/* * Copyright 2010-2013 Eric Kok et al. * * Transdroid is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Transdroid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Transdroid. If not, see . */ package org.transdroid.core.app.settings; import java.security.InvalidParameterException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.androidannotations.annotations.Bean; import org.androidannotations.annotations.EBean; import org.androidannotations.annotations.EBean.Scope; import org.androidannotations.annotations.RootContext; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.transdroid.core.app.search.SearchHelper; import org.transdroid.core.app.search.SearchSite; import org.transdroid.core.gui.navigation.NavigationFilter; import org.transdroid.core.gui.navigation.StatusType; import org.transdroid.core.gui.search.SearchSetting; import org.transdroid.core.seedbox.SeedboxProvider; import org.transdroid.core.widget.ListWidgetConfig; import org.transdroid.daemon.Daemon; import org.transdroid.daemon.OS; import org.transdroid.daemon.TorrentsSortBy; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; /** * Singleton object to access all application settings, including stored servers, web search sites and RSS feeds. * @author Eric Kok */ @EBean(scope = Scope.Singleton) public class ApplicationSettings { public static final int DEFAULTSERVER_LASTUSED = -2; public static final int DEFAULTSERVER_ASKONADD = -1; @RootContext protected Context context; private SharedPreferences prefs; @Bean protected SearchHelper searchHelper; protected ApplicationSettings(Context context) { prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); } /** * Returns all available user-configured normal and seed servers * @return A list of all stored server settings objects */ public List getAllServerSettings() { List all = new ArrayList(); all.addAll(getNormalServerSettings()); for (SeedboxProvider provider : SeedboxProvider.values()) { all.addAll(provider.getSettings().getAllServerSettings(prefs, all.size())); } return all; } /** * Returns the order number/identifying key of the last server, normal or seedbox configured * @return The zero-based order number (index) of the last stored server settings */ public int getMaxOfAllServers() { int max = getMaxNormalServer(); for (SeedboxProvider provider : SeedboxProvider.values()) { max += provider.getSettings().getMaxSeedboxOrder(prefs) + 1; } return max; } /** * Returns the server settings for either a normal or a seedbox server as the user configured. WARNING: This method * does not check if the settings actually exist and may reply on empty default if called for a non-existing server. * @param order The order number/identifying key of the server's settings to retrieve, where the normal servers are * first and the seedboxes are numbers thereafter onwards * @return The server settings object, loaded from shared preferences */ public ServerSetting getServerSetting(int order) { int max = getMaxNormalServer(); if (order <= max) { return getNormalServerSetting(order); } for (SeedboxProvider provider : SeedboxProvider.values()) { int offset = max; max += provider.getSettings().getMaxSeedboxOrder(prefs) + 1; if (order <= max) { return provider.getSettings().getServerSetting(prefs, offset, order - offset - 1); } } return null; } /** * Returns all available normal, user-configured servers (so no seedbox settings) * @return A list of all stored server settings objects */ public List getNormalServerSettings() { List servers = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i <= getMaxNormalServer(); i++) { servers.add(getNormalServerSetting(i)); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(servers); } /** * Returns the order number/identifying key of the last normal server * @return The zero-based order number (index) of the last stored normal server settings */ public int getMaxNormalServer() { for (int i = 0; true; i++) { if (prefs.getString("server_type_" + i, null) == null) return i - 1; } } /** * Returns the user-specified server settings for a normal (non-seedbox) server. WARNING: This method does not check * if the settings actually exist and may rely on empty defaults if called for a non-existing server. * @param order The order number/identifying key of the normal server's settings to retrieve * @return The server settings object, loaded from shared preferences */ public ServerSetting getNormalServerSetting(int order) { // @formatter:off Daemon type = Daemon.fromCode(prefs.getString("server_type_" + order, null)); boolean ssl = prefs.getBoolean("server_sslenabled_" + order, false); String port = prefs.getString("server_port_" + order, ""); if (port.equals("")) port = Integer.toString(Daemon.getDefaultPortNumber(type, ssl)); String localPort = prefs.getString("server_localport_" + order, ""); if (localPort.equals("")) localPort = port; // Default to the normal (non-local) port return new ServerSetting(order, prefs.getString("server_name_" + order, null), type, prefs.getString("server_address_" + order, null), prefs.getString("server_localaddress_" + order, null), Integer.parseInt(localPort), prefs.getString("server_localnetwork_" + order, null), Integer.parseInt(port), ssl, prefs.getBoolean("server_ssltrustall_" + order, false), prefs.getString("server_ssltrustkey_" + order, null), prefs.getString("server_folder_" + order, null), !prefs.getBoolean("server_disableauth_" + order, false), prefs.getString("server_user_" + order, null), prefs.getString("server_pass_" + order, null), prefs.getString("server_extrapass_" + order, null), OS.fromCode(prefs.getString("server_os_" + order, "type_linux")), prefs.getString("server_downloaddir_" + order, null), prefs.getString("server_ftpurl_" + order, null), prefs.getString("server_ftppass_" + order, null), Integer.parseInt(prefs.getString("server_timeout_" + order, "8")), prefs.getBoolean("server_alarmfinished_" + order, true), prefs.getBoolean("server_alarmnew_" + order, false), false); // @formatter:on } /** * Removes all settings related to a configured server. Since servers are ordered, the order of the remaining * servers will be updated accordingly. * @param order The identifying order number/key of the settings to remove */ public void removeNormalServerSettings(int order) { if (prefs.getString("server_type_" + order, null) == null) return; // The settings that were requested to be removed do not exist // Copy all settings higher than the supplied order number to the previous spot Editor edit = prefs.edit(); int max = getMaxNormalServer(); for (int i = order; i < max; i++) { edit.putString("server_name_" + i, prefs.getString("server_name_" + (i + 1), null)); edit.putString("server_type_" + i, prefs.getString("server_type_" + (i + 1), null)); edit.putString("server_address_" + i, prefs.getString("server_address_" + (i + 1), null)); edit.putString("server_localaddress_" + i, prefs.getString("server_localaddress_" + (i + 1), null)); edit.putString("server_localnetwork_" + i, prefs.getString("server_localnetwork_" + (i + 1), null)); edit.putString("server_port_" + i, prefs.getString("server_port_" + (i + 1), null)); edit.putBoolean("server_sslenabled_" + i, prefs.getBoolean("server_sslenabled_" + (i + 1), false)); edit.putBoolean("server_ssltrustall_" + i, prefs.getBoolean("server_ssltrustall_" + (i + 1), false)); edit.putString("server_ssltrustkey_" + i, prefs.getString("server_ssltrustkey_" + (i + 1), null)); edit.putString("server_folder_" + i, prefs.getString("server_folder_" + (i + 1), null)); edit.putBoolean("server_disableauth_" + i, prefs.getBoolean("server_disableauth_" + (i + 1), false)); edit.putString("server_user_" + i, prefs.getString("server_user_" + (i + 1), null)); edit.putString("server_pass_" + i, prefs.getString("server_pass_" + (i + 1), null)); edit.putString("server_extrapass_" + i, prefs.getString("server_extrapass_" + (i + 1), null)); edit.putString("server_os_" + i, prefs.getString("server_os_" + (i + 1), null)); edit.putString("server_downloaddir_" + i, prefs.getString("server_downloaddir_" + (i + 1), null)); edit.putString("server_ftpurl_" + i, prefs.getString("server_ftpurl_" + (i + 1), null)); edit.putString("server_ftppass_" + i, prefs.getString("server_ftppass_" + (i + 1), null)); edit.putString("server_timeout_" + i, prefs.getString("server_timeout_" + (i + 1), null)); edit.putBoolean("server_alarmfinished_" + i, prefs.getBoolean("server_alarmfinished_" + (i + 1), true)); edit.putBoolean("server_alarmfinished_" + i, prefs.getBoolean("server_alarmfinished_" + (i + 1), false)); } // Remove the last settings, of which we are now sure are no longer required edit.remove("server_name_" + max); edit.remove("server_type_" + max); edit.remove("server_address_" + max); edit.remove("server_localaddress_" + max); edit.remove("server_localnetwork_" + max); edit.remove("server_port_" + max); edit.remove("server_sslenabled_" + max); edit.remove("server_ssltrustall_" + max); edit.remove("server_ssltrustkey_" + max); edit.remove("server_folder_" + max); edit.remove("server_disableauth_" + max); edit.remove("server_user_" + max); edit.remove("server_pass_" + max); edit.remove("server_extrapass_" + max); edit.remove("server_os_" + max); edit.remove("server_downloaddir_" + max); edit.remove("server_ftpurl_" + max); edit.remove("server_ftppass_" + max); edit.remove("server_timeout_" + max); edit.remove("server_alarmfinished_" + max); edit.remove("server_alarmfinished_" + max); // Perhaps