false) |
); |
elemPrev.remove(); |
} |
}; |
Class.prototype.delayRemove = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
clearTimeout(thisModule.timer); |
thisModule.timer = setTimeout(function(){ |
that.remove(); |
}, options.delay); |
}; |
Class.prototype.events = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
//如果传入 hover,则解析为 mouseenter
if(options.trigger === 'hover') options.trigger = 'mouseenter'; |
if(that.prevElem) that.prevElem.off(options.trigger, that.prevElemCallback); |
that.prevElem = options.elem; |
that.prevElemCallback = function(e){ |
clearTimeout(thisModule.timer); |
that.e = e; |
that.render(); |
e.preventDefault(); |
typeof options.ready === 'function' && options.ready(that.elemView, options.elem, that.e.target); |
}; |
options.elem.on(options.trigger, that.prevElemCallback); |
if(options.trigger === 'mouseenter'){ |
options.elem.on('mouseleave', function(){ |
that.delayRemove(); |
}); |
} |
}; |
thisModule.that = {}; //记录所有实例对象
thisModule.getThis = function(id){ |
var that = thisModule.that[id]; |
if(!that) hint.error(id ? (MOD_NAME +' instance with ID \''+ id +'\' not found') : 'ID argument required'); |
return that; |
}; |
thisModule.spread = function(othis){ |
var elemIcon = othis.children('.'+ STR_MENU_TITLE).find('.layui-icon'); |
if(othis.hasClass(STR_ITEM_UP)){ |
othis.removeClass(STR_ITEM_UP).addClass(STR_ITEM_DOWN); |
elemIcon.removeClass('layui-icon-down').addClass('layui-icon-up'); |
} else { |
othis.removeClass(STR_ITEM_DOWN).addClass(STR_ITEM_UP); |
elemIcon.removeClass('layui-icon-up').addClass('layui-icon-down') |
} |
}; |
;!function(){ |
var _WIN = $(window) |
,_DOC = $(document); |
_WIN.on('resize', function(){ |
if(!dropdown.thisId) return; |
var that = thisModule.getThis(dropdown.thisId); |
if(!that) return; |
if(!that.elemView[0] || !$('.'+ STR_ELEM)[0]){ |
return false; |
} |
var options = that.config; |
if(options.trigger === 'contextmenu'){ |
that.remove(); |
} else { |
that.position(); |
} |
}); |
_DOC.on(clickOrMousedown, function(e){ |
if(!dropdown.thisId) return; |
var that = thisModule.getThis(dropdown.thisId) |
if(!that) return; |
var options = that.config; |
//满足条件:当前绑定的元素不是 body document,或者不是鼠标右键事件
if(!(lay.isTopElem(options.elem[0]) || options.trigger === 'contextmenu')){ |
if( |
e.target === options.elem[0] || |
options.elem.find(e.target)[0] || |
e.target === that.elemView[0] || |
(that.elemView && that.elemView.find(e.target)[0]) |
) return; |
} |
that.remove(); |
}); |
var ELEM_LI = '.layui-menu:not(.layui-dropdown-menu) li'; |
_DOC.on('click', ELEM_LI, function(e){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,parent = othis.parents('.layui-menu').eq(0) |
,isChild = othis.hasClass(STR_ITEM_GROUP) || othis.hasClass(STR_ITEM_PARENT) |
,filter = parent.attr('lay-filter') || parent.attr('id') |
,options = lay.options(this); |
if(othis.hasClass(STR_ITEM_DIV)) return; |
if(!isChild){ |
parent.find('.'+ STR_ITEM_CHECKED).removeClass(STR_ITEM_CHECKED); //清除选中样式
parent.find('.'+ STR_ITEM_CHECKED2).removeClass(STR_ITEM_CHECKED2); //清除父级菜单选中样式
othis.addClass(STR_ITEM_CHECKED); //添加选中样式
othis.parents('.'+ STR_ITEM_PARENT).addClass(STR_ITEM_CHECKED2); //添加父级菜单选中样式
layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'click('+ filter +')', options); |
} |
}); |
_DOC.on('click', (ELEM_LI + STR_GROUP_TITLE), function(e){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,elemGroup = othis.parents('.'+ STR_ITEM_GROUP +':eq(0)') |
,options = lay.options(elemGroup[0]); |
if(('isAllowSpread' in options) ? options.isAllowSpread : true){ |
thisModule.spread(elemGroup); |
}; |
}); |
var ELEM_LI_PAR = '.layui-menu .'+ STR_ITEM_PARENT |
_DOC.on('mouseenter', ELEM_LI_PAR, function(e){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,elemPanel = othis.find('.'+ STR_MENU_PANEL); |
if(!elemPanel[0]) return; |
var rect = elemPanel[0].getBoundingClientRect(); |
if(rect.right > _WIN.width()){ |
elemPanel.addClass(STR_MENU_PANEL_L); |
rect = elemPanel[0].getBoundingClientRect(); |
if(rect.left < 0){ |
elemPanel.removeClass(STR_MENU_PANEL_L); |
} |
} |
if(rect.bottom > _WIN.height()){ |
elemPanel.eq(0).css('margin-top', -(rect.bottom - _WIN.height())); |
}; |
}).on('mouseleave', ELEM_LI_PAR, function(e){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,elemPanel = othis.children('.'+ STR_MENU_PANEL); |
elemPanel.removeClass(STR_MENU_PANEL_L); |
elemPanel.css('margin-top', 0); |
}); |
}(); |
dropdown.reload = function(id, options){ |
var that = thisModule.getThis(id); |
if(!that) return this; |
that.reload(options); |
return thisModule.call(that); |
}; |
dropdown.render = function(options){ |
var inst = new Class(options); |
return thisModule.call(inst); |
}; |
exports(MOD_NAME, dropdown); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
/*! |
* element 常用元素操作 |
* MIT Licensed |
*/ |
layui.define('jquery', function(exports){ |
"use strict"; |
var $ = layui.$ |
,hint = layui.hint() |
,device = layui.device() |
,MOD_NAME = 'element', THIS = 'layui-this', SHOW = 'layui-show' |
,Element = function(){ |
this.config = {}; |
}; |
Element.prototype.set = function(options){ |
var that = this; |
$.extend(true, that.config, options); |
return that; |
}; |
Element.prototype.on = function(events, callback){ |
return layui.onevent.call(this, MOD_NAME, events, callback); |
}; |
Element.prototype.tabAdd = function(filter, options){ |
var TITLE = '.layui-tab-title' |
,tabElem = $('.layui-tab[lay-filter='+ filter +']') |
,titElem = tabElem.children(TITLE) |
,barElem = titElem.children('.layui-tab-bar') |
,contElem = tabElem.children('.layui-tab-content') |
,li = '<li'+ function(){ |
var layAttr = []; |
layui.each(options, function(key, value){ |
if(/^(title|content)$/.test(key)) return; |
layAttr.push('lay-'+ key +'="'+ value +'"'); |
}); |
if(layAttr.length > 0) layAttr.unshift(''); //向前插,预留空格
return layAttr.join(' '); |
}() +'>'+ (options.title || 'unnaming') +'</li>'; |
barElem[0] ? barElem.before(li) : titElem.append(li); |
contElem.append('<div class="layui-tab-item">'+ (options.content || '') +'</div>'); |
call.hideTabMore(true); |
call.tabAuto(); |
return this; |
}; |
Element.prototype.tabDelete = function(filter, layid){ |
var TITLE = '.layui-tab-title' |
,tabElem = $('.layui-tab[lay-filter='+ filter +']') |
,titElem = tabElem.children(TITLE) |
,liElem = titElem.find('>li[lay-id="'+ layid +'"]'); |
call.tabDelete(null, liElem); |
return this; |
}; |
Element.prototype.tabChange = function(filter, layid){ |
var TITLE = '.layui-tab-title' |
,tabElem = $('.layui-tab[lay-filter='+ filter +']') |
,titElem = tabElem.children(TITLE) |
,liElem = titElem.find('>li[lay-id="'+ layid +'"]'); |
call.tabClick.call(liElem[0], null, null, liElem); |
return this; |
}; |
Element.prototype.tab = function(options){ |
options = options || {}; |
dom.on('click', options.headerElem, function(e){ |
var index = $(this).index(); |
call.tabClick.call(this, e, index, null, options); |
}); |
}; |
Element.prototype.progress = function(filter, percent){ |
var ELEM = 'layui-progress' |
,elem = $('.'+ ELEM +'[lay-filter='+ filter +']') |
,elemBar = elem.find('.'+ ELEM +'-bar') |
,text = elemBar.find('.'+ ELEM +'-text'); |
elemBar.css('width', percent).attr('lay-percent', percent); |
text.text(percent); |
return this; |
}; |
var NAV_ELEM = '.layui-nav', NAV_ITEM = 'layui-nav-item', NAV_BAR = 'layui-nav-bar' |
,NAV_TREE = 'layui-nav-tree', NAV_CHILD = 'layui-nav-child', NAV_CHILD_C = 'layui-nav-child-c' |
,NAV_MORE = 'layui-nav-more', NAV_DOWN = 'layui-icon-down', NAV_ANIM = 'layui-anim layui-anim-upbit' |
,call = { |
//Tab 点击
tabClick: function(e, index, liElem, options){ |
options = options || {}; |
var othis = liElem || $(this) |
,index = index || othis.parent().children('li').index(othis) |
,parents = options.headerElem ? othis.parent() : othis.parents('.layui-tab').eq(0) |
,item = options.bodyElem ? $(options.bodyElem) : parents.children('.layui-tab-content').children('.layui-tab-item') |
,elemA = othis.find('a') |
,isJump = elemA.attr('href') !== 'javascript:;' && elemA.attr('target') === '_blank' //是否存在跳转
,unselect = typeof othis.attr('lay-unselect') === 'string' //是否禁用选中
,filter = parents.attr('lay-filter'); |
if(!(isJump || unselect)){ |
othis.addClass(THIS).siblings().removeClass(THIS); |
item.eq(index).addClass(SHOW).siblings().removeClass(SHOW); |
} |
layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'tab('+ filter +')', { |
elem: parents |
,index: index |
}); |
} |
,tabDelete: function(e, othis){ |
var li = othis || $(this).parent(), index = li.index() |
,parents = li.parents('.layui-tab').eq(0) |
,item = parents.children('.layui-tab-content').children('.layui-tab-item') |
,filter = parents.attr('lay-filter'); |
if(li.hasClass(THIS)){ |
if(li.next()[0]){ |
call.tabClick.call(li.next()[0], null, index + 1); |
} else if(li.prev()[0]){ |
call.tabClick.call(li.prev()[0], null, index - 1); |
} |
} |
li.remove(); |
item.eq(index).remove(); |
setTimeout(function(){ |
call.tabAuto(); |
}, 50); |
layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'tabDelete('+ filter +')', { |
elem: parents |
,index: index |
}); |
} |
,tabAuto: function(){ |
var SCROLL = 'layui-tab-scroll', MORE = 'layui-tab-more', BAR = 'layui-tab-bar' |
,CLOSE = 'layui-tab-close', that = this; |
$('.layui-tab').each(function(){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,title = othis.children('.layui-tab-title') |
,item = othis.children('.layui-tab-content').children('.layui-tab-item') |
,STOPE = 'lay-stope="tabmore"' |
,span = $('<span class="layui-unselect layui-tab-bar" '+ STOPE +'><i '+ STOPE +' class="layui-icon"></i></span>'); |
if(that === window && device.ie != 8){ |
call.hideTabMore(true) |
} |
if(othis.attr('lay-allowClose')){ |
title.find('li').each(function(){ |
var li = $(this); |
if(!li.find('.'+CLOSE)[0]){ |
var close = $('<i class="layui-icon layui-icon-close layui-unselect '+ CLOSE +'"></i>'); |
close.on('click', call.tabDelete); |
li.append(close); |
} |
}); |
} |
if(typeof othis.attr('lay-unauto') === 'string') return; |
if(title.prop('scrollWidth') > title.outerWidth()+1){ |
if(title.find('.'+BAR)[0]) return; |
title.append(span); |
othis.attr('overflow', ''); |
span.on('click', function(e){ |
title[this.title ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'](MORE); |
this.title = this.title ? '' : '收缩'; |
}); |
} else { |
title.find('.'+BAR).remove(); |
othis.removeAttr('overflow'); |
} |
}); |
} |
,hideTabMore: function(e){ |
var tsbTitle = $('.layui-tab-title'); |
if(e === true || $(e.target).attr('lay-stope') !== 'tabmore'){ |
tsbTitle.removeClass('layui-tab-more'); |
tsbTitle.find('.layui-tab-bar').attr('title',''); |
} |
} |
/* |
,clickThis: function(){ |
var othis = $(this), parents = othis.parents(NAV_ELEM) |
,filter = parents.attr('lay-filter') |
,elemA = othis.find('a') |
,unselect = typeof othis.attr('lay-unselect') === 'string'; |
if(othis.find('.'+NAV_CHILD)[0]) return; |
if(!(elemA.attr('href') !== 'javascript:;' && elemA.attr('target') === '_blank') && !unselect){ |
parents.find('.'+THIS).removeClass(THIS); |
othis.addClass(THIS); |
} |
layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'nav('+ filter +')', othis); |
} |
) |
*/ |
//点击菜单 - a标签触发
,clickThis: function(){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,parents = othis.parents(NAV_ELEM) |
,filter = parents.attr('lay-filter') |
,parent = othis.parent() |
,child = othis.siblings('.'+NAV_CHILD) |
,unselect = typeof parent.attr('lay-unselect') === 'string'; //是否禁用选中
if(!(othis.attr('href') !== 'javascript:;' && othis.attr('target') === '_blank') && !unselect){ |
if(!child[0]){ |
parents.find('.'+THIS).removeClass(THIS); |
parent.addClass(THIS); |
} |
} |
if(parents.hasClass(NAV_TREE)){ |
child.removeClass(NAV_ANIM); |
if(child[0]){ |
parent[child.css('display') === 'none' ? 'addClass': 'removeClass'](NAV_ITEM+'ed'); |
if(parents.attr('lay-shrink') === 'all'){ |
parent.siblings().removeClass(NAV_ITEM + 'ed'); |
} |
} |
} |
layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'nav('+ filter +')', othis); |
} |
/* |
,clickChild: function(){ |
var othis = $(this), parents = othis.parents(NAV_ELEM) |
,filter = parents.attr('lay-filter'); |
parents.find('.'+THIS).removeClass(THIS); |
othis.addClass(THIS); |
layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'nav('+ filter +')', othis); |
} |
*/ |
,collapse: function(){ |
var othis = $(this), icon = othis.find('.layui-colla-icon') |
,elemCont = othis.siblings('.layui-colla-content') |
,parents = othis.parents('.layui-collapse').eq(0) |
,filter = parents.attr('lay-filter') |
,isNone = elemCont.css('display') === 'none'; |
if(typeof parents.attr('lay-accordion') === 'string'){ |
var show = parents.children('.layui-colla-item').children('.'+SHOW); |
show.siblings('.layui-colla-title').children('.layui-colla-icon').html(''); |
show.removeClass(SHOW); |
} |
elemCont[isNone ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](SHOW); |
icon.html(isNone ? '' : ''); |
layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'collapse('+ filter +')', { |
title: othis |
,content: elemCont |
,show: isNone |
}); |
} |
}; |
Element.prototype.init = function(type, filter){ |
var that = this, elemFilter = function(){ |
return filter ? ('[lay-filter="' + filter +'"]') : ''; |
}(), items = { |
tab: function(){ |
call.tabAuto.call({}); |
} |
,nav: function(){ |
var TIME = 200, timer = {}, timerMore = {}, timeEnd = {}, NAV_TITLE = 'layui-nav-title' |
,follow = function(bar, nav, index){ |
var othis = $(this), child = othis.find('.'+NAV_CHILD); |
if(nav.hasClass(NAV_TREE)){ |
if(!child[0]){ |
var thisA = othis.children('.'+ NAV_TITLE); |
bar.css({ |
top: othis.offset().top - nav.offset().top |
,height: (thisA[0] ? thisA : othis).outerHeight() |
,opacity: 1 |
}); |
} |
} else { |
child.addClass(NAV_ANIM); |
if(child.hasClass(NAV_CHILD_C)) child.css({ |
left: -(child.outerWidth() - othis.width())/2 |
}); |
if(child[0]){ //若有子菜单,则滑块消失
bar.css({ |
left: bar.position().left + bar.width()/2 |
,width: 0 |
,opacity: 0 |
}); |
} else { //bar 跟随
bar.css({ |
left: othis.position().left + parseFloat(othis.css('marginLeft')) |
,top: othis.position().top + othis.height() - bar.height() |
}); |
} |
timer[index] = setTimeout(function(){ |
bar.css({ |
width: child[0] ? 0 : othis.width() |
,opacity: child[0] ? 0 : 1 |
}); |
}, device.ie && device.ie < 10 ? 0 : TIME); |
clearTimeout(timeEnd[index]); |
if(child.css('display') === 'block'){ |
clearTimeout(timerMore[index]); |
} |
timerMore[index] = setTimeout(function(){ |
child.addClass(SHOW); |
othis.find('.'+NAV_MORE).addClass(NAV_MORE+'d'); |
}, 300); |
} |
}; |
$(NAV_ELEM + elemFilter).each(function(index){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,bar = $('<span class="'+ NAV_BAR +'"></span>') |
,itemElem = othis.find('.'+NAV_ITEM); |
//hover 滑动效果
if(!othis.find('.'+NAV_BAR)[0]){ |
othis.append(bar); |
(othis.hasClass(NAV_TREE) |
? itemElem.find('dd,>.'+ NAV_TITLE) |
: itemElem).on('mouseenter', function(){ |
follow.call(this, bar, othis, index); |
}).on('mouseleave', function(){ //鼠标移出
if(othis.hasClass(NAV_TREE)){ |
bar.css({ |
height: 0 |
,opacity: 0 |
}); |
} else { |
clearTimeout(timerMore[index]); |
timerMore[index] = setTimeout(function(){ |
othis.find('.'+NAV_CHILD).removeClass(SHOW); |
othis.find('.'+NAV_MORE).removeClass(NAV_MORE+'d'); |
}, 300); |
} |
}); |
othis.on('mouseleave', function(){ |
clearTimeout(timer[index]) |
timeEnd[index] = setTimeout(function(){ |
if(!othis.hasClass(NAV_TREE)){ |
bar.css({ |
width: 0 |
,left: bar.position().left + bar.width()/2 |
,opacity: 0 |
}); |
} |
}, TIME); |
}); |
} |
itemElem.find('a').each(function(){ |
var thisA = $(this) |
,parent = thisA.parent() |
,child = thisA.siblings('.'+NAV_CHILD); |
if(child[0] && !thisA.children('.'+NAV_MORE)[0]){ |
thisA.append('<i class="layui-icon '+ NAV_DOWN +' '+ NAV_MORE +'"></i>'); |
} |
thisA.off('click', call.clickThis).on('click', call.clickThis); //点击菜单
}); |
}); |
} |
,breadcrumb: function(){ |
var ELEM = '.layui-breadcrumb'; |
$(ELEM + elemFilter).each(function(){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,ATTE_SPR = 'lay-separator' |
,separator = othis.attr(ATTE_SPR) || '/' |
,aNode = othis.find('a'); |
if(aNode.next('span['+ ATTE_SPR +']')[0]) return; |
aNode.each(function(index){ |
if(index === aNode.length - 1) return; |
$(this).after('<span '+ ATTE_SPR +'>'+ separator +'</span>'); |
}); |
othis.css('visibility', 'visible'); |
}); |
} |
,progress: function(){ |
var ELEM = 'layui-progress'; |
$('.' + ELEM + elemFilter).each(function(){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,elemBar = othis.find('.layui-progress-bar') |
,percent = elemBar.attr('lay-percent'); |
elemBar.css('width', function(){ |
return /^.+\/.+$/.test(percent) |
? (new Function('return '+ percent)() * 100) + '%' |
: percent; |
}()); |
if(othis.attr('lay-showPercent')){ |
setTimeout(function(){ |
elemBar.html('<span class="'+ ELEM +'-text">'+ percent +'</span>'); |
},350); |
} |
}); |
} |
,collapse: function(){ |
var ELEM = 'layui-collapse'; |
$('.' + ELEM + elemFilter).each(function(){ |
var elemItem = $(this).find('.layui-colla-item') |
elemItem.each(function(){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,elemTitle = othis.find('.layui-colla-title') |
,elemCont = othis.find('.layui-colla-content') |
,isNone = elemCont.css('display') === 'none'; |
elemTitle.find('.layui-colla-icon').remove(); |
elemTitle.append('<i class="layui-icon layui-colla-icon">'+ (isNone ? '' : '') +'</i>'); |
elemTitle.off('click', call.collapse).on('click', call.collapse); |
}); |
}); |
} |
}; |
