<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table; use PhpMyAdmin\Charsets; use PhpMyAdmin\CheckUserPrivileges; use PhpMyAdmin\ConfigStorage\Relation; use PhpMyAdmin\DatabaseInterface; use PhpMyAdmin\DbTableExists; use PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator; use PhpMyAdmin\Index; use PhpMyAdmin\Message; use PhpMyAdmin\Operations; use PhpMyAdmin\Partitioning\Partition; use PhpMyAdmin\Query\Generator as QueryGenerator; use PhpMyAdmin\Query\Utilities; use PhpMyAdmin\ResponseRenderer; use PhpMyAdmin\StorageEngine; use PhpMyAdmin\Template; use PhpMyAdmin\Url; use PhpMyAdmin\Util; use function __; use function count; use function implode; use function mb_strstr; use function mb_strtolower; use function mb_strtoupper; use function preg_replace; use function strlen; use function urldecode; class OperationsController extends AbstractController { /** @var Operations */ private $operations; /** @var CheckUserPrivileges */ private $checkUserPrivileges; /** @var Relation */ private $relation; /** @var DatabaseInterface */ private $dbi; public function __construct( ResponseRenderer $response, Template $template, string $db, string $table, Operations $operations, CheckUserPrivileges $checkUserPrivileges, Relation $relation, DatabaseInterface $dbi ) { parent::__construct($response, $template, $db, $table); $this->operations = $operations; $this->checkUserPrivileges = $checkUserPrivileges; $this->relation = $relation; $this->dbi = $dbi; } public function __invoke(): void { global $urlParams, $reread_info, $tbl_is_view, $tbl_storage_engine; global $show_comment, $tbl_collation, $table_info_num_rows, $row_format, $auto_increment, $create_options; global $table_alters, $warning_messages, $lowerCaseNames, $db, $table, $reload, $result; global $new_tbl_storage_engine, $sql_query, $message_to_show, $columns, $hideOrderTable, $indexes; global $notNull, $comment, $errorUrl, $cfg; $this->checkUserPrivileges->getPrivileges(); // lower_case_table_names=1 `DB` becomes `db` $lowerCaseNames = $this->dbi->getLowerCaseNames() === '1'; if ($lowerCaseNames) { $table = mb_strtolower($table); } $pma_table = $this->dbi->getTable($db, $table); $this->addScriptFiles(['table/operations.js']); Util::checkParameters(['db', 'table']); $isSystemSchema = Utilities::isSystemSchema($db); $urlParams = ['db' => $db, 'table' => $table]; $errorUrl = Util::getScriptNameForOption($cfg['DefaultTabTable'], 'table'); $errorUrl .= Url::getCommon($urlParams, '&'); DbTableExists::check(); $urlParams['goto'] = $urlParams['back'] = Url::getFromRoute('/table/operations'); $relationParameters = $this->relation->getRelationParameters(); /** * Reselect current db (needed in some cases probably due to the calling of {@link Relation}) */ $this->dbi->selectDb($db); $reread_info = $pma_table->getStatusInfo(null, false); $GLOBALS['showtable'] = $pma_table->getStatusInfo(null, (isset($reread_info) && $reread_info)); if ($pma_table->isView()) { $tbl_is_view = true; $tbl_storage_engine = __('View'); $show_comment = null; } else { $tbl_is_view = false; $tbl_storage_engine = $pma_table->getStorageEngine(); $show_comment = $pma_table->getComment(); } $tbl_collation = $pma_table->getCollation(); $table_info_num_rows = $pma_table->getNumRows(); $row_format = $pma_table->getRowFormat(); $auto_increment = $pma_table->getAutoIncrement(); $create_options = $pma_table->getCreateOptions(); // set initial value of these variables, based on the current table engine if ($pma_table->isEngine('ARIA')) { // the value for transactional can be implicit // (no create option found, in this case it means 1) // or explicit (option found with a value of 0 or 1) // ($create_options['transactional'] may have been set by Table class, // from the $create_options) $create_options['transactional'] = ($create_options['transactional'] ?? '') == '0' ? '0' : '1'; $create_options['page_checksum'] = $create_options['page_checksum'] ?? ''; } $pma_table = $this->dbi->getTable($db, $table); $reread_info = false; $table_alters = []; /** * If the table has to be moved to some other database */ if (isset($_POST['submit_move']) || isset($_POST['submit_copy'])) { $message = $this->operations->moveOrCopyTable($db, $table); if (! $this->response->isAjax()) { return; } $this->response->addJSON('message', $message); if ($message->isSuccess()) { if (isset($_POST['submit_move'], $_POST['target_db'])) { $db = $_POST['target_db'];// Used in Header::getJsParams() } $this->response->addJSON('db', $db); return; } $this->response->setRequestStatus(false); return; } /** * Updates table comment, type and options if required */ if (isset($_POST['submitoptions'])) { $_message = ''; $warning_messages = []; if (isset($_POST['new_name'])) { // lower_case_table_names=1 `DB` becomes `db` if ($lowerCaseNames) { $_POST['new_name'] = mb_strtolower($_POST['new_name']); } // Get original names before rename operation $oldTable = $pma_table->getName(); $oldDb = $pma_table->getDbName(); if ($pma_table->rename($_POST['new_name'])) { if (isset($_POST['adjust_privileges']) && ! empty($_POST['adjust_privileges'])) { $this->operations->adjustPrivilegesRenameOrMoveTable( $oldDb, $oldTable, $_POST['db'], $_POST['new_name'] ); } // Reselect the original DB $db = $oldDb; $this->dbi->selectDb($oldDb); $_message .