we should also update the default server to match the server's new id or remove the default selection // in case it was this server that was removed int defaultServer = getDefaultServerKey(); if (defaultServer == order) { edit.remove("header_defaultserver"); } else if (defaultServer > order) { // Move 'up' one place to account for the removed server setting edit.putInt("header_defaultserver", --order); } edit.commit(); } /** * Returns the settings of the server that was explicitly selected by the user to select as default or, when no * specific default server was selected, the last used server settings. As opposed to getDefaultServerKey(int), this * method checks whether the particular server still exists (and returns the first server if not). If no servers are * configured, null is returned. * @return A server settings object of the server to use by default, or null if no server is yet configured */ public ServerSetting getDefaultServer() { int defaultServer = getDefaultServerKey(); if (defaultServer == DEFAULTSERVER_LASTUSED || defaultServer == DEFAULTSERVER_ASKONADD) { return getLastUsedServer(); } // Use the explicitly selected default server int max = getMaxOfAllServers(); // Zero-based index, so with max == 0 there is 1 server if (max < 0) { // No servers configured return null; } if (defaultServer < 0 || defaultServer > max) { // Last server was never set or no longer exists return getServerSetting(0); } return getServerSetting(defaultServer); } /** * Returns the unique key of the server setting that the user selected as their default server, or code indicating * that the last used server should be selected by default; use with getDefaultServer directly. WARNING: the * returned string may no longer refer to a known server setting key. * @return An integer; if it is 0 or higher it represents the unique key of a configured server setting, -2 means * the last used server should be selected as default instead and -1 means the last used server should be * selected by default for viewing yet it should always ask when adding a new torrent */ public int getDefaultServerKey() { String defaultServer = prefs.getString("header_defaultserver", Integer.toString(DEFAULTSERVER_LASTUSED)); try { return Integer.parseInt(defaultServer); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // This should NEVER happen but if the setting somehow is not a number, return the default return DEFAULTSERVER_LASTUSED; } } /** * Returns the settings of the server that was last used by the user. As opposed to getLastUsedServerKey(int), this * method checks whether a server was already registered as being last used and check whether the server still * exists. It returns the first server if that fails. If no servers are configured, null is returned. * @return A server settings object of the last used server (or, if not known, the first server), or null if no * servers exist */ public ServerSetting getLastUsedServer() { int max = getMaxOfAllServers(); // Zero-based index, so with max == 0 there is 1 server if (max < 0) { // No servers configured return null; } int last = getLastUsedServerKey(); if (last < 0 || last > max) { // Last server was never set or no longer exists return getServerSetting(0); } return getServerSetting(last); } /** * Returns the order number/unique key of the server that the used last used; use with getServerSettings(int) or * call getLastUsedServer directly. WARNING: the returned integer may no longer refer to a known server settings * object: check the bounds. * @return An integer indicating the order number/key or the last used server, or -1 if it was not set */ public int getLastUsedServerKey() { return prefs.getInt("system_lastusedserver", -1); } /** * Registers some server as being the last used by the user * @param server The settings of the server that the user last used */ public void setLastUsedServer(ServerSetting server) { setLastUsedServerKey(server.getOrder()); } /** * Registers the order number/unique key of some server as being last used by the user * @param order The key identifying the specific server */ public void setLastUsedServerKey(int order) { prefs.edit().putInt("system_lastusedserver", order).commit(); } /** * Returns the unique code that (should) uniquely identify a navigation filter, such as a label, in the list of all * available filters * @return A code that the last used navigation filter reported as uniquely identifying itself, or null if no last * used filter is known */ public String getLastUsedNavigationFilter() { return