return items[type] ? items[type]() : layui.each(items, function(index, item){ |
item(); |
}); |
}; |
Element.prototype.render = Element.prototype.init; |
var element = new Element(), dom = $(document); |
$(function(){ |
element.render(); |
}); |
var TITLE = '.layui-tab-title li'; |
dom.on('click', TITLE, call.tabClick); //Tab切换
dom.on('click', call.hideTabMore); //隐藏展开的Tab
$(window).on('resize', call.tabAuto); //自适应
exports(MOD_NAME, element); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
/** |
@Name flow 流加载组件 |
@License:MIT |
*/ |
layui.define('jquery', function(exports){ |
"use strict"; |
var $ = layui.$, Flow = function(options){} |
,ELEM_MORE = 'layui-flow-more' |
,ELEM_LOAD = '<i class="layui-anim layui-anim-rotate layui-anim-loop layui-icon "></i>'; |
Flow.prototype.load = function(options){ |
var that = this, page = 0, lock, isOver, lazyimg, timer; |
options = options || {}; |
var elem = $(options.elem); if(!elem[0]) return; |
var scrollElem = $(options.scrollElem || document); //滚动条所在元素
var mb = options.mb || 50; //与底部的临界距离
var isAuto = 'isAuto' in options ? options.isAuto : true; //是否自动滚动加载
var end = options.end || '没有更多了'; //“末页”显示文案
var notDocment = options.scrollElem && options.scrollElem !== document; |
var ELEM_TEXT = '<cite>加载更多</cite>' |
,more = $('<div class="layui-flow-more"><a href="javascript:;">'+ ELEM_TEXT +'</a></div>'); |
if(!elem.find('.layui-flow-more')[0]){ |
elem.append(more); |
} |
var next = function(html, over){ |
html = $(html); |
more.before(html); |
over = over == 0 ? true : null; |
over ? more.html(end) : more.find('a').html(ELEM_TEXT); |
isOver = over; |
lock = null; |
lazyimg && lazyimg(); |
}; |
var done = function(){ |
lock = true; |
more.find('a').html(ELEM_LOAD); |
typeof options.done === 'function' && options.done(++page, next); |
}; |
done(); |
more.find('a').on('click', function(){ |
var othis = $(this); |
if(isOver) return; |
lock || done(); |
}); |
if(options.isLazyimg){ |
var lazyimg = that.lazyimg({ |
elem: options.elem + ' img' |
,scrollElem: options.scrollElem |
}); |
} |
if(!isAuto) return that; |
scrollElem.on('scroll', function(){ |
var othis = $(this), top = othis.scrollTop(); |
if(timer) clearTimeout(timer); |
if(isOver || !elem.width()) return; //如果已经结束,或者元素处于隐藏状态,则不执行滚动加载
timer = setTimeout(function(){ |
var height = notDocment ? othis.height() : $(window).height(); |
var scrollHeight = notDocment |
? othis.prop('scrollHeight') |
: document.documentElement.scrollHeight; |
if(scrollHeight - top - height <= mb){ |
lock || done(); |
} |
}, 100); |
}); |
return that; |
}; |
Flow.prototype.lazyimg = function(options){ |
var that = this, index = 0, haveScroll; |
options = options || {}; |
var scrollElem = $(options.scrollElem || document); //滚动条所在元素
var elem = options.elem || 'img'; |
var notDocment = options.scrollElem && options.scrollElem !== document; |
var show = function(item, height){ |
var start = scrollElem.scrollTop(), end = start + height; |
var elemTop = notDocment ? function(){ |
return item.offset().top - scrollElem.offset().top + start; |
}() : item.offset().top; |
/* 始终只加载在当前屏范围内的图片 */ |
if(elemTop >= start && elemTop <= end){ |
if(item.attr('lay-src')){ |
var src = item.attr('lay-src'); |
layui.img(src, function(){ |
var next = that.lazyimg.elem.eq(index); |
item.attr('src', src).removeAttr('lay-src'); |
/* 当前图片加载就绪后,检测下一个图片是否在当前屏 */ |
next[0] && render(next); |
index++; |
}, function(){ |
var next = that.lazyimg.elem.eq(index); |
item.removeAttr('lay-src'); |
}); |
} |
} |
}, render = function(othis, scroll){ |
var height = notDocment ? (scroll||scrollElem).height() : $(window).height(); |
var start = scrollElem.scrollTop(), end = start + height; |
that.lazyimg.elem = $(elem); |
if(othis){ |
show(othis, height); |
} else { |
for(var i = 0; i < that.lazyimg.elem.length; i++){ |
var item = that.lazyimg.elem.eq(i), elemTop = notDocment ? function(){ |
return item.offset().top - scrollElem.offset().top + start; |
}() : item.offset().top; |
show(item, height); |
index = i; |
if(elemTop > end) break; |
} |
} |
}; |
render(); |
if(!haveScroll){ |
var timer; |
scrollElem.on('scroll', function(){ |
var othis = $(this); |
if(timer) clearTimeout(timer) |
timer = setTimeout(function(){ |
render(null, othis); |
}, 50); |
}); |
haveScroll = true; |
} |
return render; |
}; |
exports('flow', new Flow()); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,742 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,742 @@
/*! |
* form 表单组件 |
* MIT Licensed |
*/ |
layui.define('layer', function(exports){ |
"use strict"; |
var $ = layui.$ |
,layer = layui.layer |
,hint = layui.hint() |
,device = layui.device() |
,MOD_NAME = 'form', ELEM = '.layui-form', THIS = 'layui-this' |
,SHOW = 'layui-show', HIDE = 'layui-hide', DISABLED = 'layui-disabled' |
,Form = function(){ |
this.config = { |
verify: { |
required: [ |
/[\S]+/ |
,'必填项不能为空' |
] |
,phone: [ |
/^1\d{10}$/ |
,'请输入正确的手机号' |
] |
,email: [ |
/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/ |
,'邮箱格式不正确' |
] |
,url: [ |
/^(#|(http(s?)):\/\/|\/\/)[^\s]+\.[^\s]+$/ |
,'链接格式不正确' |
] |
,number: function(value){ |
if(!value || isNaN(value)) return '只能填写数字' |
} |
,date: [ |
/^(\d{4})[-\/](\d{1}|0\d{1}|1[0-2])([-\/](\d{1}|0\d{1}|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]))*$/ |
,'日期格式不正确' |
] |
,identity: [ |
/(^\d{15}$)|(^\d{17}(x|X|\d)$)/ |
,'请输入正确的身份证号' |
] |
} |
,autocomplete: null //全局 autocomplete 状态。null 表示不干预
}; |
}; |
Form.prototype.set = function(options){ |
var that = this; |
$.extend(true, that.config, options); |
return that; |
}; |
Form.prototype.verify = function(settings){ |
var that = this; |
$.extend(true, that.config.verify, settings); |
return that; |
}; |
Form.prototype.on = function(events, callback){ |
return layui.onevent.call(this, MOD_NAME, events, callback); |
}; |
Form.prototype.val = function(filter, object){ |
var that = this |
,formElem = $(ELEM + '[lay-filter="' + filter +'"]'); |
formElem.each(function(index, item){ |
var itemForm = $(this); |
layui.each(object, function(key, value){ |
var itemElem = itemForm.find('[name="'+ key +'"]') |
,type; |
if(!itemElem[0]) return; |
type = itemElem[0].type; |
if(type === 'checkbox'){ |
itemElem[0].checked = value; |
} else if(type === 'radio') { //如果为单选框
itemElem.each(function(){ |
if(this.value == value ){ |
this.checked = true |
} |
}); |
} else { //其它类型的表单
itemElem.val(value); |
} |
}); |
}); |
form.render(null, filter); |
return that.getValue(filter); |
}; |
Form.prototype.getValue = function(filter, itemForm){ |
itemForm = itemForm || $(ELEM + '[lay-filter="' + filter +'"]').eq(0); |
var nameIndex = {} //数组 name 索引
,field = {} |
,fieldElem = itemForm.find('input,select,textarea') //获取所有表单域
layui.each(fieldElem, function(_, item){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,init_name; //初始 name
item.name = (item.name || '').replace(/^\s*|\s*&/, ''); |
if(!item.name) return; |
//用于支持数组 name
if(/^.*\[\]$/.test(item.name)){ |
var key = item.name.match(/^(.*)\[\]$/g)[0]; |
nameIndex[key] = nameIndex[key] | 0; |
init_name = item.name.replace(/^(.*)\[\]$/, '$1['+ (nameIndex[key]++) +']'); |
} |
if(/^checkbox|radio$/.test(item.type) && !item.checked) return; //复选框和单选框未选中,不记录字段
field[init_name || item.name] = item.value; |
}); |
return field; |
}; |
Form.prototype.render = function(type, filter){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,elemForm = $(ELEM + function(){ |
return filter ? ('[lay-filter="' + filter +'"]') : ''; |
}()) |
,items = { |
input: function(){ |
var inputs = elemForm.find('input,textarea'); |
//初始化全局的 autocomplete
options.autocomplete && inputs.attr('autocomplete', options.autocomplete); |
} |
,select: function(){ |
var TIPS = '请选择', CLASS = 'layui-form-select', TITLE = 'layui-select-title' |
,NONE = 'layui-select-none', initValue = '', thatInput |
,selects = elemForm.find('select') |
//隐藏 select
,hide = function(e, clear){ |
if(!$(e.target).parent().hasClass(TITLE) || clear){ |
$('.'+CLASS).removeClass(CLASS+'ed ' + CLASS+'up'); |
thatInput && initValue && thatInput.val(initValue); |
} |
thatInput = null; |
} |
,events = function(reElem, disabled, isSearch){ |
var select = $(this) |
,title = reElem.find('.' + TITLE) |
,input = title.find('input') |
,dl = reElem.find('dl') |
,dds = dl.children('dd') |
,index = this.selectedIndex //当前选中的索引
,nearElem; //select 组件当前选中的附近元素,用于辅助快捷键功能
if(disabled) return; |
var showDown = function(){ |
var top = reElem.offset().top + reElem.outerHeight() + 5 - $win.scrollTop() |
,dlHeight = dl.outerHeight(); |
index = select[0].selectedIndex; //获取最新的 selectedIndex
reElem.addClass(CLASS+'ed'); |
dds.removeClass(HIDE); |
nearElem = null; |
dds.eq(index).addClass(THIS).siblings().removeClass(THIS); |
if(top + dlHeight > $win.height() && top >= dlHeight){ |
reElem.addClass(CLASS + 'up'); |
} |
followScroll(); |
} |
,hideDown = function(choose){ |
reElem.removeClass(CLASS+'ed ' + CLASS+'up'); |
input.blur(); |
nearElem = null; |
if(choose) return; |
notOption(input.val(), function(none){ |
var selectedIndex = select[0].selectedIndex; |
if(none){ |
initValue = $(select[0].options[selectedIndex]).html(); //重新获得初始选中值
//如果是第一项,且文本值等于 placeholder,则清空初始值
if(selectedIndex === 0 && initValue === input.attr('placeholder')){ |
initValue = ''; |
}; |
input.val(initValue || ''); |
} |
}); |
} |
,followScroll = function(){ |
var thisDd = dl.children('dd.'+ THIS); |
if(!thisDd[0]) return; |
var posTop = thisDd.position().top |
,dlHeight = dl.height() |
,ddHeight = thisDd.height(); |
if(posTop > dlHeight){ |
dl.scrollTop(posTop + dl.scrollTop() - dlHeight + ddHeight - 5); |
} |
if(posTop < 0){ |
dl.scrollTop(posTop + dl.scrollTop() - 5); |
} |
}; |
title.on('click', function(e){ |
reElem.hasClass(CLASS+'ed') ? ( |
hideDown() |
) : ( |
hide(e, true), |
showDown() |
); |
dl.find('.'+NONE).remove(); |
}); |
title.find('.layui-edge').on('click', function(){ |
input.focus(); |
}); |
//select 中 input 键盘事件
input.on('keyup', function(e){ //键盘松开
var keyCode = e.keyCode; |
if(keyCode === 9){ |
showDown(); |
} |
}).on('keydown', function(e){ //键盘按下
var keyCode = e.keyCode; |
if(keyCode === 9){ |
hideDown(); |
} |
//标注 dd 的选中状态
var setThisDd = function(prevNext, thisElem1){ |
var nearDd, cacheNearElem |
e.preventDefault(); |
var thisElem = function(){ |
var thisDd = dl.children('dd.'+ THIS); |
//如果是搜索状态,且按 Down 键,且当前可视 dd 元素在选中元素之前,
//则将当前可视 dd 元素的上一个元素作为虚拟的当前选中元素,以保证递归不中断
if(dl.children('dd.'+ HIDE)[0] && prevNext === 'next'){ |
var showDd = dl.children('dd:not(.'+ HIDE +',.'+ DISABLED +')') |
,firstIndex = showDd.eq(0).index(); |
if(firstIndex >=0 && firstIndex < thisDd.index() && !showDd.hasClass(THIS)){ |
return showDd.eq(0).prev()[0] ? showDd.eq(0).prev() : dl.children(':last'); |
} |
} |
if(thisElem1 && thisElem1[0]){ |
return thisElem1; |
} |
if(nearElem && nearElem[0]){ |
return nearElem; |
} |
return thisDd; |
//return dds.eq(index);
}(); |
cacheNearElem = thisElem[prevNext](); //当前元素的附近元素
nearDd = thisElem[prevNext]('dd:not(.'+ HIDE +')'); //当前可视元素的 dd 元素
//如果附近的元素不存在,则停止执行,并清空 nearElem
if(!cacheNearElem[0]) return nearElem = null; |
nearElem = thisElem[prevNext](); |
//如果附近不是 dd ,或者附近的 dd 元素是禁用状态,则进入递归查找
if((!nearDd[0] || nearDd.hasClass(DISABLED)) && nearElem[0]){ |
return setThisDd(prevNext, nearElem); |
} |
nearDd.addClass(THIS).siblings().removeClass(THIS); //标注样式
followScroll(); //定位滚动条
}; |
if(keyCode === 38) setThisDd('prev'); //Up 键
if(keyCode === 40) setThisDd('next'); //Down 键
//Enter 键
if(keyCode === 13){ |
e.preventDefault(); |
dl.children('dd.'+THIS).trigger('click'); |
} |
}); |
//检测值是否不属于 select 项
var notOption = function(value, callback, origin){ |
var num = 0; |
layui.each(dds, function(){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,text = othis.text() |
,not = text.indexOf(value) === -1; |
if(value === '' || (origin === 'blur') ? value !== text : not) num++; |
origin === 'keyup' && othis[not ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](HIDE); |
}); |
var none = num === dds.length; |
return callback(none), none; |
}; |
var search = function(e){ |
var value = this.value, keyCode = e.keyCode; |
if(keyCode === 9 || keyCode === 13 |
|| keyCode === 37 || keyCode === 38 |
|| keyCode === 39 || keyCode === 40 |
){ |
return false; |
} |
notOption(value, function(none){ |
if(none){ |
dl.find('.'+NONE)[0] || dl.append('<p class="'+ NONE +'">无匹配项</p>'); |
} else { |
dl.find('.'+NONE).remove(); |
} |
}, 'keyup'); |
if(value === ''){ |
dl.find('.'+NONE).remove(); |
} |
followScroll(); //定位滚动条
}; |
if(isSearch){ |
input.on('keyup', search).on('blur', function(e){ |
var selectedIndex = select[0].selectedIndex; |
thatInput = input; //当前的 select 中的 input 元素
initValue = $(select[0].options[selectedIndex]).html(); //重新获得初始选中值
//如果是第一项,且文本值等于 placeholder,则清空初始值
if(selectedIndex === 0 && initValue === input.attr('placeholder')){ |
initValue = ''; |
}; |
setTimeout(function(){ |
notOption(input.val(), function(none){ |
initValue || input.val(''); //none && !initValue
}, 'blur'); |
}, 200); |
}); |
} |
dds.on('click', function(){ |
var othis = $(this), value = othis.attr('lay-value'); |
var filter = select.attr('lay-filter'); //获取过滤器
if(othis.hasClass(DISABLED)) return false; |
if(othis.hasClass('layui-select-tips')){ |
input.val(''); |
} else { |
input.val(othis.text()); |
othis.addClass(THIS); |
} |
othis.siblings().removeClass(THIS); |
select.val(value).removeClass('layui-form-danger') |
layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'select('+ filter +')', { |
elem: select[0] |
,value: value |
,othis: reElem |
}); |
hideDown(true); |
return false; |
}); |
reElem.find('dl>dt').on('click', function(e){ |
return false; |
}); |
$(document).off('click', hide).on('click', hide); //点击其它元素关闭 select
} |
selects.each(function(index, select){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,hasRender = othis.next('.'+CLASS) |
,disabled = this.disabled |
,value = select.value |
,selected = $(select.options[select.selectedIndex]) //获取当前选中项
,optionsFirst = select.options[0]; |
if(typeof othis.attr('lay-ignore') === 'string') return othis.show(); |
var isSearch = typeof othis.attr('lay-search') === 'string' |
,placeholder = optionsFirst ? ( |
optionsFirst.value ? TIPS : (optionsFirst.innerHTML || TIPS) |
) : TIPS; |
var reElem = $(['<div class="'+ (isSearch ? '' : 'layui-unselect ') + CLASS |
,(disabled ? ' layui-select-disabled' : '') +'">' |
,'<div class="'+ TITLE +'">' |
,('<input type="text" placeholder="'+ $.trim(placeholder) +'" ' |
+('value="'+ $.trim(value ? selected.html() : '') +'"') //默认值
+((!disabled && isSearch) ? '' : ' readonly') //是否开启搜索
+' class="layui-input' |
+(isSearch ? '' : ' layui-unselect') |
+ (disabled ? (' ' + DISABLED) : '') +'">') //禁用状态
,'<i class="layui-edge"></i></div>' |
,'<dl class="layui-anim layui-anim-upbit'+ (othis.find('optgroup')[0] ? ' layui-select-group' : '') +'">' |
,function(options){ |
var arr = []; |
layui.each(options, function(index, item){ |
if(index === 0 && !item.value){ |
arr.push('<dd lay-value="" class="layui-select-tips">'+ $.trim(item.innerHTML || TIPS) +'</dd>'); |
} else if(item.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'optgroup'){ |
arr.push('<dt>'+ item.label +'</dt>'); |
} else { |
arr.push('<dd lay-value="'+ item.value +'" class="'+ (value === item.value ? THIS : '') + (item.disabled ? (' '+DISABLED) : '') +'">'+ $.trim(item.innerHTML) +'</dd>'); |
} |
}); |
arr.length === 0 && arr.push('<dd lay-value="" class="'+ DISABLED +'">没有选项</dd>'); |
return arr.join(''); |
}(othis.find('*')) +'</dl>' |
,'</div>'].join('')); |
hasRender[0] && hasRender.remove(); //如果已经渲染,则Rerender
othis.after(reElem); |
events.call(this, reElem, disabled, isSearch); |
}); |
} |
,checkbox: function(){ |
var CLASS = { |
checkbox: ['layui-form-checkbox', 'layui-form-checked', 'checkbox'] |
,_switch: ['layui-form-switch', 'layui-form-onswitch', 'switch'] |
} |
,checks = elemForm.find('input[type=checkbox]') |
,events = function(reElem, RE_CLASS){ |
var check = $(this); |
reElem.on('click', function(){ |
var filter = check.attr('lay-filter') //获取过滤器
,text = (check.attr('lay-text')||'').split('|'); |
if(check[0].disabled) return; |
check[0].checked ? ( |
check[0].checked = false |
,reElem.removeClass(RE_CLASS[1]).find('em').text(text[1]) |
) : ( |
check[0].checked = true |
,reElem.addClass(RE_CLASS[1]).find('em').text(text[0]) |
); |
layui.event.call(check[0], MOD_NAME, RE_CLASS[2]+'('+ filter +')', { |
elem: check[0] |
,value: check[0].value |
,othis: reElem |
}); |
}); |
} |
checks.each(function(index, check){ |
var othis = $(this), skin = othis.attr('lay-skin') |
,text = (othis.attr('lay-text') || '').split('|'), disabled = this.disabled; |
if(skin === 'switch') skin = '_'+skin; |
var RE_CLASS = CLASS[skin] || CLASS.checkbox; |
if(typeof othis.attr('lay-ignore') === 'string') return othis.show(); |
var hasRender = othis.next('.' + RE_CLASS[0]) |
,reElem = $(['<div class="layui-unselect '+ RE_CLASS[0] |
,(check.checked ? (' '+ RE_CLASS[1]) : '') //选中状态
,(disabled ? ' layui-checkbox-disabled '+ DISABLED : '') //禁用状态
,'"' |
,(skin ? ' lay-skin="'+ skin +'"' : '') //风格
,'>' |
,function(){ //不同风格的内容
var title = check.title.replace(/\s/g, '') |
,type = { |
checkbox: [ |
(title ? ('<span>'+ check.title +'</span>') : '') |
,'<i class="layui-icon layui-icon-ok"></i>' |
].join('') |
,_switch: '<em>'+ ((check.checked ? text[0] : text[1]) || '') +'</em><i></i>' |
}; |
return type[skin] || type['checkbox']; |
}() |
,'</div>'].join('')); |
hasRender[0] && hasRender.remove(); //如果已经渲染,则Rerender
othis.after(reElem); |
events.call(this, reElem, RE_CLASS); |
}); |
} |
,radio: function(){ |