= $pma_table->getLastMessage(); $result = true; $table = $pma_table->getName(); $reread_info = true; $reload = true; } else { $_message .= $pma_table->getLastError(); $result = false; } } if ( ! empty($_POST['new_tbl_storage_engine']) && mb_strtoupper($_POST['new_tbl_storage_engine']) !== $tbl_storage_engine ) { $new_tbl_storage_engine = mb_strtoupper($_POST['new_tbl_storage_engine']); if ($pma_table->isEngine('ARIA')) { $create_options['transactional'] = ($create_options['transactional'] ?? '') == '0' ? '0' : '1'; $create_options['page_checksum'] = $create_options['page_checksum'] ?? ''; } } else { $new_tbl_storage_engine = ''; } $row_format = $create_options['row_format'] ?? $pma_table->getRowFormat(); $table_alters = $this->operations->getTableAltersArray( $pma_table, $create_options['pack_keys'], (empty($create_options['checksum']) ? '0' : '1'), ($create_options['page_checksum'] ?? ''), (empty($create_options['delay_key_write']) ? '0' : '1'), $row_format, $new_tbl_storage_engine, (isset($create_options['transactional']) && $create_options['transactional'] == '0' ? '0' : '1'), $tbl_collation ); if (count($table_alters) > 0) { $sql_query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . Util::backquote($table); $sql_query .= "\r\n" . implode("\r\n", $table_alters); $sql_query .= ';'; $result = (bool) $this->dbi->query($sql_query); $reread_info = true; unset($table_alters); $warning_messages = $this->operations->getWarningMessagesArray(); } if (! empty($_POST['tbl_collation']) && ! empty($_POST['change_all_collations'])) { $this->operations->changeAllColumnsCollation($db, $table, $_POST['tbl_collation']); } if (isset($_POST['tbl_collation']) && empty($_POST['tbl_collation'])) { if ($this->response->isAjax()) { $this->response->setRequestStatus(false); $this->response->addJSON( 'message', Message::error(__('No collation provided.')) ); return; } } } /** * Reordering the table has been requested by the user */ if (isset($_POST['submitorderby']) && ! empty($_POST['order_field'])) { $sql_query = QueryGenerator::getQueryForReorderingTable( $table, urldecode($_POST['order_field']), $_POST['order_order'] ?? null ); $result = $this->dbi->query($sql_query); } /** * A partition operation has been requested by the user */ if (isset($_POST['submit_partition']) && ! empty($_POST['partition_operation'])) { $sql_query = QueryGenerator::getQueryForPartitioningTable( $table, $_POST['partition_operation'], $_POST['partition_name'] ); $result = $this->dbi->query($sql_query); } if ($reread_info) { // to avoid showing the old value (for example the AUTO_INCREMENT) after // a change, clear the cache $this->dbi->getCache()->clearTableCache(); $this->dbi->selectDb($db); $GLOBALS['showtable'] = $pma_table->getStatusInfo(null, true); if ($pma_table->isView()) { $tbl_is_view = true; $tbl_storage_engine = __('View'); $show_comment = null; } else { $tbl_is_view = false; $tbl_storage_engine = $pma_table->getStorageEngine(); $show_comment = $pma_table->getComment(); } $tbl_collation = $pma_table->getCollation(); $table_info_num_rows = $pma_table->getNumRows(); $row_format = $pma_table->getRowFormat(); $auto_increment = $pma_table->getAutoIncrement(); $create_options = $pma_table->getCreateOptions(); } unset($reread_info); if (isset($result) && empty($message_to_show)) { if (empty($_message)) { if (empty($sql_query)) { $_message = Message::success(__('No change')); } else { $_message = $result ? Message::success() : Message::error(); } if ($this->response->isAjax()) { $this->response->setRequestStatus($_message->isSuccess()); $this->response->addJSON('message', $_message); if (! empty($sql_query)) { $this->response->addJSON( 'sql_query', Generator::getMessage('', $sql_query) ); } return; } } else { $_message = $result ? Message::success($_message) : Message::error($_message); } if (! empty($warning_messages)) { $_message = new Message(); $_message->addMessagesString($warning_messages); $_message->isError(true); if ($this->response->isAjax()) { $this->response->setRequestStatus(false); $this->response->addJSON('message', $_message); if (! empty($sql_query)) { $this->response->addJSON( 'sql_query', Generator::getMessage('', $sql_query) ); } return; } unset($warning_messages); } if (empty($sql_query)) { $this->response->addHTML( $_message->getDisplay() ); } else { $this->response->addHTML( Generator::getMessage($_message, $sql_query) ); } unset($_message); } $urlParams['goto'] = $urlParams['back'] = Url::getFromRoute('/table/operations'); $columns = $this->dbi->getColumns($db, $table); $hideOrderTable = false; // `ALTER TABLE ORDER BY` does not make sense for InnoDB tables that contain // a user-defined clustered index (PRIMARY KEY or NOT NULL UNIQUE index). // InnoDB always orders table rows according to such an index if one is present. if ($tbl_storage_engine === 'INNODB') { $indexes = Index::getFromTable($table, $db); foreach ($indexes as $name => $idx) { if ($name === 'PRIMARY') { $hideOrderTable = true; break; } if ($idx->getNonUnique()) { continue; } $notNull = true; foreach ($idx->getColumns() as $column) { if ($column->getNull()) { $notNull = false; break; } } if ($notNull) { $hideOrderTable = true; break; } } } $comment = ''; if (mb_strstr((string) $show_comment, '; InnoDB free') === false) { if (mb_strstr((string) $show_comment, 'InnoDB free') === false) { // only user entered comment $comment = (string) $show_comment; } else { // here we have just InnoDB generated part $comment = ''; } } else { // remove InnoDB comment from end, just the minimal part (*? is non greedy) $comment = preg_replace('@; InnoDB free:.*?$@', '', (string) $show_comment); } $storageEngines = StorageEngine::getArray(); $charsets = Charsets::getCharsets($this->dbi, $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS']); $collations = Charsets::getCollations($this->dbi, $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS']); $hasPackKeys = isset($create_options['pack_keys']) && $pma_table->isEngine(['MYISAM', 'ARIA', 'ISAM']); $hasChecksumAndDelayKeyWrite = $pma_table->isEngine(['MYISAM', 'ARIA']); $hasTransactionalAndPageChecksum = $pma_table->isEngine('ARIA'); $hasAutoIncrement = strlen((string) $auto_increment) > 0 && $pma_table->isEngine(['MYISAM', 'ARIA', 'INNODB', 'PBXT', 'ROCKSDB']); $possibleRowFormats = $this->operations->getPossibleRowFormat(); $databaseList = []; if (count($GLOBALS['dblist']->databases) <= $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxDbList']) { $databaseList = $GLOBALS['dblist']->databases->getList(); } $hasForeignKeys = ! empty($this->relation->getForeigners($db, $table, '', 'foreign')); $hasPrivileges = $GLOBALS['table_priv'] && $GLOBALS['col_priv'] && $GLOBALS['is_reload_priv']; $switchToNew = isset($_SESSION['pma_switch_to_new']) && $_SESSION['pma_switch_to_new']; $partitions = []; $partitionsChoices = []; if (Partition::havePartitioning()) { $partitionNames = Partition::getPartitionNames($db, $table); if ($partitionNames[0] !== null) { $partitions = $partitionNames; $partitionsChoices = $this->operations->getPartitionMaintenanceChoices(); } } $foreigners = $this->operations->getForeignersForReferentialIntegrityCheck( $urlParams, $relationParameters->relationFeature !== null ); $this->render('table/operations/index', [ 'db' => $db, 'table' => $table, 'url_params' => $urlParams, 'columns' => $columns, 'hide_order_table' => $hideOrderTable, 'table_comment' => $comment, 'storage_engine' => $tbl_storage_engine, 'storage_engines' => $storageEngines, 'charsets' => $charsets, 'collations' => $collations, 'tbl_collation' => $tbl_collation, 'row_formats' => $possibleRowFormats[$tbl_storage_engine] ?? [], 'row_format_current' => $GLOBALS['showtable']['Row_format'], 'has_auto_increment' => $hasAutoIncrement, 'auto_increment' => $auto_increment, 'has_pack_keys' => $hasPackKeys, 'pack_keys' => $create_options['pack_keys'] ?? '', 'has_transactional_and_page_checksum' => $hasTransactionalAndPageChecksum, 'has_checksum_and_delay_key_write' => $hasChecksumAndDelayKeyWrite, 'delay_key_write' => empty($create_options['delay_key_write']) ? '0' : '1', 'transactional' => ($create_options['transactional'] ?? '') == '0' ? '0' : '1', 'page_checksum' => $create_options['page_checksum'] ?? '', 'checksum' => empty($create_options['checksum']) ? '0' : '1', 'database_list' => $databaseList, 'has_foreign_keys' => $hasForeignKeys, 'has_privileges' => $hasPrivileges, 'switch_to_new' => $switchToNew, 'is_system_schema' => $isSystemSchema, 'is_view' => $tbl_is_view, 'partitions' => $partitions, 'partitions_choices' => $partitionsChoices, 'foreigners' => $foreigners, ]); } }