prefs.getString("system_lastusedfilter", null); } /** * Registers some navigation filter as being the last used by the user * @param server The navigation filter that the user last used in the interface */ public void setLastUsedNavigationFilter(NavigationFilter filter) { prefs.edit().putString("system_lastusedfilter", filter.getCode()).commit(); } /** * Returns all available user-configured web-based (as opped to in-app) search sites * @return A list of all stored web search site settings objects */ public List getWebsearchSettings() { List websearches = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i <= getMaxWebsearch(); i++) { websearches.add(getWebsearchSetting(i)); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(websearches); } /** * Returns the order number/identifying key of the last web search site * @return The zero-based order number (index) of the last stored web search site */ public int getMaxWebsearch() { for (int i = 0; true; i++) { if (prefs.getString("websearch_baseurl_" + i, null) == null) return i - 1; } } /** * Returns the user-specified web-based search site setting for a specific site * @param order The order number/identifying key of the settings to retrieve * @return The web search site settings object, loaded from shared preferences */ public WebsearchSetting getWebsearchSetting(int order) { // @formatter:off return new WebsearchSetting(order, prefs.getString("websearch_name_" + order, null), prefs.getString("websearch_baseurl_" + order, null), prefs.getString("websearch_cookies_" + order, null)); // @formatter:on } /** * Removes all settings related to a configured web-based search site. Since sites are ordered, the order of the * remaining sites will be updated accordingly. * @param order The identifying order number/key of the settings to remove */ public void removeWebsearchSettings(int order) { if (prefs.getString("websearch_baseurl_" + order, null) == null) return; // The settings that were requested to be removed do not exist // Copy all settings higher than the supplied order number to the previous spot Editor edit = prefs.edit(); int max = getMaxWebsearch(); for (int i = order; i < max; i++) { edit.putString("websearch_name_" + i, prefs.getString("websearch_name_" + (i + 1), null)); edit.putString("websearch_baseurl_" + i, prefs.getString("websearch_baseurl_" + (i + 1), null)); edit.putString("websearch_cookies_" + i, prefs.getString("websearch_cookies_" + (i + 1), null)); } // Remove the last settings, of which we are now sure are no longer required edit.remove("websearch_name_" + max); edit.remove("websearch_baseurl_" + max); edit.remove("websearch_cookies_" + max); edit.commit(); } /** * Returns all available user-configured RSS feeds * @return A list of all stored RSS feed settings objects */ public List getRssfeedSettings() { List rssfeeds = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i <= getMaxRssfeed(); i++) { rssfeeds.add(getRssfeedSetting(i)); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(rssfeeds); } /** * Returns the order number/identifying key of the last stored RSS feed * @return The zero-based order number (index) of the last stored RSS feed */ public int getMaxRssfeed() { for (int i = 0; true; i++) { if (prefs.getString("rssfeed_url_" + i, null) == null) return i - 1; } } /** * Returns the user-specified RSS feed setting for a specific feed * @param order The order number/identifying key of the settings to retrieve * @return The RSS feed settings object, loaded from shared preferences */ public RssfeedSetting getRssfeedSetting(int order) { // @formatter:off long lastViewed = prefs.getLong("rssfeed_lastviewed_" + order, -1); return new RssfeedSetting(order, prefs.getString("rssfeed_name_" + order, null), prefs.getString("rssfeed_url_" + order, null), prefs.getBoolean("rssfeed_reqauth_" + order, false), lastViewed == -1L ? null : new Date(lastViewed), prefs.getString("rssfeed_lastvieweditemurl_" + order, null)); // @formatter:on } /** * Removes all settings related to a configured RSS feed. Since feeds are ordered, the order of the remaining feeds * will be updated accordingly. * @param order The identifying order number/key of the settings to remove */ public void removeRssfeedSettings(int order) { if (prefs.getString("rssfeed_url_" + order, null) == null) return; // The settings that were requested to be removed do not exist // Copy all settings higher than the supplied order number to the previous spot Editor edit = prefs.edit(); int max = getMaxRssfeed(); for (int i = order; i < max; i++) { edit.putString("rssfeed_name_" + i, prefs.getString("rssfeed_name_" + (i + 