var CLASS = 'layui-form-radio', ICON = ['', ''] |
,radios = elemForm.find('input[type=radio]') |
,events = function(reElem){ |
var radio = $(this), ANIM = 'layui-anim-scaleSpring'; |
reElem.on('click', function(){ |
var name = radio[0].name, forms = radio.parents(ELEM); |
var filter = radio.attr('lay-filter'); //获取过滤器
var sameRadio = forms.find('input[name='+ name.replace(/(\.|#|\[|\])/g, '\\$1') +']'); //找到相同name的兄弟
if(radio[0].disabled) return; |
layui.each(sameRadio, function(){ |
var next = $(this).next('.'+CLASS); |
this.checked = false; |
next.removeClass(CLASS+'ed'); |
next.find('.layui-icon').removeClass(ANIM).html(ICON[1]); |
}); |
radio[0].checked = true; |
reElem.addClass(CLASS+'ed'); |
reElem.find('.layui-icon').addClass(ANIM).html(ICON[0]); |
layui.event.call(radio[0], MOD_NAME, 'radio('+ filter +')', { |
elem: radio[0] |
,value: radio[0].value |
,othis: reElem |
}); |
}); |
}; |
radios.each(function(index, radio){ |
var othis = $(this), hasRender = othis.next('.' + CLASS), disabled = this.disabled; |
if(typeof othis.attr('lay-ignore') === 'string') return othis.show(); |
hasRender[0] && hasRender.remove(); //如果已经渲染,则Rerender
var reElem = $(['<div class="layui-unselect '+ CLASS |
,(radio.checked ? (' '+CLASS+'ed') : '') //选中状态
,(disabled ? ' layui-radio-disabled '+DISABLED : '') +'">' //禁用状态
,'<i class="layui-anim layui-icon">'+ ICON[radio.checked ? 0 : 1] +'</i>' |
,'<div>'+ function(){ |
var title = radio.title || ''; |
if(typeof othis.next().attr('lay-radio') === 'string'){ |
title = othis.next().html(); |
} |
return title |
}() +'</div>' |
,'</div>'].join('')); |
othis.after(reElem); |
events.call(this, reElem); |
}); |
} |
}; |
type ? ( |
items[type] ? items[type]() : hint.error('不支持的 "'+ type + '" 表单渲染') |
) : layui.each(items, function(index, item){ |
item(); |
}); |
return that; |
}; |
var submit = function(){ |
var stop = null //验证不通过状态
,verify = form.config.verify //验证规则
,DANGER = 'layui-form-danger' //警示样式
,field = {} //字段集合
,button = $(this) //当前触发的按钮
,elem = button.parents(ELEM).eq(0) //当前所在表单域
,verifyElem = elem.find('*[lay-verify]') //获取需要校验的元素
,formElem = button.parents('form')[0] //获取当前所在的 form 元素,如果存在的话
,filter = button.attr('lay-filter'); //获取过滤器
layui.each(verifyElem, function(_, item){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,vers = othis.attr('lay-verify').split('|') |
,verType = othis.attr('lay-verType') //提示方式
,value = othis.val(); |
othis.removeClass(DANGER); //移除警示样式
layui.each(vers, function(_, thisVer){ |
var isTrue //是否命中校验
,errorText = '' //错误提示文本
,isFn = typeof verify[thisVer] === 'function'; |
if(verify[thisVer]){ |
var isTrue = isFn ? errorText = verify[thisVer](value, item) : !verify[thisVer][0].test(value) |
,isForm2Elem = item.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'select' || /^checkbox|radio$/.test(item.type); |
errorText = errorText || verify[thisVer][1]; |
if(thisVer === 'required'){ |
errorText = othis.attr('lay-reqText') || errorText; |
} |
if(isTrue){ |
if(verType === 'tips'){ |
layer.tips(errorText, function(){ |
if(typeof othis.attr('lay-ignore') !== 'string'){ |
if(isForm2Elem){ |
return othis.next(); |
} |
} |
return othis; |
}(), {tips: 1}); |
} else if(verType === 'alert') { |
layer.alert(errorText, {title: '提示', shadeClose: true}); |
} |
//如果返回的为字符或数字,则自动弹出默认提示框;否则由 verify 方法中处理提示
else if(/\bstring|number\b/.test(typeof errorText)){ |
layer.msg(errorText, {icon: 5, shift: 6}); |
} |
if(!device.mobile){ |
setTimeout(function(){ |
(isForm2Elem ? othis.next().find('input') : item).focus(); |
}, 7); |
} else { //移动设备定位
$dom.scrollTop(function(){ |
try { |
return (isForm2Elem ? othis.next() : othis).offset().top - 15 |
} catch(e){ |
return 0; |
} |
}()); |
} |
othis.addClass(DANGER); |
return stop = true; |
} |
} |
}); |
if(stop) return stop; |
}); |
if(stop) return false; |
field = form.getValue(null, elem); |
return layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'submit('+ filter +')', { |
elem: this |
,form: formElem |
,field: field |
}); |
}; |
var form = new Form() |
,$dom = $(document), $win = $(window); |
$(function(){ |
form.render(); |
}); |
$dom.on('reset', ELEM, function(){ |
var filter = $(this).attr('lay-filter'); |
setTimeout(function(){ |
form.render(null, filter); |
}, 50); |
}); |
$dom.on('submit', ELEM, submit) |
.on('click', '*[lay-submit]', submit); |
exports(MOD_NAME, form); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
/*! lay 基础 DOM 操作 | MIT Licensed */ |
;!function(window){ //gulp build: lay-header
"use strict"; |
var MOD_NAME = 'lay' //模块名
,document = window.document |
,lay = function(selector){ |
return new LAY(selector); |
} |
,LAY = function(selector){ |
var index = 0 |
,nativeDOM = typeof selector === 'object' ? [selector] : ( |
this.selector = selector |
,document.querySelectorAll(selector || null) |
); |
for(; index < nativeDOM.length; index++){ |
this.push(nativeDOM[index]); |
} |
}; |
/* |
lay 对象操作 |
*/ |
LAY.prototype = []; |
LAY.prototype.constructor = LAY; |
lay.extend = function(){ |
var ai = 1, args = arguments |
,clone = function(target, obj){ |
target = target || (layui._typeof(obj) === 'array' ? [] : {}); //目标对象
for(var i in obj){ |
target[i] = (obj[i] && obj[i].constructor === Object) |
? clone(target[i], obj[i]) |
: obj[i]; |
} |
return target; |
} |
args[0] = typeof args[0] === 'object' ? args[0] : {}; |
for(; ai < args.length; ai++){ |
if(typeof args[ai] === 'object'){ |
clone(args[0], args[ai]); |
} |
} |
return args[0]; |
}; |
//lay 模块版本
lay.v = '1.0.8'; |
lay.ie = function(){ |
var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); |
return (!!window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window) ? ( |
(agent.match(/msie\s(\d+)/) || [])[1] || '11' //由于 ie11 并没有 msie 的标识
) : false; |
}(); |
/** |
* 获取 layui 常见方法,以便用于组件单独版 |
*/ |
lay.layui = layui || {}; |
lay.getPath = layui.cache.dir; //获取当前 JS 所在目录
lay.stope = layui.stope; //中止冒泡
lay.each = function(){ //遍历
layui.each.apply(layui, arguments); |
return this; |
}; |
lay.digit = function(num, length, end){ |
var str = ''; |
num = String(num); |
length = length || 2; |
for(var i = num.length; i < length; i++){ |
str += '0'; |
} |
return num < Math.pow(10, length) ? str + (num|0) : num; |
}; |
lay.elem = function(elemName, attr){ |
var elem = document.createElement(elemName); |
lay.each(attr || {}, function(key, value){ |
elem.setAttribute(key, value); |
}); |
return elem; |
}; |
lay.hasScrollbar = function(){ |
return document.body.scrollHeight > (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight); |
}; |
lay.position = function(elem, elemView, obj){ |
if(!elemView) return; |
obj = obj || {}; |
//如果绑定的是 document 或 body 元素,则直接获取鼠标坐标
if(elem === document || elem === lay('body')[0]){ |
obj.clickType = 'right'; |
} |
var rect = obj.clickType === 'right' ? function(){ |
var e = obj.e || window.event || {}; |
return { |
left: e.clientX |
,top: e.clientY |
,right: e.clientX |
,bottom: e.clientY |
} |
}() : elem.getBoundingClientRect() |
,elemWidth = elemView.offsetWidth //控件的宽度
,elemHeight = elemView.offsetHeight //控件的高度
,scrollArea = function(type){ |
type = type ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop'; |
return document.body[type] | document.documentElement[type]; |
} |
,winArea = function(type){ |
return document.documentElement[type ? 'clientWidth' : 'clientHeight'] |
}, margin = 5, left = rect.left, top = rect.bottom; |
if(obj.align === 'center'){ |
left = left - (elemWidth - elem.offsetWidth)/2; |
} else if(obj.align === 'right'){ |
left = left - elemWidth + elem.offsetWidth; |
} |
if(left + elemWidth + margin > winArea('width')){ |
left = winArea('width') - elemWidth - margin; //如果超出右侧,则将面板向右靠齐
} |
if(left < margin) left = margin; |
if(top + elemHeight + margin > winArea()){ |
if(rect.top > elemHeight + margin){ |
top = rect.top - elemHeight - margin*2; //顶部有足够的区域显示
} else { |
if(obj.clickType === 'right'){ |
top = winArea() - elemHeight - margin*2; |
if(top < 0) top = 0; //不能溢出窗口顶部
} |
} |
} |
var position = obj.position; |
if(position) elemView.style.position = position; |
elemView.style.left = left + (position === 'fixed' ? 0 : scrollArea(1)) + 'px'; |
elemView.style.top = top + (position === 'fixed' ? 0 : scrollArea()) + 'px'; |
if(!lay.hasScrollbar()){ |
var rect1 = elemView.getBoundingClientRect(); |
if(!obj.SYSTEM_RELOAD && (rect1.bottom + margin) > winArea()){ |
obj.SYSTEM_RELOAD = true; |
setTimeout(function(){ |
lay.position(elem, elemView, obj); |
}, 50); |
} |
} |
}; |
lay.options = function(elem, attr){ |
var othis = lay(elem) |
,attrName = attr || 'lay-options'; |
try { |
return new Function('return '+ (othis.attr(attrName) || '{}'))(); |
} catch(ev) { |
hint.error('parseerror:'+ ev, 'error'); |
return {}; |
} |
}; |
//元素是否属于顶级元素(document 或 body)
lay.isTopElem = function(elem){ |
var topElems = [document, lay('body')[0]] |
,matched = false; |
lay.each(topElems, function(index, item){ |
if(item === elem){ |
return matched = true |
} |
}); |
return matched; |
}; |
LAY.addStr = function(str, new_str){ |
str = str.replace(/\s+/, ' '); |
new_str = new_str.replace(/\s+/, ' ').split(' '); |
lay.each(new_str, function(ii, item){ |
if(!new RegExp('\\b'+ item + '\\b').test(str)){ |
str = str + ' ' + item; |
} |
}); |
return str.replace(/^\s|\s$/, ''); |
}; |
LAY.removeStr = function(str, new_str){ |
str = str.replace(/\s+/, ' '); |
new_str = new_str.replace(/\s+/, ' ').split(' '); |
lay.each(new_str, function(ii, item){ |
var exp = new RegExp('\\b'+ item + '\\b') |
if(exp.test(str)){ |
str = str.replace(exp, ''); |
} |
}); |
return str.replace(/\s+/, ' ').replace(/^\s|\s$/, ''); |
}; |
LAY.prototype.find = function(selector){ |
var that = this; |
var index = 0, arr = [] |
,isObject = typeof selector === 'object'; |
this.each(function(i, item){ |
var nativeDOM = isObject ? item.contains(selector) : item.querySelectorAll(selector || null); |
for(; index < nativeDOM.length; index++){ |
arr.push(nativeDOM[index]); |
} |
that.shift(); |
}); |
if(!isObject){ |
that.selector = (that.selector ? that.selector + ' ' : '') + selector |
} |
lay.each(arr, function(i, item){ |
that.push(item); |
}); |
return that; |
}; |
LAY.prototype.each = function(fn){ |
return lay.each.call(this, this, fn); |
}; |
LAY.prototype.addClass = function(className, type){ |
return this.each(function(index, item){ |
item.className = LAY[type ? 'removeStr' : 'addStr'](item.className, className) |
}); |
}; |
//移除 css 类
LAY.prototype.removeClass = function(className){ |
return this.addClass(className, true); |
}; |
//是否包含 css 类
LAY.prototype.hasClass = function(className){ |
var has = false; |
this.each(function(index, item){ |
if(new RegExp('\\b'+ className +'\\b').test(item.className)){ |
has = true; |
} |
}); |
return has; |
}; |
//添加或获取 css style
LAY.prototype.css = function(key, value){ |
var that = this |
,parseValue = function(v){ |
return isNaN(v) ? v : (v +'px'); |
}; |
return (typeof key === 'string' && value === undefined) ? function(){ |
if(that.length > 0) return that[0].style[key]; |
}() : that.each(function(index, item){ |
typeof key === 'object' ? lay.each(key, function(thisKey, thisValue){ |
item.style[thisKey] = parseValue(thisValue); |
}) : item.style[key] = parseValue(value); |
}); |
}; |
LAY.prototype.width = function(value){ |
var that = this; |
return value === undefined ? function(){ |
if(that.length > 0) return that[0].offsetWidth; //此处还需做兼容
}() : that.each(function(index, item){ |
that.css('width', value); |
}); |
}; |
LAY.prototype.height = function(value){ |
var that = this; |
return value === undefined ? function(){ |
if(that.length > 0) return that[0].offsetHeight; //此处还需做兼容
}() : that.each(function(index, item){ |
that.css('height', value); |
}); |
}; |
LAY.prototype.attr = function(key, value){ |
var that = this; |
return value === undefined ? function(){ |
if(that.length > 0) return that[0].getAttribute(key); |
}() : that.each(function(index, item){ |
item.setAttribute(key, value); |
}); |
}; |
LAY.prototype.removeAttr = function(key){ |
return this.each(function(index, item){ |
item.removeAttribute(key); |
}); |
}; |
//设置或获取 HTML 内容
LAY.prototype.html = function(html){ |
var that = this; |
return html === undefined ? function(){ |
if(that.length > 0) return that[0].innerHTML; |
}() : this.each(function(index, item){ |
item.innerHTML = html; |
}); |
}; |
LAY.prototype.val = function(value){ |
var that = this; |
return value === undefined ? function(){ |
if(that.length > 0) return that[0].value; |
}() : this.each(function(index, item){ |
item.value = value; |
}); |
}; |
LAY.prototype.append = function(elem){ |
return this.each(function(index, item){ |
typeof elem === 'object' |
? item.appendChild(elem) |
: item.innerHTML = item.innerHTML + elem; |
}); |
}; |
LAY.prototype.remove = function(elem){ |
return this.each(function(index, item){ |
elem ? item.removeChild(elem) : item.parentNode.removeChild(item); |
}); |
}; |
LAY.prototype.on = function(eventName, fn){ |
return this.each(function(index, item){ |
item.attachEvent ? item.attachEvent('on' + eventName, function(e){ |
e.target = e.srcElement; |
fn.call(item, e); |
}) : item.addEventListener(eventName, fn, false); |
}); |
}; |
LAY.prototype.off = function(eventName, fn){ |
return this.each(function(index, item){ |
item.detachEvent |
? item.detachEvent('on'+ eventName, fn) |
: item.removeEventListener(eventName, fn, false); |
}); |
}; |
//暴露 lay 到全局作用域
window.lay = lay; |
//如果在 layui 体系中
if(window.layui && layui.define){ |
layui.define(function(exports){ //layui 加载
exports(MOD_NAME, lay); |
}); |
} |
}(window, window.document); |
@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
/** |
@Name:layedit 富文本编辑器 |
@License:MIT |
*/ |
layui.define(['layer', 'form'], function(exports){ |
"use strict"; |
var $ = layui.$ |
,layer = layui.layer |
,form = layui.form |
,hint = layui.hint() |
,device = layui.device() |
,MOD_NAME = 'layedit', THIS = 'layui-this', SHOW = 'layui-show', ABLED = 'layui-disabled' |
,Edit = function(){ |
var that = this; |
that.index = 0; |
that.config = { |
tool: [ |
'strong', 'italic', 'underline', 'del' |
,'|' |
,'left', 'center', 'right' |
,'|' |
,'link', 'unlink', 'face', 'image' |
] |
,hideTool: [] |
,height: 280 //默认高
}; |
}; |
Edit.prototype.set = function(options){ |
var that = this; |
$.extend(true, that.config, options); |
return that; |
}; |
Edit.prototype.on = function(events, callback){ |
return layui.onevent(MOD_NAME, events, callback); |
}; |
Edit.prototype.build = function(id, settings){ |
settings = settings || {}; |
var that = this |
,config = that.config |
,ELEM = 'layui-layedit', textArea = $(typeof(id)=='string'?'#'+id:id) |
,name = 'LAY_layedit_'+ (++that.index) |
,haveBuild = textArea.next('.'+ELEM) |
,set = $.extend({}, config, settings) |
,tool = function(){ |
var node = [], hideTools = {}; |
layui.each(set.hideTool, function(_, item){ |
hideTools[item] = true; |
}); |
layui.each(set.tool, function(_, item){ |
if(tools[item] && !hideTools[item]){ |
node.push(tools[item]); |
} |
}); |
return node.join(''); |
}() |
,editor = $(['<div class="'+ ELEM +'">' |
,'<div class="layui-unselect layui-layedit-tool">'+ tool +'</div>' |
,'<div class="layui-layedit-iframe">' |
,'<iframe id="'+ name +'" name="'+ name +'" textarea="'+ id +'" frameborder="0"></iframe>' |
,'</div>' |
,'</div>'].join('')) |
if(device.ie && device.ie < 8){ |
return textArea.removeClass('layui-hide').addClass(SHOW); |
} |
haveBuild[0] && (haveBuild.remove()); |
setIframe.call(that, editor, textArea[0], set) |
textArea.addClass('layui-hide').after(editor); |
return that.index; |
}; |
Edit.prototype.getContent = function(index){ |
var iframeWin = getWin(index); |
if(!iframeWin[0]) return; |
return toLower(iframeWin[0].document.body.innerHTML); |
}; |
Edit.prototype.getText = function(index){ |
var iframeWin = getWin(index); |
if(!iframeWin[0]) return; |
return $(iframeWin[0].document.body).text(); |
}; |
/** |
* 设置编辑器内容 |
* @param {[type]} index 编辑器索引 |
* @param {[type]} content 要设置的内容 |
* @param {[type]} flag 是否追加模式 |
*/ |
Edit.prototype.setContent = function(index, content, flag){ |
var iframeWin = getWin(index); |
if(!iframeWin[0]) return; |
if(flag){ |
$(iframeWin[0].document.body).append(content) |
}else{ |
$(iframeWin[0].document.body).html(content) |
}; |
layedit.sync(index) |
}; |
Edit.prototype.sync = function(index){ |
var iframeWin = getWin(index); |
if(!iframeWin[0]) return; |
var textarea = $('#'+iframeWin[1].attr('textarea')); |
textarea.val(toLower(iframeWin[0].document.body.innerHTML)); |
}; |
Edit.prototype.getSelection = function(index){ |
var iframeWin = getWin(index); |
if(!iframeWin[0]) return; |
var range = Range(iframeWin[0].document); |
return document.selection ? range.text : range.toString(); |
}; |
var setIframe = function(editor, textArea, set){ |
var that = this, iframe = editor.find('iframe'); |
iframe.css({ |
height: set.height |
}).on('load', function(){ |
var conts = iframe.contents() |
,iframeWin = iframe.prop('contentWindow') |
,head = conts.find('head') |
,style = $(['<style>' |
,'*{margin: 0; padding: 0;}' |
,'body{padding: 10px; line-height: 20px; overflow-x: hidden; word-wrap: break-word; font: 14px Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,PingFang SC,Microsoft YaHei,Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box !important; -moz-box-sizing: border-box !important; box-sizing: border-box !important;}' |
,'a{color:#01AAED; text-decoration:none;}a:hover{color:#c00}' |
,'p{margin-bottom: 10px;}' |
,'img{display: inline-block; border: none; vertical-align: middle;}' |
,'pre{margin: 10px 0; padding: 10px; line-height: 20px; border: 1px solid #ddd; border-left-width: 6px; background-color: #F2F2F2; color: #333; font-family: Courier New; font-size: 12px;}' |
,'</style>'].join('')) |
,body = conts.find('body'); |
head.append(style); |
body.attr('contenteditable', 'true').css({ |
'min-height': set.height |
}).html(textArea.value||''); |
hotkey.apply(that, [iframeWin, iframe, textArea, set]); //快捷键处理
toolActive.call(that, iframeWin, editor, set); //触发工具
}); |
} |
,getWin = function(index){ |
var iframe = $('#LAY_layedit_'+ index) |
,iframeWin = iframe.prop('contentWindow'); |
return [iframeWin, iframe]; |
} |
,toLower = function(html){ |
if(device.ie == 8){ |
html = html.replace(/<.+>/g, function(str){ |
return str.toLowerCase(); |
}); |
} |
return html; |
} |
,hotkey = function(iframeWin, iframe, textArea, set){ |
var iframeDOM = iframeWin.document, body = $(iframeDOM.body); |
body.on('keydown', function(e){ |
var keycode = e.keyCode; |
if(keycode === 13){ |
var range = Range(iframeDOM); |
var container = getContainer(range) |
,parentNode = container.parentNode; |
if(parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'pre'){ |
if(e.shiftKey) return |
layer.msg('请暂时用shift+enter'); |
return false; |
} |
iframeDOM.execCommand('formatBlock', false, '<p>'); |
} |
}); |
$(textArea).parents('form').on('submit', function(){ |
var html = body.html(); |
if(device.ie == 8){ |
html = html.replace(/<.+>/g, function(str){ |
return str.toLowerCase(); |
}); |
} |
textArea.value = html; |
}); |
body.on('paste', function(e){ |
iframeDOM.execCommand('formatBlock', false, '<p>'); |
setTimeout(function(){ |
filter.call(iframeWin, body); |
textArea.value = body.html(); |
}, 100); |
}); |
} |
,filter = function(body){ |
var iframeWin = this |
,iframeDOM = iframeWin.document; |
body.find('*[style]').each(function(){ |
var textAlign = this.style.textAlign; |
this.removeAttribute('style'); |
$(this).css({ |
'text-align': textAlign || '' |
}) |
}); |
body.find('table').addClass('layui-table'); |
body.find('script,link').remove(); |
} |
,Range = function(iframeDOM){ |
return iframeDOM.selection |
? iframeDOM.selection.createRange() |
: iframeDOM.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); |
} |
,getContainer = function(range){ |
return range.endContainer || range.parentElement().childNodes[0] |
} |
,insertInline = function(tagName, attr, range){ |
var iframeDOM = this.document |
,elem = document.createElement(tagName) |
for(var key in attr){ |
elem.setAttribute(key, attr[key]); |
} |
elem.removeAttribute('text'); |
if(iframeDOM.selection){ //IE
var text = range.text || attr.text; |
if(tagName === 'a' && !text) return; |
if(text){ |
elem.innerHTML = text; |
} |
range.pasteHTML($(elem).prop('outerHTML')); |
range.select(); |
} else { //非IE
var text = range.toString() || attr.text; |
if(tagName === 'a' && !text) return; |
if(text){ |
elem.innerHTML = text; |
} |
range.deleteContents(); |
range.insertNode(elem); |
} |
} |
,toolCheck = function(tools, othis){ |
var iframeDOM = this.document |
,CHECK = 'layedit-tool-active' |
,container = getContainer(Range(iframeDOM)) |
,item = function(type){ |
return tools.find('.layedit-tool-'+type) |
} |
if(othis){ |
othis[othis.hasClass(CHECK) ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'](CHECK); |
} |
tools.find('>i').removeClass(CHECK); |
item('unlink').addClass(ABLED); |
$(container).parents().each(function(){ |
var tagName = this.tagName.toLowerCase() |
,textAlign = this.style.textAlign; |
if(tagName === 'b' || tagName === 'strong'){ |
item('b').addClass(CHECK) |
} |
if(tagName === 'i' || tagName === 'em'){ |
item('i').addClass(CHECK) |
} |
if(tagName === 'u'){ |
item('u').addClass(CHECK) |
} |
if(tagName === 'strike'){ |
item('d').addClass(CHECK) |
} |
if(tagName === 'p'){ |
if(textAlign === 'center'){ |
item('center').addClass(CHECK); |
} else if(textAlign === 'right'){ |
item('right').addClass(CHECK); |
} else { |
item('left').addClass(CHECK); |
} |
} |
if(tagName === 'a'){ |
item('link').addClass(CHECK); |
item('unlink').removeClass(ABLED); |
} |
}); |
} |
,toolActive = function(iframeWin, editor, set){ |
var iframeDOM = iframeWin.document |
,body = $(iframeDOM.body) |
,toolEvent = { |
link: function(range){ |
var container = getContainer(range) |
,parentNode = $(container).parent(); |
link.call(body, { |
href: parentNode.attr('href') |
,target: parentNode.attr('target') |
}, function(field){ |
var parent = parentNode[0]; |
if(parent.tagName === 'A'){ |
parent.href = field.url; |
} else { |
insertInline.call(iframeWin, 'a', { |
target: field.target |
,href: field.url |
,text: field.url |
}, range); |
} |
}); |
} |
,unlink: function(range){ |
iframeDOM.execCommand('unlink'); |
} |
,face: function(range){ |
face.call(this, function(img){ |
insertInline.call(iframeWin, 'img', { |
src: img.src |
,alt: img.alt |
}, range); |
}); |
} |
,image: function(range){ |
var that = this; |
layui.use('upload', function(upload){ |
var uploadImage = set.uploadImage || {}; |
upload.render({ |
url: uploadImage.url |
,method: uploadImage.type |
,elem: $(that).find('input')[0] |
,done: function(res){ |
if(res.code == 0){ |
res.data = res.data || {}; |
insertInline.call(iframeWin, 'img', { |
src: res.data.src |
,alt: res.data.title |
}, range); |
} else { |
layer.msg(res.msg||'上传失败'); |
} |
} |
}); |
}); |
} |
,code: function(range){ |
code.call(body, function(pre){ |
insertInline.call(iframeWin, 'pre', { |
text: pre.code |
,'lay-lang': pre.lang |
}, range); |
}); |
} |
,help: function(){ |
layer.open({ |
type: 2 |
,title: '帮助' |
,area: ['600px', '380px'] |
,shadeClose: true |
,shade: 0.1 |
,skin: 'layui-layer-msg' |
,content: ['', 'no'] |
}); |
} |
} |
,tools = editor.find('.layui-layedit-tool') |
,click = function(){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,events = othis.attr('layedit-event') |
,command = othis.attr('lay-command'); |
if(othis.hasClass(ABLED)) return; |
body.focus(); |
var range = Range(iframeDOM) |
,container = range.commonAncestorContainer |
if(command){ |
iframeDOM.execCommand(command); |
if(/justifyLeft|justifyCenter|justifyRight/.test(command)){ |
iframeDOM.execCommand('formatBlock', false, '<p>'); |
} |
setTimeout(function(){ |
body.focus(); |
}, 10); |
} else { |
toolEvent[events] && toolEvent[events].call(this, range); |
} |
toolCheck.call(iframeWin, tools, othis); |
} |
,isClick = /image/ |
tools.find('>i').on('mousedown', function(){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,events = othis.attr('layedit-event'); |
if(isClick.test(events)) return; |
click.call(this) |
}).on('click', function(){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,events = othis.attr('layedit-event'); |
if(!isClick.test(events)) return; |
click.call(this) |
}); |
body.on('click', function(){ |
toolCheck.call(iframeWin, tools); |
layer.close(face.index); |
}); |
} |
,link = function(options, callback){ |
var body = this, index = layer.open({ |
type: 1 |
,id: 'LAY_layedit_link' |
,area: '350px' |
,shade: 0.05 |
,shadeClose: true |
,moveType: 1 |
,title: '超链接' |
,skin: 'layui-layer-msg' |
,content: ['<ul class="layui-form" style="margin: 15px;">' |
,'<li class="layui-form-item">' |
,'<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 60px;">URL</label>' |
,'<div class="layui-input-block" style="margin-left: 90px">' |
,'<input name="url" lay-verify="url" value="'+ (options.href||'') +'" autofocus="true" autocomplete="off" class="layui-input">' |
,'</div>' |
,'</li>' |
,'<li class="layui-form-item">' |
,'<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 60px;">打开方式</label>' |
,'<div class="layui-input-block" style="margin-left: 90px">' |
,'<input type="radio" name="target" value="_self" class="layui-input" title="当前窗口"' |
+ ((options.target==='_self' || !options.target) ? 'checked' : '') +'>' |
,'<input type="radio" name="target" value="_blank" class="layui-input" title="新窗口" ' |
+ (options.target==='_blank' ? 'checked' : '') +'>' |
,'</div>' |
,'</li>' |
,'<li class="layui-form-item" style="text-align: center;">' |
,'<button type="button" lay-submit lay-filter="layedit-link-yes" class="layui-btn"> 确定 </button>' |
,'<button style="margin-left: 20px;" type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-primary"> 取消 </button>' |
,'</li>' |
,'</ul>'].join('') |
,success: function(layero, index){ |
var eventFilter = 'submit(layedit-link-yes)'; |
form.render('radio'); |
layero.find('.layui-btn-primary').on('click', function(){ |
layer.close(index); |
body.focus(); |
}); |
form.on(eventFilter, function(data){ |
layer.close(link.index); |
callback && callback(data.field); |
}); |
} |
}); |
link.index = index; |
} |
,face = function(callback){ |
var faces = function(){ |
var alt = ["[微笑]", "[嘻嘻]", "[哈哈]", "[可爱]", "[可怜]", "[挖鼻]", "[吃惊]", "[害羞]", "[挤眼]", "[闭嘴]", "[鄙视]", "[爱你]", "[泪]", "[偷笑]", "[亲亲]", "[生病]", "[太开心]", "[白眼]", "[右哼哼]", "[左哼哼]", "[嘘]", "[衰]", "[委屈]", "[吐]", "[哈欠]", "[抱抱]", "[怒]", "[疑问]", "[馋嘴]", "[拜拜]", "[思考]", "[汗]", "[困]", "[睡]", "[钱]", "[失望]", "[酷]", "[色]", "[哼]", "[鼓掌]", "[晕]", "[悲伤]", "[抓狂]", "[黑线]", "[阴险]", "[怒骂]", "[互粉]", "[心]", "[伤心]", "[猪头]", "[熊猫]", "[兔子]", "[ok]", "[耶]", "[good]", "[NO]", "[赞]", "[来]", "[弱]", "[草泥马]", "[神马]", "[囧]", "[浮云]", "[给力]", "[围观]", "[威武]", "[奥特曼]", "[礼物]", "[钟]", "[话筒]", "[蜡烛]", "[蛋糕]"], arr = {}; |
layui.each(alt, function(index, item){ |
arr[item] = layui.cache.dir + 'images/face/'+ index + '.gif'; |
}); |
return arr; |
}(); |
face.hide = face.hide || function(e){ |
if($(e.target).attr('layedit-event') !== 'face'){ |
layer.close(face.index); |
} |
} |
return face.index = layer.tips(function(){ |
var content = []; |
layui.each(faces, function(key, item){ |
content.push('<li title="'+ key +'"><img src="'+ item +'" alt="'+ key +'"></li>'); |
}); |
return '<ul class="layui-clear">' + content.join('') + '</ul>'; |
}(), this, { |
tips: 1 |
,time: 0 |
,skin: 'layui-box layui-util-face' |
,maxWidth: 500 |
,success: function(layero, index){ |
layero.css({ |
marginTop: -4 |
,marginLeft: -10 |
}).find('.layui-clear>li').on('click', function(){ |
callback && callback({ |
src: faces[this.title] |
,alt: this.title |
}); |
layer.close(index); |
}); |
$(document).off('click', face.hide).on('click', face.hide); |
} |
}); |
} |
,code = function(callback){ |
var body = this, index = layer.open({ |
type: 1 |
,id: 'LAY_layedit_code' |
,area: '550px' |
,shade: 0.05 |
,shadeClose: true |
,moveType: 1 |
,title: '插入代码' |
,skin: 'layui-layer-msg' |
,content: ['<ul class="layui-form layui-form-pane" style="margin: 15px;">' |
,'<li class="layui-form-item">' |
,'<label class="layui-form-label">请选择语言</label>' |
,'<div class="layui-input-block">' |
,'<select name="lang">' |
,'<option value="JavaScript">JavaScript</option>' |
,'<option value="HTML">HTML</option>' |
,'<option value="CSS">CSS</option>' |
,'<option value="Java">Java</option>' |
,'<option value="PHP">PHP</option>' |
,'<option value="C#">C#</option>' |
,'<option value="Python">Python</option>' |
,'<option value="Ruby">Ruby</option>' |
,'<option value="Go">Go</option>' |
,'</select>' |
,'</div>' |
,'</li>' |
,'<li class="layui-form-item layui-form-text">' |
,'<label class="layui-form-label">代码</label>' |
,'<div class="layui-input-block">' |
,'<textarea name="code" lay-verify="required" autofocus="true" class="layui-textarea" style="height: 200px;"></textarea>' |
,'</div>' |
,'</li>' |
,'<li class="layui-form-item" style="text-align: center;">' |
,'<button type="button" lay-submit lay-filter="layedit-code-yes" class="layui-btn"> 确定 </button>' |
,'<button style="margin-left: 20px;" type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-primary"> 取消 </button>' |
,'</li>' |
,'</ul>'].join('') |
,success: function(layero, index){ |
var eventFilter = 'submit(layedit-code-yes)'; |
form.render('select'); |
layero.find('.layui-btn-primary').on('click', function(){ |
layer.close(index); |
body.focus(); |
}); |
form.on(eventFilter, function(data){ |
layer.close(code.index); |
callback && callback(data.field); |
}); |
} |
}); |
code.index = index; |
} |
,tools = { |
html: '<i class="layui-icon layedit-tool-html" title="HTML源代码" lay-command="html" layedit-event="html""></i><span class="layedit-tool-mid"></span>' |
,strong: '<i class="layui-icon layedit-tool-b" title="加粗" lay-command="Bold" layedit-event="b""></i>' |
,italic: '<i class="layui-icon layedit-tool-i" title="斜体" lay-command="italic" layedit-event="i""></i>' |
,underline: '<i class="layui-icon layedit-tool-u" title="下划线" lay-command="underline" layedit-event="u""></i>' |
,del: '<i class="layui-icon layedit-tool-d" title="删除线" lay-command="strikeThrough" layedit-event="d""></i>' |
,'|': '<span class="layedit-tool-mid"></span>' |
,left: '<i class="layui-icon layedit-tool-left" title="左对齐" lay-command="justifyLeft" layedit-event="left""></i>' |
,center: '<i class="layui-icon layedit-tool-center" title="居中对齐" lay-command="justifyCenter" layedit-event="center""></i>' |
,right: '<i class="layui-icon layedit-tool-right" title="右对齐" lay-command="justifyRight" layedit-event="right""></i>' |
,link: '<i class="layui-icon layedit-tool-link" title="插入链接" layedit-event="link""></i>' |
,unlink: '<i class="layui-icon layedit-tool-unlink layui-disabled" title="清除链接" lay-command="unlink" layedit-event="unlink""></i>' |
,face: '<i class="layui-icon layedit-tool-face" title="表情" layedit-event="face""></i>' |
,image: '<i class="layui-icon layedit-tool-image" title="图片" layedit-event="image"><input type="file" name="file"></i>' |
,code: '<i class="layui-icon layedit-tool-code" title="插入代码" layedit-event="code"></i>' |
,help: '<i class="layui-icon layedit-tool-help" title="帮助" layedit-event="help"></i>' |
} |
,edit = new Edit(); |
exports(MOD_NAME, edit); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
/** |
@Name : laypage 分页组件 |
@License:MIT |
*/ |
layui.define(function(exports){ |
"use strict"; |
var doc = document |
,id = 'getElementById' |
,tag = 'getElementsByTagName' |
,MOD_NAME = 'laypage', DISABLED = 'layui-disabled' |
,Class = function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.config = options || {}; |
that.config.index = ++laypage.index; |
that.render(true); |
}; |
Class.prototype.type = function(){ |
var config = this.config; |
if(typeof config.elem === 'object'){ |
return config.elem.length === undefined ? 2 : 3; |
} |
}; |
Class.prototype.view = function(){ |
var that = this |
,config = that.config |
,groups = config.groups = 'groups' in config ? (config.groups|0) : 5; //连续页码个数
config.layout = typeof config.layout === 'object' |
? config.layout |
: ['prev', 'page', 'next']; |
config.count = config.count|0; //数据总数
config.curr = (config.curr|0) || 1; //当前页
config.limits = typeof config.limits === 'object' |
? config.limits |
: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]; |
config.limit = (config.limit|0) || 10; //默认条数
config.pages = Math.ceil(config.count/config.limit) || 1; |
if(config.curr > config.pages){ |
config.curr = config.pages; |
} |
if(groups < 0){ |
groups = 1; |
} else if (groups > config.pages){ |
groups = config.pages; |
} |
config.prev = 'prev' in config ? config.prev : '上一页'; //上一页文本
config.next = 'next' in config ? config.next : '下一页'; //下一页文本
var index = config.pages > groups |
? Math.ceil( (config.curr + (groups > 1 ? 1 : 0)) / (groups > 0 ? groups : 1) ) |
: 1 |
,views = { |
prev: function(){ |
return config.prev |
? '<a href="javascript:;" class="layui-laypage-prev'+ (config.curr == 1 ? (' ' + DISABLED) : '') +'" data-page="'+ (config.curr - 1) +'">'+ config.prev +'</a>' |
: ''; |
}() |
,page: function(){ |
var pager = []; |
if(config.count < 1){ |
return ''; |
} |
if(index > 1 && config.first !== false && groups !== 0){ |
pager.push('<a href="javascript:;" class="layui-laypage-first" data-page="1" title="首页">'+ (config.first || 1) +'</a>'); |
} |
var halve = Math.floor((groups-1)/2) //页码数等分
,start = index > 1 ? config.curr - halve : 1 |
,end = index > 1 ? (function(){ |
var max = config.curr + (groups - halve - 1); |
return max > config.pages ? config.pages : max; |
}()) : groups; |
if(end - start < groups - 1){ |
start = end - groups + 1; |
} |
if(config.first !== false && start > 2){ |
pager.push('<span class="layui-laypage-spr">…</span>') |
} |
for(; start <= end; start++){ |
if(start === config.curr){ |
pager.push('<span class="layui-laypage-curr"><em class="layui-laypage-em" '+ (/^#/.test(config.theme) ? 'style="background-color:'+ config.theme +';"' : '') +'></em><em>'+ start +'</em></span>'); |
} else { |
pager.push('<a href="javascript:;" data-page="'+ start +'">'+ start +'</a>'); |
} |
} |
//输出输出右分隔符 & 末页
if(config.pages > groups && config.pages > end && config.last !== false){ |
if(end + 1 < config.pages){ |
pager.push('<span class="layui-laypage-spr">…</span>'); |
} |
if(groups !== 0){ |
pager.push('<a href="javascript:;" class="layui-laypage-last" title="尾页" data-page="'+ config.pages +'">'+ (config.last || config.pages) +'</a>'); |
} |
} |
return pager.join(''); |
}() |
,next: function(){ |
return config.next |
? '<a href="javascript:;" class="layui-laypage-next'+ (config.curr == config.pages ? (' ' + DISABLED) : '') +'" data-page="'+ (config.curr + 1) +'">'+ config.next +'</a>' |
: ''; |
}() |
,count: '<span class="layui-laypage-count">共 '+ config.count +' 条</span>' |
,limit: function(){ |
var options = ['<span class="layui-laypage-limits"><select lay-ignore>']; |
layui.each(config.limits, function(index, item){ |
options.push( |
'<option value="'+ item +'"' |
+(item === config.limit ? 'selected' : '') |
+'>'+ item +' 条/页</option>' |
); |
}); |
return options.join('') +'</select></span>'; |
}() |