1), null)); edit.putString("rssfeed_url_" + i, prefs.getString("rssfeed_url_" + (i + 1), null)); edit.putBoolean("rssfeed_reqauth_" + i, prefs.getBoolean("rssfeed_reqauth_" + (i + 1), false)); edit.putLong("rssfeed_lastviewed_" + i, prefs.getLong("rssfeed_lastviewed_" + (i + 1), -1)); } // Remove the last settings, of which we are now sure are no longer required edit.remove("rssfeed_name_" + max); edit.remove("rssfeed_url_" + max); edit.remove("rssfeed_reqauth_" + max); edit.remove("rssfeed_lastviewed_" + max); edit.commit(); } /** * Registers for some RSS feed (as identified by its order numbe/key) the last date and time that it was viewed by * the user. This is used to determine which items in an RSS feed are 'new'. Warning: any previously retrieved * {@link RssfeedSetting} object is now no longer in sync, as this will not automatically be updated in the object. * Use {@link #getRssfeedSetting(int)} to get fresh data. * @param order The identifying order number/key of the settings of te RSS feed that was viewed * @param lastViewed The date and time that the feed was last viewed; typically now * @param lastViewedItemUrl The url of the last item the last time that the feed was viewed */ public void setRssfeedLastViewer(int order, Date lastViewed, String lastViewedItemUrl) { if (prefs.getString("rssfeed_url_" + order, null) == null) return; // The settings that were requested to be removed do not exist Editor edit = prefs.edit(); edit.putLong("rssfeed_lastviewed_" + order, lastViewed.getTime()); edit.putString("rssfeed_lastvieweditemurl_" + order, lastViewedItemUrl); edit.commit(); } /** * Registers the torrents list sort order as being last used by the user * @param currentSortOrder The sort order property the user selected last * @param currentSortAscending The sort order direction that was last used */ public void setLastUsedSortOrder(TorrentsSortBy currentSortOrder, boolean currentSortAscending) { prefs.edit().putInt("system_lastusedsortorder", currentSortOrder.getCode()).commit(); prefs.edit().putBoolean("system_lastusedsortdirection", currentSortAscending).commit(); } /** * Returns the sort order property that the user last used. Use together with {@link #getLastUsedSortDescending()} * to get the full last used sort settings. * @return The last used sort order enumeration value */ public TorrentsSortBy getLastUsedSortOrder() { return TorrentsSortBy .getStatus(prefs.getInt("system_lastusedsortorder", TorrentsSortBy.Alphanumeric.getCode())); } /** * Returns the sort order direction that the user last used. Use together with {@link #getLastUsedSortOrder()} to * get the full last used sort settings. * @return True if the last used sort direction was descending, false otherwise (i.e. the default ascending * direction) */ public boolean getLastUsedSortDescending() { return prefs.getBoolean("system_lastusedsortdirection", false); } /** * Returns the list of all available in-app search sites as well as all web searches that the user configured. * @return A list of search settings, all of which are either a {@link SearchSite} or {@link WebsearchSetting} */ public List getSearchSettings() { List all = new ArrayList(); all.addAll(searchHelper.getAvailableSites()); all.addAll(getWebsearchSettings()); return Collections.unmodifiableList(all); } /** * Returns the settings of the search site that was last used by the user or was selected by the user as default * site in the main settings. As opposed to getLastUsedSearchSiteKey(int), this method checks whether a site was * already registered as being last used (or set as default) and checks whether the site still exists. It returns * the first in-app search site if that fails. * @return A site settings object of the last used server (or, if not known, the first server), or null if no * servers exist */ public SearchSetting getLastUsedSearchSite() { String lastKey = getLastUsedSearchSiteKey(); List allsites = searchHelper.getAvailableSites(); if (lastKey == null) { // No site yet set specified; return the first in-app one, if available if (allsites != null) { return allsites.get(0); } return null; } int lastWebsearch = -1; if (lastKey.startsWith(WebsearchSetting.KEY_PREFIX)) { try { lastWebsearch = Integer.parseInt(lastKey.substring(WebsearchSetting.KEY_PREFIX.length())); } catch (Exception e) { // Not an in-app search site, but probably an in-app search } } if (lastWebsearch >= 0) { // The last used site should be a user-configured web search site int max = getMaxWebsearch(); // Zero-based index, so with max == 0 there is 1 server if (max < 0 || lastWebsearch > max) { // No web search sites configured return null; } return