,refresh: ['<a href="javascript:;" data-page="'+ config.curr +'" class="layui-laypage-refresh">' |
,'<i class="layui-icon layui-icon-refresh"></i>' |
,'</a>'].join('') |
,skip: function(){ |
return ['<span class="layui-laypage-skip">到第' |
,'<input type="text" min="1" value="'+ config.curr +'" class="layui-input">' |
,'页<button type="button" class="layui-laypage-btn">确定</button>' |
,'</span>'].join(''); |
}() |
}; |
return ['<div class="layui-box layui-laypage layui-laypage-'+ (config.theme ? ( |
/^#/.test(config.theme) ? 'molv' : config.theme |
) : 'default') +'" id="layui-laypage-'+ config.index +'">' |
,function(){ |
var plate = []; |
layui.each(config.layout, function(index, item){ |
if(views[item]){ |
plate.push(views[item]) |
} |
}); |
return plate.join(''); |
}() |
,'</div>'].join(''); |
}; |
Class.prototype.jump = function(elem, isskip){ |
if(!elem) return; |
var that = this |
,config = that.config |
,childs = elem.children |
,btn = elem[tag]('button')[0] |
,input = elem[tag]('input')[0] |
,select = elem[tag]('select')[0] |
,skip = function(){ |
var curr = input.value.replace(/\s|\D/g, '')|0; |
if(curr){ |
config.curr = curr; |
that.render(); |
} |
}; |
if(isskip) return skip(); |
for(var i = 0, len = childs.length; i < len; i++){ |
if(childs[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'a'){ |
laypage.on(childs[i], 'click', function(){ |
var curr = this.getAttribute('data-page')|0; |
if(curr < 1 || curr > config.pages) return; |
config.curr = curr; |
that.render(); |
}); |
} |
} |
if(select){ |
laypage.on(select, 'change', function(){ |
var value = this.value; |
if(config.curr*value > config.count){ |
config.curr = Math.ceil(config.count/value); |
} |
config.limit = value; |
that.render(); |
}); |
} |
if(btn){ |
laypage.on(btn, 'click', function(){ |
skip(); |
}); |
} |
}; |
Class.prototype.skip = function(elem){ |
if(!elem) return; |
var that = this, input = elem[tag]('input')[0]; |
if(!input) return; |
laypage.on(input, 'keyup', function(e){ |
var value = this.value |
,keyCode = e.keyCode; |
if(/^(37|38|39|40)$/.test(keyCode)) return; |
if(/\D/.test(value)){ |
this.value = value.replace(/\D/, ''); |
} |
if(keyCode === 13){ |
that.jump(elem, true) |
} |
}); |
}; |
Class.prototype.render = function(load){ |
var that = this |
,config = that.config |
,type = that.type() |
,view = that.view(); |
if(type === 2){ |
config.elem && (config.elem.innerHTML = view); |
} else if(type === 3){ |
config.elem.html(view); |
} else { |
if(doc[id](config.elem)){ |
doc[id](config.elem).innerHTML = view; |
} |
} |
config.jump && config.jump(config, load); |
var elem = doc[id]('layui-laypage-' + config.index); |
that.jump(elem); |
if(config.hash && !load){ |
location.hash = '!'+ config.hash +'='+ config.curr; |
} |
that.skip(elem); |
}; |
var laypage = { |
render: function(options){ |
var o = new Class(options); |
return o.index; |
} |
,index: layui.laypage ? (layui.laypage.index + 10000) : 0 |
,on: function(elem, even, fn){ |
elem.attachEvent ? elem.attachEvent('on'+ even, function(e){ //for ie
e.target = e.srcElement; |
fn.call(elem, e); |
}) : elem.addEventListener(even, fn, false); |
return this; |
} |
} |
exports(MOD_NAME, laypage); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
/** |
@Name:layui 移动模块入口 | 构建后则为移动模块集合 |
@License:MIT |
*/ |
if(!layui['layui.mobile']){ |
layui.config({ |
base: layui.cache.dir + 'lay/modules/mobile/' |
}).extend({ |
'layer-mobile': 'layer-mobile' |
,'zepto': 'zepto' |
,'upload-mobile': 'upload-mobile' |
,'layim-mobile': 'layim-mobile' |
}); |
} |
layui.define([ |
'layer-mobile' |
,'zepto' |
,'layim-mobile' |
], function(exports){ |
exports('mobile', { |
layer: layui['layer-mobile'] //弹层
,layim: layui['layim-mobile'] //WebIM
}); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
/** |
@Title: rate 评分评星组件 |
@License:MIT |
*/ |
layui.define('jquery',function(exports){ |
"use strict"; |
var $ = layui.jquery |
,rate = { |
config: {} |
,index: layui.rate ? (layui.rate.index + 10000) : 0 |
,set: function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, options); |
return that; |
} |
,on: function(events, callback){ |
return layui.onevent.call(this, MOD_NAME, events, callback); |
} |
} |
,thisRate = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
return { |
setvalue: function(value){ |
that.setvalue.call(that, value); |
} |
,config: options |
} |
} |
,MOD_NAME = 'rate',ELEM_VIEW = 'layui-rate', ICON_RATE = 'layui-icon-rate', ICON_RATE_SOLID = 'layui-icon-rate-solid', ICON_RATE_HALF = 'layui-icon-rate-half' |
,ICON_SOLID_HALF = 'layui-icon-rate-solid layui-icon-rate-half', ICON_SOLID_RATE = 'layui-icon-rate-solid layui-icon-rate', ICON_HALF_RATE = 'layui-icon-rate layui-icon-rate-half' |
,Class = function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.index = ++rate.index; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, rate.config, options); |
that.render(); |
}; |
Class.prototype.config = { |
length: 5 //初始长度
,text: false //是否显示评分等级
,readonly: false //是否只读
,half: false //是否可以半星
,value: 0 //星星选中个数
,theme: '' |
}; |
Class.prototype.render = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,style = options.theme ? ('style="color: '+ options.theme + ';"') : ''; |
options.elem = $(options.elem); |
if(options.value > options.length){ |
options.value = options.length; |
} |
if(parseInt(options.value) !== options.value){ |
if(!options.half){ |
options.value = (Math.ceil(options.value) - options.value) < 0.5 ? Math.ceil(options.value): Math.floor(options.value) |
} |
} |
var temp = '<ul class="layui-rate" '+ (options.readonly ? 'readonly' : '') +'>'; |
for(var i = 1;i <= options.length;i++){ |
var item = '<li class="layui-inline"><i class="layui-icon ' |
+ (i>Math.floor(options.value)?ICON_RATE:ICON_RATE_SOLID) |
+ '" '+ style +'></i></li>'; |
if(options.half){ |
if(parseInt(options.value) !== options.value){ |
if(i == Math.ceil(options.value)){ |
temp = temp + '<li><i class="layui-icon layui-icon-rate-half" '+ style +'></i></li>'; |
}else{ |
temp = temp + item |
} |
}else{ |
temp = temp + item |
} |
}else{ |
temp = temp +item; |
} |
} |
temp += '</ul>' + (options.text ? ('<span class="layui-inline">'+ options.value + '星') : '') + '</span>'; |
var othis = options.elem |
,hasRender = othis.next('.' + ELEM_VIEW); |
hasRender[0] && hasRender.remove(); //如果已经渲染,则Rerender
that.elemTemp = $(temp); |
options.span = that.elemTemp.next('span'); |
options.setText && options.setText(options.value); |
othis.html(that.elemTemp); |
othis.addClass("layui-inline"); |
if(!options.readonly) that.action(); |
}; |
Class.prototype.setvalue = function(value){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config ; |
options.value = value ; |
that.render(); |
}; |
Class.prototype.action = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,_ul = that.elemTemp |
,wide = _ul.find("i").width(); |
_ul.children("li").each(function(index){ |
var ind = index + 1 |
,othis = $(this); |
othis.on('click', function(e){ |
options.value = ind; |
if(options.half){ |
var x = e.pageX - $(this).offset().left; |
if(x <= wide / 2){ |
options.value = options.value - 0.5; |
} |
} |
if(options.text) _ul.next("span").text(options.value + "星"); |
options.choose && options.choose(options.value); |
options.setText && options.setText(options.value); |
}); |
othis.on('mousemove', function(e){ |
_ul.find("i").each(function(){ |
$(this).addClass(ICON_RATE).removeClass(ICON_SOLID_HALF) |
}); |
_ul.find("i:lt(" + ind + ")").each(function(){ |
$(this).addClass(ICON_RATE_SOLID).removeClass(ICON_HALF_RATE) |
}); |
// 如果设置可选半星,那么判断鼠标相对li的位置
if(options.half){ |
var x = e.pageX - $(this).offset().left; |
if(x <= wide / 2){ |
othis.children("i").addClass(ICON_RATE_HALF).removeClass(ICON_RATE_SOLID) |
} |
} |
}) |
othis.on('mouseleave', function(){ |
_ul.find("i").each(function(){ |
$(this).addClass(ICON_RATE).removeClass(ICON_SOLID_HALF) |
}); |
_ul.find("i:lt(" + Math.floor(options.value) + ")").each(function(){ |
$(this).addClass(ICON_RATE_SOLID).removeClass(ICON_HALF_RATE) |
}); |
if(options.half){ |
if(parseInt(options.value) !== options.value){ |
_ul.children("li:eq(" + Math.floor(options.value) + ")").children("i").addClass(ICON_RATE_HALF).removeClass(ICON_SOLID_RATE) |
} |
} |
}) |
}) |
}; |
Class.prototype.events = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
}; |
rate.render = function(options){ |
var inst = new Class(options); |
return thisRate.call(inst); |
}; |
exports(MOD_NAME, rate); |
}) |
@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
/** |
@Title: slider 滑块组件 |
@License:MIT |
*/ |
layui.define('jquery', function(exports){ |
"use strict"; |
var $ = layui.jquery |
,slider = { |
config: {} |
,index: layui.slider ? (layui.slider.index + 10000) : 0 |
,set: function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, options); |
return that; |
} |
,on: function(events, callback){ |
return layui.onevent.call(this, MOD_NAME, events, callback); |
} |
} |
,thisSlider = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
return { |
setValue: function(value, index){ //设置值
options.value = value; |
return that.slide('set', value, index || 0); |
} |
,config: options |
} |
} |
,MOD_NAME = 'slider', DISABLED = 'layui-disabled', ELEM_VIEW = 'layui-slider', SLIDER_BAR = 'layui-slider-bar', SLIDER_WRAP = 'layui-slider-wrap', SLIDER_WRAP_BTN = 'layui-slider-wrap-btn', SLIDER_TIPS = 'layui-slider-tips', SLIDER_INPUT = 'layui-slider-input', SLIDER_INPUT_TXT = 'layui-slider-input-txt', SLIDER_INPUT_BTN = 'layui-slider-input-btn', ELEM_HOVER = 'layui-slider-hover' |
,Class = function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.index = ++slider.index; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, slider.config, options); |
that.render(); |
}; |
Class.prototype.config = { |
type: 'default' //滑块类型,垂直:vertical
,min: 0 //最小值
,max: 100 //最大值,默认100
,value: 0 //初始值,默认为0
,step: 1 //间隔值
,showstep: false //间隔点开启
,tips: true //文字提示,开启
,input: false //输入框,关闭
,range: false //范围选择,与输入框不能同时开启,默认关闭
,height: 200 //配合 type:"vertical" 使用,默认200px
,disabled: false //滑块禁用,默认关闭
,theme: '#009688' //主题颜色
}; |
Class.prototype.render = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
//间隔值不能小于 1
if(options.step < 1) options.step = 1; |
if(options.max < options.min) options.max = options.min + options.step; |
if(options.range){ |
options.value = typeof(options.value) == 'object' ? options.value : [options.min, options.value]; |
var minValue = Math.min(options.value[0], options.value[1]) |
,maxValue = Math.max(options.value[0], options.value[1]); |
options.value[0] = minValue > options.min ? minValue : options.min; |
options.value[1] = maxValue > options.min ? maxValue : options.min; |
options.value[0] = options.value[0] > options.max ? options.max : options.value[0]; |
options.value[1] = options.value[1] > options.max ? options.max : options.value[1]; |
var scaleFir = Math.floor((options.value[0] - options.min) / (options.max - options.min) * 100) |
,scaleSec = Math.floor((options.value[1] - options.min) / (options.max - options.min) * 100) |
,scale = scaleSec - scaleFir + '%'; |
scaleFir = scaleFir + '%'; |
scaleSec = scaleSec + '%'; |
} else { |
if(typeof options.value == 'object'){ |
options.value = Math.min.apply(null, options.value); |
} |
if(options.value < options.min) options.value = options.min; |
if(options.value > options.max) options.value = options.max; |
var scale = Math.floor((options.value - options.min) / (options.max - options.min) * 100) + '%'; |
}; |
var theme = options.disabled ? '#c2c2c2' : options.theme; |
var temp = '<div class="layui-slider '+ (options.type === 'vertical' ? 'layui-slider-vertical' : '') +'">'+ (options.tips ? '<div class="layui-slider-tips"></div>' : '') + |
'<div class="layui-slider-bar" style="background:'+ theme +'; '+ (options.type === 'vertical' ? 'height' : 'width') +':'+ scale +';'+ (options.type === 'vertical' ? 'bottom' : 'left') +':'+ (scaleFir || 0) +';"></div><div class="layui-slider-wrap" style="'+ (options.type === 'vertical' ? 'bottom' : 'left') +':'+ (scaleFir || scale) +';">' + |
'<div class="layui-slider-wrap-btn" style="border: 2px solid '+ theme +';"></div></div>'+ (options.range ? '<div class="layui-slider-wrap" style="'+ (options.type === 'vertical' ? 'bottom' : 'left') +':'+ scaleSec +';"><div class="layui-slider-wrap-btn" style="border: 2px solid '+ theme +';"></div></div>' : '') +'</div>'; |
var othis = $(options.elem) |
,hasRender = othis.next('.' + ELEM_VIEW); |
hasRender[0] && hasRender.remove(); //如果已经渲染,则Rerender
that.elemTemp = $(temp); |
if(options.range){ |
that.elemTemp.find('.' + SLIDER_WRAP).eq(0).data('value', options.value[0]); |
that.elemTemp.find('.' + SLIDER_WRAP).eq(1).data('value', options.value[1]); |
}else{ |
that.elemTemp.find('.' + SLIDER_WRAP).data('value', options.value); |
}; |
othis.html(that.elemTemp); |
if(options.type === 'vertical'){ |
that.elemTemp.height(options.height + 'px'); |
}; |
if(options.showstep){ |
var number = (options.max - options.min) / options.step, item = ''; |
for(var i = 1; i < number + 1; i++) { |
var step = i * 100 / number; |
if(step < 100){ |
item += '<div class="layui-slider-step" style="'+ (options.type === 'vertical' ? 'bottom' : 'left') +':'+ step +'%"></div>' |
} |
}; |
that.elemTemp.append(item); |
}; |
if(options.input && !options.range){ |
var elemInput = $('<div class="layui-slider-input layui-input"><div class="layui-slider-input-txt"><input type="text" class="layui-input"></div><div class="layui-slider-input-btn"><i class="layui-icon layui-icon-up"></i><i class="layui-icon layui-icon-down"></i></div></div>'); |
othis.css("position","relative"); |
othis.append(elemInput); |
othis.find('.' + SLIDER_INPUT_TXT).children('input').val(options.value); |
if(options.type === 'vertical'){ |
elemInput.css({ |
left: 0 |
,top: -48 |
}); |
} else { |
that.elemTemp.css("margin-right", elemInput.outerWidth() + 15); |
} |
}; |
if(!options.disabled){ |
that.slide(); |
}else{ |
that.elemTemp.addClass(DISABLED); |
that.elemTemp.find('.' + SLIDER_WRAP_BTN).addClass(DISABLED); |
}; |
that.elemTemp.find('.' + SLIDER_WRAP_BTN).on('mouseover', function(){ |
var sliderWidth = options.type === 'vertical' ? options.height : that.elemTemp[0].offsetWidth |
,sliderWrap = that.elemTemp.find('.' + SLIDER_WRAP) |
,tipsLeft = options.type === 'vertical' ? (sliderWidth - $(this).parent()[0].offsetTop - sliderWrap.height()) : $(this).parent()[0].offsetLeft |
,left = tipsLeft / sliderWidth * 100 |
,value = $(this).parent().data('value') |
,tipsTxt = options.setTips ? options.setTips(value) : value; |
that.elemTemp.find('.' + SLIDER_TIPS).html(tipsTxt); |
if(options.type === 'vertical'){ |
that.elemTemp.find('.' + SLIDER_TIPS).css({"bottom":left + '%', "margin-bottom":"20px", "display":"inline-block"}); |
}else{ |
that.elemTemp.find('.' + SLIDER_TIPS).css({"left":left + '%', "display":"inline-block"}); |
}; |
}).on('mouseout', function(){ |
that.elemTemp.find('.' + SLIDER_TIPS).css("display", "none"); |
}); |
}; |
Class.prototype.slide = function(setValue, value, i){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,sliderAct = that.elemTemp |
,sliderWidth = function(){ |
return options.type === 'vertical' ? options.height : sliderAct[0].offsetWidth |
} |
,sliderWrap = sliderAct.find('.' + SLIDER_WRAP) |
,sliderTxt = sliderAct.next('.' + SLIDER_INPUT) |
,inputValue = sliderTxt.children('.' + SLIDER_INPUT_TXT).children('input').val() |
,step = 100 / ((options.max - options.min) / Math.ceil(options.step)) |
,change = function(offsetValue, index){ |
if(Math.ceil(offsetValue) * step > 100){ |
offsetValue = Math.ceil(offsetValue) * step |
}else{ |
offsetValue = Math.round(offsetValue) * step |
}; |
offsetValue = offsetValue > 100 ? 100: offsetValue; |
sliderWrap.eq(index).css((options.type === 'vertical' ?'bottom':'left'), offsetValue + '%'); |
var firLeft = valueTo(sliderWrap[0].offsetLeft) |
,secLeft = options.range ? valueTo(sliderWrap[1].offsetLeft) : 0; |
if(options.type === 'vertical'){ |
sliderAct.find('.' + SLIDER_TIPS).css({"bottom":offsetValue + '%', "margin-bottom":"20px"}); |
firLeft = valueTo(sliderWidth() - sliderWrap[0].offsetTop - sliderWrap.height()); |
secLeft = options.range ? valueTo(sliderWidth() - sliderWrap[1].offsetTop - sliderWrap.height()) : 0; |
}else{ |
sliderAct.find('.' + SLIDER_TIPS).css("left",offsetValue + '%'); |
}; |
firLeft = firLeft > 100 ? 100: firLeft; |
secLeft = secLeft > 100 ? 100: secLeft; |
var minLeft = Math.min(firLeft, secLeft) |
,wrapWidth = Math.abs(firLeft - secLeft); |
if(options.type === 'vertical'){ |
sliderAct.find('.' + SLIDER_BAR).css({"height":wrapWidth + '%', "bottom":minLeft + '%'}); |
}else{ |
sliderAct.find('.' + SLIDER_BAR).css({"width":wrapWidth + '%', "left":minLeft + '%'}); |
}; |
var selfValue = options.min + Math.round((options.max - options.min) * offsetValue / 100); |
inputValue = selfValue; |
sliderTxt.children('.' + SLIDER_INPUT_TXT).children('input').val(inputValue); |
sliderWrap.eq(index).data('value', selfValue); |
sliderAct.find('.' + SLIDER_TIPS).html(options.setTips ? options.setTips(selfValue) : selfValue); |
if(options.range){ |
var arrValue = [ |
sliderWrap.eq(0).data('value') |
,sliderWrap.eq(1).data('value') |
]; |
if(arrValue[0] > arrValue[1]) arrValue.reverse(); //如果前面的圆点超过了后面的圆点值,则调换顺序
} |
options.change && options.change(options.range ? arrValue : selfValue); |
} |
,valueTo = function(value){ |
var oldLeft = value / sliderWidth() * 100 / step |
,left = Math.round(oldLeft) * step; |
if(value == sliderWidth()){ |
left = Math.ceil(oldLeft) * step; |
}; |
return left; |
} |
,elemMove = $(['<div class="layui-auxiliar-moving" id="LAY-slider-moving"></div'].join('')) |
,createMoveElem = function(move, up){ |
var upCall = function(){ |
up && up(); |
elemMove.remove(); |
}; |
$('#LAY-slider-moving')[0] || $('body').append(elemMove); |
elemMove.on('mousemove', move); |
elemMove.on('mouseup', upCall).on('mouseleave', upCall); |
}; |
if(setValue === 'set') return change(value, i); |
sliderAct.find('.' + SLIDER_WRAP_BTN).each(function(index){ |
var othis = $(this); |
othis.on('mousedown', function(e){ |
e = e || window.event; |
var oldleft = othis.parent()[0].offsetLeft |
,oldx = e.clientX; |
if(options.type === 'vertical'){ |
oldleft = sliderWidth() - othis.parent()[0].offsetTop - sliderWrap.height() |
oldx = e.clientY; |
}; |
var move = function(e){ |
e = e || window.event; |
var left = oldleft + (options.type === 'vertical' ? (oldx - e.clientY) : (e.clientX - oldx)); |
if(left < 0)left = 0; |
if(left > sliderWidth())left = sliderWidth(); |
var reaLeft = left / sliderWidth() * 100 / step; |
change(reaLeft, index); |
othis.addClass(ELEM_HOVER); |
sliderAct.find('.' + SLIDER_TIPS).show(); |
e.preventDefault(); |
}; |
var up = function(){ |
othis.removeClass(ELEM_HOVER); |
sliderAct.find('.' + SLIDER_TIPS).hide(); |
}; |
createMoveElem(move, up) |
}); |
}); |
sliderAct.on('click', function(e){ |
var main = $('.' + SLIDER_WRAP_BTN); |
if(!main.is(event.target) && main.has(event.target).length === 0 && main.length){ |
var left = options.type === 'vertical' ? (sliderWidth() - e.clientY + $(this).offset().top):(e.clientX - $(this).offset().left), index; |
if(left < 0)left = 0; |
if(left > sliderWidth())left = sliderWidth(); |
var reaLeft = left / sliderWidth() * 100 / step; |
if(options.range){ |
if(options.type === 'vertical'){ |
index = Math.abs(left - parseInt($(sliderWrap[0]).css('bottom'))) > Math.abs(left - parseInt($(sliderWrap[1]).css('bottom'))) ? 1 : 0; |
}else{ |
index = Math.abs(left - sliderWrap[0].offsetLeft) > Math.abs(left - sliderWrap[1].offsetLeft) ? 1 : 0; |
} |
}else{ |
index = 0; |
}; |
change(reaLeft, index); |
e.preventDefault(); |
} |
}); |
sliderTxt.children('.' + SLIDER_INPUT_BTN).children('i').each(function(index){ |
$(this).on('click', function(){ |
inputValue = sliderTxt.children('.' + SLIDER_INPUT_TXT).children('input').val(); |
if(index == 1){ //减
inputValue = inputValue - options.step < options.min |
? options.min |
: Number(inputValue) - options.step; |
}else{ |
inputValue = Number(inputValue) + options.step > options.max |
? options.max |
: Number(inputValue) + options.step; |
}; |
var inputScale = (inputValue - options.min) / (options.max - options.min) * 100 / step; |
change(inputScale, 0); |
}); |
}); |
var getInputValue = function(){ |
var realValue = this.value; |
realValue = isNaN(realValue) ? 0 : realValue; |
realValue = realValue < options.min ? options.min : realValue; |
realValue = realValue > options.max ? options.max : realValue; |
this.value = realValue; |
var inputScale = (realValue - options.min) / (options.max - options.min) * 100 / step; |
change(inputScale, 0); |
}; |
sliderTxt.children('.' + SLIDER_INPUT_TXT).children('input').on('keydown', function(e){ |
if(e.keyCode === 13){ |
e.preventDefault(); |
getInputValue.call(this); |
} |
}).on('change', getInputValue); |
}; |
Class.prototype.events = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
}; |
slider.render = function(options){ |
var inst = new Class(options); |
return thisSlider.call(inst); |
}; |
exports(MOD_NAME, slider); |
}) |
@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
/** |
@Name:transfer 穿梭框组件 |
@License:MIT |
*/ |
layui.define(['laytpl', 'form'], function(exports){ |
"use strict"; |
var $ = layui.$ |
,laytpl = layui.laytpl |
,form = layui.form |
,MOD_NAME = 'transfer' |
,transfer = { |
config: {} |
,index: layui[MOD_NAME] ? (layui[MOD_NAME].index + 10000) : 0 |
,set: function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, options); |
return that; |
} |
,on: function(events, callback){ |
return layui.onevent.call(this, MOD_NAME, events, callback); |
} |
} |
,thisModule = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,id = options.id || that.index; |
thisModule.that[id] = that; //记录当前实例对象
thisModule.config[id] = options; //记录当前实例配置项
return { |
config: options |
,reload: function(options){ |
that.reload.call(that, options); |
} |
,getData: function(){ |
return that.getData.call(that); |
} |
} |
} |
,getThisModuleConfig = function(id){ |
var config = thisModule.config[id]; |
if(!config) hint.error('The ID option was not found in the '+ MOD_NAME +' instance'); |
return config || null; |
} |
,ELEM = 'layui-transfer', HIDE = 'layui-hide', DISABLED = 'layui-btn-disabled', NONE = 'layui-none' |
,ELEM_BOX = 'layui-transfer-box', ELEM_HEADER = 'layui-transfer-header', ELEM_SEARCH = 'layui-transfer-search', ELEM_ACTIVE = 'layui-transfer-active', ELEM_DATA = 'layui-transfer-data' |
,TPL_BOX = function(obj){ |
obj = obj || {}; |
return ['<div class="layui-transfer-box" data-index="'+ obj.index +'">' |
,'<div class="layui-transfer-header">' |
,'<input type="checkbox" name="'+ obj.checkAllName +'" lay-filter="layTransferCheckbox" lay-type="all" lay-skin="primary" title="{{ d.data.title['+ obj.index +'] || \'list'+ (obj.index + 1) +'\' }}">' |
,'</div>' |
,'{{# if(d.data.showSearch){ }}' |
,'<div class="layui-transfer-search">' |
,'<i class="layui-icon layui-icon-search"></i>' |
,'<input type="input" class="layui-input" placeholder="关键词搜索">' |
,'</div>' |
,'{{# } }}' |
,'<ul class="layui-transfer-data"></ul>' |
,'</div>'].join(''); |
} |
,TPL_MAIN = ['<div class="layui-transfer layui-form layui-border-box" lay-filter="LAY-transfer-{{ d.index }}">' |
,TPL_BOX({ |
index: 0 |
,checkAllName: 'layTransferLeftCheckAll' |
}) |
,'<div class="layui-transfer-active">' |
,'<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-sm layui-btn-primary layui-btn-disabled" data-index="0">' |
,'<i class="layui-icon layui-icon-next"></i>' |
,'</button>' |
,'<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-sm layui-btn-primary layui-btn-disabled" data-index="1">' |
,'<i class="layui-icon layui-icon-prev"></i>' |
,'</button>' |
,'</div>' |
,TPL_BOX({ |
index: 1 |
,checkAllName: 'layTransferRightCheckAll' |
}) |
,'</div>'].join('') |
,Class = function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.index = ++transfer.index; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, transfer.config, options); |
that.render(); |
}; |
Class.prototype.config = { |
title: ['列表一', '列表二'] |
,width: 200 |
,height: 360 |
,data: [] //数据源
,value: [] //选中的数据
,showSearch: false //是否开启搜索
,id: '' //唯一索引,默认自增 index
,text: { |
none: '无数据' |
,searchNone: '无匹配数据' |
} |
}; |
Class.prototype.reload = function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, options); |
that.render(); |
}; |
Class.prototype.render = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
var thisElem = that.elem = $(laytpl(TPL_MAIN).render({ |
data: options |
,index: that.index //索引
})); |
var othis = options.elem = $(options.elem); |
if(!othis[0]) return; |
options.data = options.data || []; |
options.value = options.value || []; |
that.key = options.id || that.index; |
othis.html(that.elem); |
that.layBox = that.elem.find('.'+ ELEM_BOX) |
that.layHeader = that.elem.find('.'+ ELEM_HEADER) |
that.laySearch = that.elem.find('.'+ ELEM_SEARCH) |
that.layData = thisElem.find('.'+ ELEM_DATA); |
that.layBtn = thisElem.find('.'+ ELEM_ACTIVE + ' .layui-btn'); |
that.layBox.css({ |
width: options.width |
,height: options.height |
}); |
that.layData.css({ |
height: function(){ |
return options.height - that.layHeader.outerHeight() - that.laySearch.outerHeight() - 2 |
}() |
}); |
that.renderData(); //渲染数据
that.events(); //事件
}; |
Class.prototype.renderData = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
var arr = [{ |
checkName: 'layTransferLeftCheck' |
,views: [] |
}, { |
checkName: 'layTransferRightCheck' |
,views: [] |
}]; |
that.parseData(function(item){ |
//标注为 selected 的为右边的数据
var _index = item.selected ? 1 : 0 |
,listElem = ['<li>' |
,'<input type="checkbox" name="'+ arr[_index].checkName +'" lay-skin="primary" lay-filter="layTransferCheckbox" title="'+ item.title +'"'+ (item.disabled ? ' disabled' : '') + (item.checked ? ' checked' : '') +' value="'+ item.value +'">' |
,'</li>'].join(''); |
arr[_index].views.push(listElem); |
delete item.selected; |
}); |
that.layData.eq(0).html(arr[0].views.join('')); |
that.layData.eq(1).html(arr[1].views.join('')); |
that.renderCheckBtn(); |
} |
Class.prototype.renderForm = function(type){ |
form.render(type, 'LAY-transfer-'+ this.index); |
}; |
Class.prototype.renderCheckBtn = function(obj){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
obj = obj || {}; |
that.layBox.each(function(_index){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,thisDataElem = othis.find('.'+ ELEM_DATA) |
,allElemCheckbox = othis.find('.'+ ELEM_HEADER).find('input[type="checkbox"]') |
,listElemCheckbox = thisDataElem.find('input[type="checkbox"]'); |
var nums = 0 |
,haveChecked = false; |
listElemCheckbox.each(function(){ |
var isHide = $(this).data('hide'); |
if(this.checked || this.disabled || isHide){ |
nums++; |
} |
if(this.checked && !isHide){ |
haveChecked = true; |
} |
}); |
allElemCheckbox.prop('checked', haveChecked && nums === listElemCheckbox.length); //全选复选框状态
that.layBtn.eq(_index)[haveChecked ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'](DISABLED); //对应的按钮状态
if(!obj.stopNone){ |
var isNone = thisDataElem.children('li:not(.'+ HIDE +')').length |
that.noneView(thisDataElem, isNone ? '' : options.text.none); |
} |
}); |
that.renderForm('checkbox'); |
}; |
Class.prototype.noneView = function(thisDataElem, text){ |
var createNoneElem = $('<p class="layui-none">'+ (text || '') +'</p>'); |
if(thisDataElem.find('.'+ NONE)[0]){ |
thisDataElem.find('.'+ NONE).remove(); |
} |
text.replace(/\s/g, '') && thisDataElem.append(createNoneElem); |
}; |
//同步 value 属性值
Class.prototype.setValue = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,arr = []; |
that.layBox.eq(1).find('.'+ ELEM_DATA +' input[type="checkbox"]').each(function(){ |
var isHide = $(this).data('hide'); |
isHide || arr.push(this.value); |
}); |
options.value = arr; |
return that; |
}; |
Class.prototype.parseData = function(callback){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,newData = []; |
layui.each(options.data, function(index, item){ |
item = (typeof options.parseData === 'function' |
? options.parseData(item) |
: item) || item; |
newData.push(item = $.extend({}, item)) |
layui.each(options.value, function(index2, item2){ |
if(item2 == item.value){ |
item.selected = true; |
} |
}); |
callback && callback(item); |
}); |
options.data = newData; |
return that; |
}; |
Class.prototype.getData = function(value){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,selectedData = []; |
that.setValue(); |
layui.each(value || options.value, function(index, item){ |
layui.each(options.data, function(index2, item2){ |
delete item2.selected; |
if(item == item2.value){ |
selectedData.push(item2); |
}; |
}); |
}); |
return selectedData; |
}; |
Class.prototype.events = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
that.elem.on('click', 'input[lay-filter="layTransferCheckbox"]+', function(){ |
var thisElemCheckbox = $(this).prev() |
,checked = thisElemCheckbox[0].checked |
,thisDataElem = thisElemCheckbox.parents('.'+ ELEM_BOX).eq(0).find('.'+ ELEM_DATA); |
if(thisElemCheckbox[0].disabled) return; |
if(thisElemCheckbox.attr('lay-type') === 'all'){ |
thisDataElem.find('input[type="checkbox"]').each(function(){ |
if(this.disabled) return; |
this.checked = checked; |
}); |
} |
that.renderCheckBtn({stopNone: true}); |
}); |
that.layBtn.on('click', function(){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,_index = othis.data('index') |
,thisBoxElem = that.layBox.eq(_index) |
,arr = []; |
if(othis.hasClass(DISABLED)) return; |
that.layBox.eq(_index).each(function(_index){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,thisDataElem = othis.find('.'+ ELEM_DATA); |
thisDataElem.children('li').each(function(){ |
var thisList = $(this) |
,thisElemCheckbox = thisList.find('input[type="checkbox"]') |
,isHide = thisElemCheckbox.data('hide'); |
if(thisElemCheckbox[0].checked && !isHide){ |
thisElemCheckbox[0].checked = false; |
thisBoxElem.siblings('.'+ ELEM_BOX).find('.'+ ELEM_DATA).append(thisList.clone()); |
thisList.remove(); |
arr.push(thisElemCheckbox[0].value); |
} |
that.setValue(); |
}); |
}); |
that.renderCheckBtn(); |
var siblingInput = thisBoxElem.siblings('.'+ ELEM_BOX).find('.'+ ELEM_SEARCH +' input') |
siblingInput.val() === '' || siblingInput.trigger('keyup'); |
options.onchange && options.onchange(that.getData(arr), _index); |
}); |
that.laySearch.find('input').on('keyup', function(){ |
var value = this.value |
,thisDataElem = $(this).parents('.'+ ELEM_SEARCH).eq(0).siblings('.'+ ELEM_DATA) |
,thisListElem = thisDataElem.children('li'); |
thisListElem.each(function(){ |
var thisList = $(this) |
,thisElemCheckbox = thisList.find('input[type="checkbox"]') |
,isMatch = thisElemCheckbox[0].title.indexOf(value) !== -1; |
thisList[isMatch ? 'removeClass': 'addClass'](HIDE); |
thisElemCheckbox.data('hide', isMatch ? false : true); |
}); |
that.renderCheckBtn(); |
var isNone = thisListElem.length === thisDataElem.children('li.'+ HIDE).length; |
that.noneView(thisDataElem, isNone ? options.text.searchNone : ''); |
}); |
}; |
thisModule.that = {}; //记录所有实例对象
thisModule.config = {}; //记录所有实例配置项
transfer.reload = function(id, options){ |
var that = thisModule.that[id]; |
that.reload(options); |
return thisModule.call(that); |
}; |
transfer.getData = function(id){ |
var that = thisModule.that[id]; |
return that.getData(); |
}; |
transfer.render = function(options){ |
var inst = new Class(options); |
return thisModule.call(inst); |
}; |
exports(MOD_NAME, transfer); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,816 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,816 @@
/** |
@Name:tree 树组件 |
@License:MIT |
*/ |
layui.define('form', function(exports){ |
"use strict"; |
var $ = layui.$ |
,form = layui.form |
,layer = layui.layer |
,MOD_NAME = 'tree' |
,tree = { |
config: {} |
,index: layui[MOD_NAME] ? (layui[MOD_NAME].index + 10000) : 0 |
,set: function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, options); |
return that; |
} |
,on: function(events, callback){ |
return layui.onevent.call(this, MOD_NAME, events, callback); |
} |
} |
,thisModule = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,id = options.id || that.index; |
thisModule.that[id] = that; //记录当前实例对象
thisModule.config[id] = options; //记录当前实例配置项
return { |
config: options |
,reload: function(options){ |
that.reload.call(that, options); |
} |
,getChecked: function(){ |
return that.getChecked.call(that); |
} |
,setChecked: function(id){//设置值
return that.setChecked.call(that, id); |
} |
} |
} |
,getThisModuleConfig = function(id){ |
var config = thisModule.config[id]; |
if(!config) hint.error('The ID option was not found in the '+ MOD_NAME +' instance'); |
return config || null; |
} |
,SHOW = 'layui-show', HIDE = 'layui-hide', NONE = 'layui-none', DISABLED = 'layui-disabled' |
,ELEM_VIEW = 'layui-tree', ELEM_SET = 'layui-tree-set', ICON_CLICK = 'layui-tree-iconClick' |
,ICON_ADD = 'layui-icon-addition', ICON_SUB = 'layui-icon-subtraction', ELEM_ENTRY = 'layui-tree-entry', ELEM_MAIN = 'layui-tree-main', ELEM_TEXT = 'layui-tree-txt', ELEM_PACK = 'layui-tree-pack', ELEM_SPREAD = 'layui-tree-spread' |
,ELEM_LINE_SHORT = 'layui-tree-setLineShort', ELEM_SHOW = 'layui-tree-showLine', ELEM_EXTEND = 'layui-tree-lineExtend' |
,Class = function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.index = ++tree.index; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, tree.config, options); |
that.render(); |
}; |
Class.prototype.config = { |
data: [] //数据
,showCheckbox: false //是否显示复选框
,showLine: true //是否开启连接线
,accordion: false //是否开启手风琴模式
,onlyIconControl: false //是否仅允许节点左侧图标控制展开收缩
,isJump: false //是否允许点击节点时弹出新窗口跳转
,edit: false //是否开启节点的操作图标
,text: { |
defaultNodeName: '未命名' //节点默认名称
,none: '无数据' //数据为空时的文本提示
} |
}; |
Class.prototype.reload = function(options){ |
var that = this; |
layui.each(options, function(key, item){ |
if(layui._typeof(item) === 'array') delete that.config[key]; |
}); |
that.config = $.extend(true, {}, that.config, options); |
that.render(); |
}; |
Class.prototype.render = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
that.checkids = []; |
var temp = $('<div class="layui-tree'+ (options.showCheckbox ? " layui-form" : "") + (options.showLine ? " layui-tree-line" : "") +'" lay-filter="LAY-tree-'+ that.index +'"></div>'); |
that.tree(temp); |
var othis = options.elem = $(options.elem); |
if(!othis[0]) return; |
that.key = options.id || that.index; |
that.elem = temp; |
that.elemNone = $('<div class="layui-tree-emptyText">'+ options.text.none +'</div>'); |
othis.html(that.elem); |
if(that.elem.find('.layui-tree-set').length == 0){ |
return that.elem.append(that.elemNone); |
}; |
if(options.showCheckbox){ |
that.renderForm('checkbox'); |
}; |
that.elem.find('.layui-tree-set').each(function(){ |
var othis = $(this); |
if(!othis.parent('.layui-tree-pack')[0]){ |
othis.addClass('layui-tree-setHide'); |
}; |
//没有下一个节点 上一层父级有延伸线
if(!othis.next()[0] && othis.parents('.layui-tree-pack').eq(1).hasClass('layui-tree-lineExtend')){ |
othis.addClass(ELEM_LINE_SHORT); |
}; |
//没有下一个节点 外层最后一个
if(!othis.next()[0] && !othis.parents('.layui-tree-set').eq(0).next()[0]){ |
othis.addClass(ELEM_LINE_SHORT); |
}; |
}); |
that.events(); |