getWebsearchSetting(lastWebsearch); } // Should be an in-app search key if (allsites != null) { for (SearchSite searchSite : allsites) { if (searchSite.getKey().equals(lastKey)) { return searchSite; } } // Not found at all; probably a no longer existing web search; return the first in-app one return allsites.get(0); } return null; } /** * Returns the unique key of the site that the used last used or selected as default form the main settings; use * with getLastUsedSearchSite directly. WARNING: the returned string may no longer refer to a known web search site * or in-app search settings object. * @return A string indicating the key of the last used search site, or null if no site was yet used or set as * default */ private String getLastUsedSearchSiteKey() { return prefs.getString("header_setsearchsite", null); } /** * Registers the unique key of some web search or in-app search site as being last used by the user * @param order The key identifying the specific server */ public void setLastUsedSearchSite(SearchSetting site) { prefs.edit().putString("header_setsearchsite", site.getKey()).commit(); } /** * Returns the statistics of this server as it was last seen by the background server checker service. * @param server The server for which to retrieved the statistics from the stored preferences * @return A JSON array of JSON objects, each which represent a since torrent */ public JSONArray getServerLastStats(ServerSetting server) { String lastStats = prefs.getString(server.getUniqueIdentifier(), null); if (lastStats == null) return null; try { return new JSONArray(lastStats); } catch (JSONException e) { return null; } } /** * Stores the now-last seen statistics of the supplied server by the background server checker service to the * internal stored preferences. * @param server The server to which the statistics apply to * @param lastStats A JSON array of JSON objects that each represent a single seen torrent */ public void setServerLastStats(ServerSetting server, JSONArray lastStats) { prefs.edit().putString(server.getUniqueIdentifier(), lastStats.toString()).commit(); } /** * Returns the user configuration for some specific app widget, if the widget is known at all. * @param appWidgetId The unique ID of the app widget to retrieve settings for, as supplied by the AppWidgetManager * @return A widget configuration object, or null if no settings were stored for the widget ID */ public ListWidgetConfig getWidgetConfig(int appWidgetId) { if (!prefs.contains("widget_server_" + appWidgetId)) return null; // @formatter:off return new ListWidgetConfig( prefs.getInt("widget_server_" + appWidgetId, -1), StatusType.valueOf(prefs.getString("widget_status_" + appWidgetId, StatusType.ShowAll.name())), TorrentsSortBy.valueOf(prefs.getString("widget_sortby_" + appWidgetId, TorrentsSortBy.Alphanumeric.name())), prefs.getBoolean("widget_reverse_" + appWidgetId, false), prefs.getBoolean("widget_showstatus_" + appWidgetId, false), prefs.getBoolean("widget_darktheme_" + appWidgetId, false)); // @formatter:on } /** * Stores the user settings for some specific app widget. Existing settings for the supplied app widget ID will be * overridden. * @param appWidgetId The unique ID of the app widget to store settings for, as supplied by the AppWidgetManager * @param settings A widget configuration object, which may not be null */ public void setWidgetConfig(int appWidgetId, ListWidgetConfig settings) { if (settings == null) throw new InvalidParameterException( "The widget setting may not be null. Use removeWidgetConfig instead to remove existing settings for some app widget."); Editor edit = prefs.edit(); edit.putInt("widget_server_" + appWidgetId, settings.getServerId()); edit.putString("widget_status_" + appWidgetId, settings.getStatusType().name()); edit.putString("widget_sortby_" + appWidgetId, settings.getSortBy().name()); edit.putBoolean("widget_reverse_" + appWidgetId, settings.shouldReserveSort()); edit.putBoolean("widget_showstatus_" + appWidgetId, settings.shouldShowStatusView()); edit.putBoolean("widget_darktheme_" + appWidgetId, settings.shouldUseDarkTheme()); edit.commit(); } /** * Remove the setting for some specific app widget. * @param appWidgetId The unique ID of the app widget to store settings for, as supplied by the AppWidgetManager */ public void removeWidgetConfig(int appWidgetId) { Editor edit = prefs.edit(); edit.remove("widget_server_" + appWidgetId); edit.remove("widget_status_" + appWidgetId); edit.remove("widget_sortby_" + appWidgetId); edit.remove("widget_reverse_" + appWidgetId); edit.remove("widget_showstatus_" + appWidgetId); edit.remove("widget_darktheme_" + appWidgetId); edit.commit(); } }