}; |
Class.prototype.renderForm = function(type){ |
form.render(type, 'LAY-tree-'+ this.index); |
}; |
Class.prototype.tree = function(elem, children){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,data = children || options.data; |
layui.each(data, function(index, item){ |
var hasChild = item.children && item.children.length > 0 |
,packDiv = $('<div class="layui-tree-pack" '+ (item.spread ? 'style="display: block;"' : '') +'></div>') |
,entryDiv = $(['<div data-id="'+ item.id +'" class="layui-tree-set'+ (item.spread ? " layui-tree-spread" : "") + (item.checked ? " layui-tree-checkedFirst" : "") +'">' |
,'<div class="layui-tree-entry">' |
,'<div class="layui-tree-main">' |
,function(){ |
if(options.showLine){ |
if(hasChild){ |
return '<span class="layui-tree-iconClick layui-tree-icon"><i class="layui-icon '+ (item.spread ? "layui-icon-subtraction" : "layui-icon-addition") +'"></i></span>'; |
}else{ |
return '<span class="layui-tree-iconClick"><i class="layui-icon layui-icon-file"></i></span>'; |
}; |
}else{ |
return '<span class="layui-tree-iconClick"><i class="layui-tree-iconArrow '+ (hasChild ? "": HIDE) +'"></i></span>'; |
}; |
}() |
,function(){ |
return options.showCheckbox ? '<input type="checkbox" name="'+ (item.field || ('layuiTreeCheck_'+ item.id)) +'" same="layuiTreeCheck" lay-skin="primary" '+ (item.disabled ? "disabled" : "") +' value="'+ item.id +'">' : ''; |
}() |
,function(){ |
if(options.isJump && item.href){ |
return '<a href="'+ item.href +'" target="_blank" class="'+ ELEM_TEXT +'">'+ (item.title || item.label || options.text.defaultNodeName) +'</a>'; |
}else{ |
return '<span class="'+ ELEM_TEXT + (item.disabled ? ' '+ DISABLED : '') +'">'+ (item.title || item.label || options.text.defaultNodeName) +'</span>'; |
} |
}() |
,'</div>' |
,function(){ |
if(!options.edit) return ''; |
var editIcon = { |
add: '<i class="layui-icon layui-icon-add-1" data-type="add"></i>' |
,update: '<i class="layui-icon layui-icon-edit" data-type="update"></i>' |
,del: '<i class="layui-icon layui-icon-delete" data-type="del"></i>' |
}, arr = ['<div class="layui-btn-group layui-tree-btnGroup">']; |
if(options.edit === true){ |
options.edit = ['update', 'del'] |
} |
if(typeof options.edit === 'object'){ |
layui.each(options.edit, function(i, val){ |
arr.push(editIcon[val] || '') |
}); |
return arr.join('') + '</div>'; |
} |
}() |
,'</div></div>'].join('')); |
if(hasChild){ |
entryDiv.append(packDiv); |
that.tree(packDiv, item.children); |
}; |
elem.append(entryDiv); |
if(entryDiv.prev('.'+ELEM_SET)[0]){ |
entryDiv.prev().children('.layui-tree-pack').addClass('layui-tree-showLine'); |
}; |
if(!hasChild){ |
entryDiv.parent('.layui-tree-pack').addClass('layui-tree-lineExtend'); |
}; |
that.spread(entryDiv, item); |
if(options.showCheckbox){ |
item.checked && that.checkids.push(item.id); |
that.checkClick(entryDiv, item); |
} |
options.edit && that.operate(entryDiv, item); |
}); |
}; |
Class.prototype.spread = function(elem, item){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,entry = elem.children('.'+ELEM_ENTRY) |
,elemMain = entry.children('.'+ ELEM_MAIN) |
,elemIcon = entry.find('.'+ ICON_CLICK) |
,elemText = entry.find('.'+ ELEM_TEXT) |
,touchOpen = options.onlyIconControl ? elemIcon : elemMain //判断展开通过节点还是箭头图标
,state = ''; |
touchOpen.on('click', function(e){ |
var packCont = elem.children('.'+ELEM_PACK) |
,iconClick = touchOpen.children('.layui-icon')[0] ? touchOpen.children('.layui-icon') : touchOpen.find('.layui-tree-icon').children('.layui-icon'); |
if(!packCont[0]){ |
state = 'normal'; |
}else{ |
if(elem.hasClass(ELEM_SPREAD)){ |
elem.removeClass(ELEM_SPREAD); |
packCont.slideUp(200); |
iconClick.removeClass(ICON_SUB).addClass(ICON_ADD); |
}else{ |
elem.addClass(ELEM_SPREAD); |
packCont.slideDown(200); |
iconClick.addClass(ICON_SUB).removeClass(ICON_ADD); |
if(options.accordion){ |
var sibls = elem.siblings('.'+ELEM_SET); |
sibls.removeClass(ELEM_SPREAD); |
sibls.children('.'+ELEM_PACK).slideUp(200); |
sibls.find('.layui-tree-icon').children('.layui-icon').removeClass(ICON_SUB).addClass(ICON_ADD); |
}; |
}; |
}; |
}); |
elemText.on('click', function(){ |
var othis = $(this); |
if(othis.hasClass(DISABLED)) return; |
if(elem.hasClass(ELEM_SPREAD)){ |
state = options.onlyIconControl ? 'open' : 'close'; |
} else { |
state = options.onlyIconControl ? 'close' : 'open'; |
} |
options.click && options.click({ |
elem: elem |
,state: state |
,data: item |
}); |
}); |
}; |
Class.prototype.setCheckbox = function(elem, item, elemCheckbox){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,checked = elemCheckbox.prop('checked'); |
if(elemCheckbox.prop('disabled')) return; |
if(typeof item.children === 'object' || elem.find('.'+ELEM_PACK)[0]){ |
var childs = elem.find('.'+ ELEM_PACK).find('input[same="layuiTreeCheck"]'); |
childs.each(function(){ |
if(this.disabled) return; //不可点击则跳过
this.checked = checked; |
}); |
}; |
var setParentsChecked = function(thisNodeElem){ |
if(!thisNodeElem.parents('.'+ ELEM_SET)[0]) return; |
var state |
,parentPack = thisNodeElem.parent('.'+ ELEM_PACK) |
,parentNodeElem = parentPack.parent() |
,parentCheckbox = parentPack.prev().find('input[same="layuiTreeCheck"]'); |
if(checked){ |
parentCheckbox.prop('checked', checked); |
} else { //如果当前节点取消选中,则根据计算“兄弟和子孙”节点选中状态,来同步父节点选中状态
parentPack.find('input[same="layuiTreeCheck"]').each(function(){ |
if(this.checked){ |
state = true; |
} |
}); |
state || parentCheckbox.prop('checked', false); |
} |
setParentsChecked(parentNodeElem); |
}; |
setParentsChecked(elem); |
that.renderForm('checkbox'); |
}; |
Class.prototype.checkClick = function(elem, item){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,entry = elem.children('.'+ ELEM_ENTRY) |
,elemMain = entry.children('.'+ ELEM_MAIN); |
elemMain.on('click', 'input[same="layuiTreeCheck"]+', function(e){ |
layui.stope(e); //阻止点击节点事件
var elemCheckbox = $(this).prev() |
,checked = elemCheckbox.prop('checked'); |
if(elemCheckbox.prop('disabled')) return; |
that.setCheckbox(elem, item, elemCheckbox); |
options.oncheck && options.oncheck({ |
elem: elem |
,checked: checked |
,data: item |
}); |
}); |
}; |
Class.prototype.operate = function(elem, item){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,entry = elem.children('.'+ ELEM_ENTRY) |
,elemMain = entry.children('.'+ ELEM_MAIN); |
entry.children('.layui-tree-btnGroup').on('click', '.layui-icon', function(e){ |
layui.stope(e); //阻止节点操作
var type = $(this).data("type") |
,packCont = elem.children('.'+ELEM_PACK) |
,returnObj = { |
data: item |
,type: type |
,elem:elem |
}; |
if(type == 'add'){ |
if(!packCont[0]){ |
if(options.showLine){ |
elemMain.find('.'+ICON_CLICK).addClass('layui-tree-icon'); |
elemMain.find('.'+ICON_CLICK).children('.layui-icon').addClass(ICON_ADD).removeClass('layui-icon-file'); |
}else{ |
elemMain.find('.layui-tree-iconArrow').removeClass(HIDE); |
}; |
elem.append('<div class="layui-tree-pack"></div>'); |
}; |
var key = options.operate && options.operate(returnObj) |
,obj = {}; |
obj.title = options.text.defaultNodeName; |
obj.id = key; |
that.tree(elem.children('.'+ELEM_PACK), [obj]); |
if(options.showLine){ |
if(!packCont[0]){ |
var siblings = elem.siblings('.'+ELEM_SET), num = 1 |
,parentPack = elem.parent('.'+ELEM_PACK); |
layui.each(siblings, function(index, i){ |
if(!$(i).children('.'+ELEM_PACK)[0]){ |
num = 0; |
}; |
}); |
if(num == 1){ |
siblings.children('.'+ELEM_PACK).addClass(ELEM_SHOW); |
siblings.children('.'+ELEM_PACK).children('.'+ELEM_SET).removeClass(ELEM_LINE_SHORT); |
elem.children('.'+ELEM_PACK).addClass(ELEM_SHOW); |
parentPack.removeClass(ELEM_EXTEND); |
parentPack.children('.'+ELEM_SET).last().children('.'+ELEM_PACK).children('.'+ELEM_SET).last().addClass(ELEM_LINE_SHORT); |
}else{ |
elem.children('.'+ELEM_PACK).children('.'+ELEM_SET).addClass(ELEM_LINE_SHORT); |
}; |
}else{ |
if(!packCont.hasClass(ELEM_EXTEND)){ |
packCont.addClass(ELEM_EXTEND); |
}; |
elem.find('.'+ELEM_PACK).each(function(){ |
$(this).children('.'+ELEM_SET).last().addClass(ELEM_LINE_SHORT); |
}); |
if(packCont.children('.'+ELEM_SET).last().prev().hasClass(ELEM_LINE_SHORT)){ |
packCont.children('.'+ELEM_SET).last().prev().removeClass(ELEM_LINE_SHORT); |
}else{ |
packCont.children('.'+ELEM_SET).last().removeClass(ELEM_LINE_SHORT); |
}; |
if(!elem.parent('.'+ELEM_PACK)[0] && elem.next()[0]){ |
packCont.children('.'+ELEM_SET).last().removeClass(ELEM_LINE_SHORT); |
}; |
}; |
}; |
if(!options.showCheckbox) return; |
if(elemMain.find('input[same="layuiTreeCheck"]')[0].checked){ |
var packLast = elem.children('.'+ELEM_PACK).children('.'+ELEM_SET).last(); |
packLast.find('input[same="layuiTreeCheck"]')[0].checked = true; |
}; |
that.renderForm('checkbox'); |
}else if(type == 'update'){ |
var text = elemMain.children('.'+ ELEM_TEXT).html(); |
elemMain.children('.'+ ELEM_TEXT).html(''); |
elemMain.append('<input type="text" class="layui-tree-editInput">'); |
elemMain.children('.layui-tree-editInput').val(text).focus(); |
var getVal = function(input){ |
var textNew = input.val().trim(); |
textNew = textNew ? textNew : options.text.defaultNodeName; |
input.remove(); |
elemMain.children('.'+ ELEM_TEXT).html(textNew); |
returnObj.data.title = textNew; |
options.operate && options.operate(returnObj); |
}; |
elemMain.children('.layui-tree-editInput').blur(function(){ |
getVal($(this)); |
}); |
elemMain.children('.layui-tree-editInput').on('keydown', function(e){ |
if(e.keyCode === 13){ |
e.preventDefault(); |
getVal($(this)); |
}; |
}); |
} else { |
layer.confirm('确认删除该节点 "<span style="color: #999;">'+ (item.title || '') +'</span>" 吗?', function(index){ |
options.operate && options.operate(returnObj); //节点删除的回调
returnObj.status = 'remove'; //标注节点删除
layer.close(index); |
if(!elem.prev('.'+ELEM_SET)[0] && !elem.next('.'+ELEM_SET)[0] && !elem.parent('.'+ELEM_PACK)[0]){ |
elem.remove(); |
that.elem.append(that.elemNone); |
return; |
}; |
if(elem.siblings('.'+ELEM_SET).children('.'+ELEM_ENTRY)[0]){ |
if(options.showCheckbox){ |
var elemDel = function(elem){ |
if(!elem.parents('.'+ELEM_SET)[0]) return; |
var siblingTree = elem.siblings('.'+ELEM_SET).children('.'+ELEM_ENTRY) |
,parentTree = elem.parent('.'+ELEM_PACK).prev() |
,checkState = parentTree.find('input[same="layuiTreeCheck"]')[0] |
,state = 1, num = 0; |
if(checkState.checked == false){ |
siblingTree.each(function(i, item1){ |
var input = $(item1).find('input[same="layuiTreeCheck"]')[0] |
if(input.checked == false && !input.disabled){ |
state = 0; |
}; |
if(!input.disabled){ |
num = 1; |
}; |
}); |
if(state == 1 && num == 1){ |
checkState.checked = true; |
that.renderForm('checkbox'); |
elemDel(parentTree.parent('.'+ELEM_SET)); |
}; |
}; |
}; |
elemDel(elem); |
}; |
if(options.showLine){ |
var siblings = elem.siblings('.'+ELEM_SET), num = 1 |
,parentPack = elem.parent('.'+ELEM_PACK); |
layui.each(siblings, function(index, i){ |
if(!$(i).children('.'+ELEM_PACK)[0]){ |
num = 0; |
}; |
}); |
if(num == 1){ |
if(!packCont[0]){ |
parentPack.removeClass(ELEM_EXTEND); |
siblings.children('.'+ELEM_PACK).addClass(ELEM_SHOW); |
siblings.children('.'+ELEM_PACK).children('.'+ELEM_SET).removeClass(ELEM_LINE_SHORT); |
}; |
if(!elem.next()[0]){ |
elem.prev().children('.'+ELEM_PACK).children('.'+ELEM_SET).last().addClass(ELEM_LINE_SHORT); |
}else{ |
parentPack.children('.'+ELEM_SET).last().children('.'+ELEM_PACK).children('.'+ELEM_SET).last().addClass(ELEM_LINE_SHORT); |
}; |
if(!elem.next()[0] && !elem.parents('.'+ELEM_SET)[1] && !elem.parents('.'+ELEM_SET).eq(0).next()[0]){ |
elem.prev('.'+ELEM_SET).addClass(ELEM_LINE_SHORT); |
}; |
}else{ |
if(!elem.next()[0] && elem.hasClass(ELEM_LINE_SHORT)){ |
elem.prev().addClass(ELEM_LINE_SHORT); |
}; |
}; |
}; |
}else{ |
var prevDiv = elem.parent('.'+ELEM_PACK).prev(); |
if(options.showLine){ |
prevDiv.find('.'+ICON_CLICK).removeClass('layui-tree-icon'); |
prevDiv.find('.'+ICON_CLICK).children('.layui-icon').removeClass(ICON_SUB).addClass('layui-icon-file'); |
var pare = prevDiv.parents('.'+ELEM_PACK).eq(0); |
pare.addClass(ELEM_EXTEND); |
pare.children('.'+ELEM_SET).each(function(){ |
$(this).children('.'+ELEM_PACK).children('.'+ELEM_SET).last().addClass(ELEM_LINE_SHORT); |
}); |
}else{ |
prevDiv.find('.layui-tree-iconArrow').addClass(HIDE); |
}; |
elem.parents('.'+ELEM_SET).eq(0).removeClass(ELEM_SPREAD); |
elem.parent('.'+ELEM_PACK).remove(); |
}; |
elem.remove(); |
}); |
}; |
}); |
}; |
Class.prototype.events = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,checkWarp = that.elem.find('.layui-tree-checkedFirst'); |
that.setChecked(that.checkids); |
that.elem.find('.layui-tree-search').on('keyup', function(){ |
var input = $(this) |
,val = input.val() |
,pack = input.nextAll() |
,arr = []; |
pack.find('.'+ ELEM_TEXT).each(function(){ |
var entry = $(this).parents('.'+ELEM_ENTRY); |
if($(this).html().indexOf(val) != -1){ |
arr.push($(this).parent()); |
var select = function(div){ |
div.addClass('layui-tree-searchShow'); |
if(div.parent('.'+ELEM_PACK)[0]){ |
select(div.parent('.'+ELEM_PACK).parent('.'+ELEM_SET)); |
}; |
}; |
select(entry.parent('.'+ELEM_SET)); |
}; |
}); |
pack.find('.'+ELEM_ENTRY).each(function(){ |
var parent = $(this).parent('.'+ELEM_SET); |
if(!parent.hasClass('layui-tree-searchShow')){ |
parent.addClass(HIDE); |
}; |
}); |
if(pack.find('.layui-tree-searchShow').length == 0){ |
that.elem.append(that.elemNone); |
}; |
options.onsearch && options.onsearch({ |
elem: arr |
}); |
}); |
that.elem.find('.layui-tree-search').on('keydown', function(){ |
$(this).nextAll().find('.'+ELEM_ENTRY).each(function(){ |
var parent = $(this).parent('.'+ELEM_SET); |
parent.removeClass('layui-tree-searchShow '+ HIDE); |
}); |
if($('.layui-tree-emptyText')[0]) $('.layui-tree-emptyText').remove(); |
}); |
}; |
Class.prototype.getChecked = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,checkId = [] |
,checkData = []; |
that.elem.find('.layui-form-checked').each(function(){ |
checkId.push($(this).prev()[0].value); |
}); |
var eachNodes = function(data, checkNode){ |
layui.each(data, function(index, item){ |
layui.each(checkId, function(index2, item2){ |
if(item.id == item2){ |
var cloneItem = $.extend({}, item); |
delete cloneItem.children; |
checkNode.push(cloneItem); |
if(item.children){ |
cloneItem.children = []; |
eachNodes(item.children, cloneItem.children); |
} |
return true |
} |
}); |
}); |
}; |
eachNodes($.extend({}, options.data), checkData); |
return checkData; |
}; |
Class.prototype.setChecked = function(checkedId){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
that.elem.find('.'+ELEM_SET).each(function(i, item){ |
var thisId = $(this).data('id') |
,input = $(item).children('.'+ELEM_ENTRY).find('input[same="layuiTreeCheck"]') |
,reInput = input.next(); |
if(typeof checkedId === 'number'){ |
if(thisId == checkedId){ |
if(!input[0].checked){ |
reInput.click(); |
}; |
return false; |
}; |
} |
else if(typeof checkedId === 'object'){ |
layui.each(checkedId, function(index, value){ |
if(value == thisId && !input[0].checked){ |
reInput.click(); |
return true; |
} |
}); |
}; |
}); |
}; |
thisModule.that = {}; //记录所有实例对象
thisModule.config = {}; //记录所有实例配置项
tree.reload = function(id, options){ |
var that = thisModule.that[id]; |
that.reload(options); |
return thisModule.call(that); |
}; |
tree.getChecked = function(id){ |
var that = thisModule.that[id]; |
return that.getChecked(); |
}; |
tree.setChecked = function(id, checkedId){ |
var that = thisModule.that[id]; |
return that.setChecked(checkedId); |
}; |
tree.render = function(options){ |
var inst = new Class(options); |
return thisModule.call(inst); |
}; |
exports(MOD_NAME, tree); |
}) |
@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
/*! |
* upload 文件上传组件 |
* MIT Licensed |
*/ |
layui.define('layer' , function(exports){ |
"use strict"; |
var $ = layui.$ |
,layer = layui.layer |
,hint = layui.hint() |
,device = layui.device() |
,upload = { |
config: {} //全局配置项
,set: function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, options); |
return that; |
} |
,on: function(events, callback){ |
return layui.onevent.call(this, MOD_NAME, events, callback); |
} |
} |
,thisUpload = function(){ |
var that = this; |
return { |
upload: function(files){ |
that.upload.call(that, files); |
} |
,reload: function(options){ |
that.reload.call(that, options); |
} |
,config: that.config |
} |
} |
,MOD_NAME = 'upload', ELEM = 'layui-upload', THIS = 'layui-this', SHOW = 'layui-show', HIDE = 'layui-hide', DISABLED = 'layui-disabled' |
,ELEM_FILE = 'layui-upload-file', ELEM_FORM = 'layui-upload-form', ELEM_IFRAME = 'layui-upload-iframe', ELEM_CHOOSE = 'layui-upload-choose', ELEM_DRAG = 'layui-upload-drag' |
,Class = function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, upload.config, options); |
that.render(); |
}; |
Class.prototype.config = { |
accept: 'images' //允许上传的文件类型:images/file/video/audio
,exts: '' //允许上传的文件后缀名
,auto: true //是否选完文件后自动上传
,bindAction: '' //手动上传触发的元素
,url: '' //上传地址
,field: 'file' //文件字段名
,acceptMime: '' //筛选出的文件类型,默认为所有文件
,method: 'post' //请求上传的 http 类型
,data: {} //请求上传的额外参数
,drag: true //是否允许拖拽上传
,size: 0 //文件限制大小,默认不限制
,number: 0 //允许同时上传的文件数,默认不限制
,multiple: false //是否允许多文件上传,不支持ie8-9
}; |
Class.prototype.render = function(options){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
options.elem = $(options.elem); |
options.bindAction = $(options.bindAction); |
that.file(); |
that.events(); |
}; |
Class.prototype.file = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,elemFile = that.elemFile = $([ |
'<input class="'+ ELEM_FILE +'" type="file" accept="'+ options.acceptMime +'" name="'+ options.field +'"' |
,(options.multiple ? ' multiple' : '') |
,'>' |
].join('')) |
,next = options.elem.next(); |
if(next.hasClass(ELEM_FILE) || next.hasClass(ELEM_FORM)){ |
next.remove(); |
} |
if(device.ie && device.ie < 10){ |
options.elem.wrap('<div class="layui-upload-wrap"></div>'); |
} |
that.isFile() ? ( |
that.elemFile = options.elem |
,options.field = options.elem[0].name |
) : options.elem.after(elemFile); |
if(device.ie && device.ie < 10){ |
that.initIE(); |
} |
}; |
Class.prototype.initIE = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,iframe = $('<iframe id="'+ ELEM_IFRAME +'" class="'+ ELEM_IFRAME +'" name="'+ ELEM_IFRAME +'" frameborder="0"></iframe>') |
,elemForm = $(['<form target="'+ ELEM_IFRAME +'" class="'+ ELEM_FORM +'" method="post" key="set-mine" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="'+ options.url +'">' |
,'</form>'].join('')); |
$('#'+ ELEM_IFRAME)[0] || $('body').append(iframe); |
if(!options.elem.next().hasClass(ELEM_FORM)){ |
that.elemFile.wrap(elemForm); |
options.elem.next('.'+ ELEM_FORM).append(function(){ |
var arr = []; |
layui.each(options.data, function(key, value){ |
value = typeof value === 'function' ? value() : value; |
arr.push('<input type="hidden" name="'+ key +'" value="'+ value +'">') |
}); |
return arr.join(''); |
}()); |
} |
}; |
Class.prototype.msg = function(content){ |
return layer.msg(content, { |
icon: 2 |
,shift: 6 |
}); |
}; |
Class.prototype.isFile = function(){ |
var elem = this.config.elem[0]; |
if(!elem) return; |
return elem.tagName.toLocaleLowerCase() === 'input' && elem.type === 'file' |
} |
Class.prototype.preview = function(callback){ |
var that = this; |
if(window.FileReader){ |
layui.each(that.chooseFiles, function(index, file){ |
var reader = new FileReader(); |
reader.readAsDataURL(file); |
reader.onload = function(){ |
callback && callback(index, file, this.result); |
} |
}); |
} |
}; |
Class.prototype.upload = function(files, type){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,elemFile = that.elemFile[0] |
,ajaxSend = function(){ |
var successful = 0, aborted = 0 |
,items = files || that.files || that.chooseFiles || elemFile.files |
,allDone = function(){ //多文件全部上传完毕的回调
if(options.multiple && successful + aborted === that.fileLength){ |
typeof options.allDone === 'function' && options.allDone({ |
total: that.fileLength |
,successful: successful |
,aborted: aborted |
}); |
} |
}; |
layui.each(items, function(index, file){ |
var formData = new FormData(); |
formData.append(options.field, file); |
layui.each(options.data, function(key, value){ |
value = typeof value === 'function' ? value() : value; |
formData.append(key, value); |
}); |
var opts = { |
url: options.url |
,type: 'post' //统一采用 post 上传
,data: formData |
,contentType: false |
,processData: false |
,dataType: 'json' |
,headers: options.headers || {} |
,success: function(res){ |
successful++; |
done(index, res); |
allDone(); |
} |
,error: function(){ |
aborted++; |
that.msg('请求上传接口出现异常'); |
error(index); |
allDone(); |
} |
}; |
if(typeof options.progress === 'function'){ |
opts.xhr = function(){ |
var xhr = $.ajaxSettings.xhr(); |
xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", function (obj) { |
if(obj.lengthComputable){ |
var percent = Math.floor((obj.loaded/obj.total)* 100); //百分比
options.progress(percent, (options.item ? options.item[0] : options.elem[0]) , obj, index); |
} |
}); |
return xhr; |
} |
} |
$.ajax(opts); |
}); |
} |
,iframeSend = function(){ |
var iframe = $('#'+ ELEM_IFRAME); |
that.elemFile.parent().submit(); |
clearInterval(Class.timer); |
Class.timer = setInterval(function() { |
var res, iframeBody = iframe.contents().find('body'); |
try { |
res = iframeBody.text(); |
} catch(e) { |
that.msg('获取上传后的响应信息出现异常'); |
clearInterval(Class.timer); |
error(); |
} |
if(res){ |
clearInterval(Class.timer); |
iframeBody.html(''); |
done(0, res); |
} |
}, 30); |
} |
,done = function(index, res){ |
that.elemFile.next('.'+ ELEM_CHOOSE).remove(); |
elemFile.value = ''; |
if(typeof res !== 'object'){ |
try { |
res = JSON.parse(res); |
} catch(e){ |
res = {}; |
return that.msg('请对上传接口返回有效JSON'); |
} |
} |
typeof options.done === 'function' && options.done(res, index || 0, function(files){ |
that.upload(files); |
}); |
} |
,error = function(index){ |
if(options.auto){ |
elemFile.value = ''; |
} |
typeof options.error === 'function' && options.error(index || 0, function(files){ |
that.upload(files); |
}); |
} |
,exts = options.exts |
,check ,value = function(){ |
var arr = []; |
layui.each(files || that.chooseFiles, function(i, item){ |
arr.push(item.name); |
}); |
return arr; |
}() |
,args = { |
preview: function(callback){ |
that.preview(callback); |
} |
,upload: function(index, file){ |
var thisFile = {}; |
thisFile[index] = file; |
that.upload(thisFile); |
} |
,pushFile: function(){ |
that.files = that.files || {}; |
layui.each(that.chooseFiles, function(index, item){ |
that.files[index] = item; |
}); |
return that.files; |
} |
,resetFile: function(index, file, filename){ |
var newFile = new File([file], filename); |
that.files = that.files || {}; |
that.files[index] = newFile; |
} |
} |
,send = function(){ |
if(type === 'choose' || options.auto){ |
options.choose && options.choose(args); |
if(type === 'choose'){ |
return; |
} |
} |
//上传前的回调 - 如果回调函数明确返回false,则停止上传(#pulls55)
if(options.before && (options.before(args) === false)) return; |
if(device.ie){ |
return device.ie > 9 ? ajaxSend() : iframeSend(); |
} |
ajaxSend(); |
} |
value = value.length === 0 |
? ((elemFile.value.match(/[^\/\\]+\..+/g)||[]) || '') |
: value; |
if(value.length === 0) return; |
switch(options.accept){ |
case 'file': //一般文件
if(exts && !RegExp('\\w\\.('+ exts +')$', 'i').test(escape(value))){ |
that.msg('选择的文件中包含不支持的格式'); |
return elemFile.value = ''; |
} |
break; |
case 'video': //视频文件
if(!RegExp('\\w\\.('+ (exts || 'avi|mp4|wma|rmvb|rm|flash|3gp|flv') +')$', 'i').test(escape(value))){ |
that.msg('选择的视频中包含不支持的格式'); |
return elemFile.value = ''; |
} |
break; |
case 'audio': //音频文件
if(!RegExp('\\w\\.('+ (exts || 'mp3|wav|mid') +')$', 'i').test(escape(value))){ |
that.msg('选择的音频中包含不支持的格式'); |
return elemFile.value = ''; |
} |
break; |
default: //图片文件
layui.each(value, function(i, item){ |
if(!RegExp('\\w\\.('+ (exts || 'jpg|png|gif|bmp|jpeg$') +')', 'i').test(escape(item))){ |
check = true; |
} |
}); |
if(check){ |
that.msg('选择的图片中包含不支持的格式'); |
return elemFile.value = ''; |
} |
break; |
} |
that.fileLength = function(){ |
var length = 0 |
,items = files || that.files || that.chooseFiles || elemFile.files; |
layui.each(items, function(){ |
length++; |
}); |
return length; |
}(); |
if(options.number && that.fileLength > options.number){ |
return that.msg('同时最多只能上传的数量为:'+ options.number); |
} |
if(options.size > 0 && !(device.ie && device.ie < 10)){ |
var limitSize; |
layui.each(that.chooseFiles, function(index, file){ |
if(file.size > 1024*options.size){ |
var size = options.size/1024; |
size = size >= 1 ? (size.toFixed(2) + 'MB') : options.size + 'KB' |
elemFile.value = ''; |
limitSize = size; |
} |
}); |
if(limitSize) return that.msg('文件不能超过'+ limitSize); |
} |
send(); |
}; |
Class.prototype.reload = function(options){ |
options = options || {}; |
delete options.elem; |
delete options.bindAction; |
var that = this |
,options = that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, upload.config, options) |
,next = options.elem.next(); |
next.attr({ |
name: options.name |
,accept: options.acceptMime |
,multiple: options.multiple |
}); |
}; |
Class.prototype.events = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,setChooseFile = function(files){ |
that.chooseFiles = {}; |
layui.each(files, function(i, item){ |
var time = new Date().getTime(); |
that.chooseFiles[time + '-' + i] = item; |
}); |
} |
,setChooseText = function(files, filename){ |
var elemFile = that.elemFile |
,item = options.item ? options.item : options.elem |
,value = files.length > 1 |
? files.length + '个文件' |
: ((files[0] || {}).name || (elemFile[0].value.match(/[^\/\\]+\..+/g)||[]) || ''); |
if(elemFile.next().hasClass(ELEM_CHOOSE)){ |
elemFile.next().remove(); |
} |
that.upload(null, 'choose'); |
if(that.isFile() || options.choose) return; |
elemFile.after('<span class="layui-inline '+ ELEM_CHOOSE +'">'+ value +'</span>'); |
}; |
options.elem.off('upload.start').on('upload.start', function(){ |
var othis = $(this), data = othis.attr('lay-data'); |
if(data){ |
try{ |
data = new Function('return '+ data)(); |
that.config = $.extend({}, options, data); |
} catch(e){ |
hint.error('Upload element property lay-data configuration item has a syntax error: ' + data) |
} |
} |
that.config.item = othis; |
that.elemFile[0].click(); |
}); |
if(!(device.ie && device.ie < 10)){ |
options.elem.off('upload.over').on('upload.over', function(){ |
var othis = $(this) |
othis.attr('lay-over', ''); |
}) |
.off('upload.leave').on('upload.leave', function(){ |
var othis = $(this) |
othis.removeAttr('lay-over'); |
}) |
.off('upload.drop').on('upload.drop', function(e, param){ |
var othis = $(this), files = param.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files || []; |
othis.removeAttr('lay-over'); |
setChooseFile(files); |
if(options.auto){ |
that.upload(files); |
} else { |
setChooseText(files); |
} |
}); |
} |
that.elemFile.off('upload.change').on('upload.change', function(){ |
var files = this.files || []; |
setChooseFile(files); |
options.auto ? that.upload() : setChooseText(files); //是否自动触发上传
}); |
options.bindAction.off('upload.action').on('upload.action', function(){ |
that.upload(); |
}); |
if(options.elem.data('haveEvents')) return; |
that.elemFile.on('change', function(){ |
$(this).trigger('upload.change'); |
}); |
options.elem.on('click', function(){ |
if(that.isFile()) return; |
$(this).trigger('upload.start'); |
}); |
if(options.drag){ |
options.elem.on('dragover', function(e){ |
e.preventDefault(); |
$(this).trigger('upload.over'); |
}).on('dragleave', function(e){ |
$(this).trigger('upload.leave'); |
}).on('drop', function(e){ |
e.preventDefault(); |
$(this).trigger('upload.drop', e); |
}); |
} |
options.bindAction.on('click', function(){ |
$(this).trigger('upload.action'); |
}); |
options.elem.data('haveEvents', true); |
}; |
upload.render = function(options){ |
var inst = new Class(options); |
return thisUpload.call(inst); |
}; |
exports(MOD_NAME, upload); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
/*! |
* util 工具组件 |
*/ |
layui.define('jquery', function(exports){ |
"use strict"; |
var $ = layui.$ |
,hint = layui.hint() |
,util = { |
fixbar: function(options){ |
var ELEM = 'layui-fixbar', TOP_BAR = 'layui-fixbar-top' |
,dom = $(document), body = $('body') |
,is, timer; |
options = $.extend({ |
showHeight: 200 //出现TOP的滚动条高度临界值
}, options); |
options.bar1 = options.bar1 === true ? '' : options.bar1; |
options.bar2 = options.bar2 === true ? '' : options.bar2; |
options.bgcolor = options.bgcolor ? ('background-color:' + options.bgcolor) : ''; |
var icon = [options.bar1, options.bar2, ''] //图标:信息、问号、TOP
,elem = $(['<ul class="'+ ELEM +'">' |
,options.bar1 ? '<li class="layui-icon" lay-type="bar1" style="'+ options.bgcolor +'">'+ icon[0] +'</li>' : '' |
,options.bar2 ? '<li class="layui-icon" lay-type="bar2" style="'+ options.bgcolor +'">'+ icon[1] +'</li>' : '' |
,'<li class="layui-icon '+ TOP_BAR +'" lay-type="top" style="'+ options.bgcolor +'">'+ icon[2] +'</li>' |
,'</ul>'].join('')) |
,topBar = elem.find('.'+TOP_BAR) |
,scroll = function(){ |
var stop = dom.scrollTop(); |
if(stop >= (options.showHeight)){ |
is || (topBar.show(), is = 1); |
} else { |
is && (topBar.hide(), is = 0); |
} |
}; |
if($('.'+ ELEM)[0]) return; |
typeof options.css === 'object' && elem.css(options.css); |
body.append(elem), scroll(); |
elem.find('li').on('click', function(){ |
var othis = $(this), type = othis.attr('lay-type'); |
if(type === 'top'){ |
$('html,body').animate({ |
scrollTop : 0 |
}, 200); |
} |
options.click && options.click.call(this, type); |
}); |
dom.on('scroll', function(){ |
clearTimeout(timer); |
timer = setTimeout(function(){ |
scroll(); |
}, 100); |
}); |
} |
,countdown: function(endTime, serverTime, callback){ |
var that = this |
,type = typeof serverTime === 'function' |
,end = new Date(endTime).getTime() |
,now = new Date((!serverTime || type) ? new Date().getTime() : serverTime).getTime() |
,count = end - now |
,time = [ |
Math.floor(count/(1000*60*60*24)) //天
,Math.floor(count/(1000*60*60)) % 24 //时
,Math.floor(count/(1000*60)) % 60 //分
,Math.floor(count/1000) % 60 //秒
]; |
if(type) callback = serverTime; |
var timer = setTimeout(function(){ |
that.countdown(endTime, now + 1000, callback); |
}, 1000); |
callback && callback(count > 0 ? time : [0,0,0,0], serverTime, timer); |
if(count <= 0) clearTimeout(timer); |
return timer; |
} |
,timeAgo: function(time, onlyDate){ |
var that = this |
,arr = [[], []] |
,stamp = new Date().getTime() - new Date(time).getTime(); |
if(stamp > 1000*60*60*24*31){ |
stamp = new Date(time); |
arr[0][0] = that.digit(stamp.getFullYear(), 4); |
arr[0][1] = that.digit(stamp.getMonth() + 1); |
arr[0][2] = that.digit(stamp.getDate()); |
if(!onlyDate){ |
arr[1][0] = that.digit(stamp.getHours()); |
arr[1][1] = that.digit(stamp.getMinutes()); |
arr[1][2] = that.digit(stamp.getSeconds()); |
} |
return arr[0].join('-') + ' ' + arr[1].join(':'); |
} |
if(stamp >= 1000*60*60*24){ |
return ((stamp/1000/60/60/24)|0) + '天前'; |
} else if(stamp >= 1000*60*60){ |
return ((stamp/1000/60/60)|0) + '小时前'; |
} else if(stamp >= 1000*60*3){ //3分钟以内为:刚刚
return ((stamp/1000/60)|0) + '分钟前'; |
} else if(stamp < 0){ |
return '未来'; |
} else { |
return '刚刚'; |
} |
} |
,digit: function(num, length){ |
var str = ''; |
num = String(num); |
length = length || 2; |
for(var i = num.length; i < length; i++){ |
str += '0'; |
} |
return num < Math.pow(10, length) ? str + (num|0) : num; |
} |
,toDateString: function(time, format){ |
//若 null 或空字符,则返回空字符
if(time === null || time === '') return ''; |
var that = this |
,date = new Date(function(){ |
if(!time) return; |
return isNaN(time) ? time : (typeof time === 'string' ? parseInt(time) : time) |
}() || new Date()) |
,ymd = [ |
that.digit(date.getFullYear(), 4) |
,that.digit(date.getMonth() + 1) |
,that.digit(date.getDate()) |
] |
,hms = [ |
that.digit(date.getHours()) |
,that.digit(date.getMinutes()) |
,that.digit(date.getSeconds()) |
]; |
if(!date.getDate()) return hint.error('Invalid Msec for "util.toDateString(Msec)"'), ''; |
format = format || 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'; |
return format.replace(/yyyy/g, ymd[0]) |
.replace(/MM/g, ymd[1]) |
.replace(/dd/g, ymd[2]) |
.replace(/HH/g, hms[0]) |
.replace(/mm/g, hms[1]) |
.replace(/ss/g, hms[2]); |
} |
//转义 html,防 xss 攻击
,escape: function(html){ |
return String(html || '').replace(/&(?!#?[a-zA-Z0-9]+;)/g, '&') |
.replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>') |
.replace(/'/g, ''').replace(/"/g, '"'); |
} |
//还原转义的 html
,unescape: function(str){ |
return String(str || '').replace(/\&/g, '&') |
.replace(/\</g, '<').replace(/\>/g, '>') |
.replace(/\'/, '\'').replace(/\"/, '"'); |
} |
,toVisibleArea: function(options){ |
options = $.extend({ |
margin: 160 //触发动作的边界值
,duration: 200 //动画持续毫秒数
,type: 'y' //触发方向,x 水平、y 垂直
}, options); |
if(!options.scrollElem[0] || !options.thisElem[0]) return; |
var scrollElem = options.scrollElem //滚动元素
,thisElem = options.thisElem //目标元素
,vertical = options.type === 'y' //是否垂直方向
,SCROLL_NAME = vertical ? 'scrollTop' : 'scrollLeft' //滚动方法
,OFFSET_NAME = vertical ? 'top' : 'left' //坐标方式
,scrollValue = scrollElem[SCROLL_NAME]() //当前滚动距离
,size = scrollElem[vertical ? 'height' : 'width']() //滚动元素的尺寸
,scrollOffet = scrollElem.offset()[OFFSET_NAME] //滚动元素所处位置
,thisOffset = thisElem.offset()[OFFSET_NAME] - scrollOffet //目标元素当前的所在位置
,obj = {}; |
if(thisOffset > size - options.margin || thisOffset < options.margin){ |
obj[SCROLL_NAME] = thisOffset - size/2 + scrollValue |
scrollElem.animate(obj, options.duration); |
} |
} |
,event: function(attr, obj, eventType){ |
var _body = $('body'); |
eventType = eventType || 'click'; |
obj = util.event[attr] = $.extend(true, util.event[attr], obj) || {}; |
util.event.UTIL_EVENT_CALLBACK = util.event.UTIL_EVENT_CALLBACK || {}; |
_body.off(eventType, '*['+ attr +']', util.event.UTIL_EVENT_CALLBACK[attr]) |
util.event.UTIL_EVENT_CALLBACK[attr] = function(){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,key = othis.attr(attr); |
(typeof obj[key] === 'function') && obj[key].call(this, othis); |
}; |
_body.on(eventType, '*['+ attr +']', util.event.UTIL_EVENT_CALLBACK[attr]); |
return obj; |
} |
}; |
// DOM 尺寸变化,该创意来自:http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-resize-plugin/
/* |
!function(a,b,c){"$:nomunge";function l(){f=b[g](function(){d.each(function(){var b=a(this),c=b.width(),d=b.height(),e=a.data(this,i);(c!==e.w||d!==e.h)&&b.trigger(h,[e.w=c,e.h=d])}),l()},e[j])}var f,d=a([]),e=a.resize=a.extend(a.resize,{}),g="setTimeout",h="resize",i=h+"-special-event",j="delay",k="throttleWindow";e[j]=250,e[k]=!0,a.event.special[h]={setup:function(){if(!e[k]&&this[g])return!1;var b=a(this);d=d.add(b),a.data(this,i,{w:b.width(),h:b.height()}),1===d.length&&l()},teardown:function(){if(!e[k]&&this[g])return!1;var b=a(this);d=d.not(b),b.removeData(i),d.length||clearTimeout(f)},add:function(b){function f(b,e,f){var g=a(this),h=a.data(this,i)||{};h.w=e!==c?e:g.width(),h.h=f!==c?f:g.height(),d.apply(this,arguments)}if(!e[k]&&this[g])return!1;var d;return a.isFunction(b)?(d=b,f):(d=b.handler,b.handler=f,void 0)}}}($,window); |
*/ |
exports('util', util); |
}); |